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// tone(pin,frequency[,duration]) generate a tone on a given pin
// noTone(pin) switch off the tone on the pin
// setToneTimerChannel(timer,channel) force use of given timer/channel
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <HardwareTimer.h>
#define PinTimer(pin) (PIN_MAP[pin].timer_device->clk_id-RCC_TIMER1+1)
#define PinChannel(pin) (PIN_MAP[pin].timer_channel)
// if USE_PIN_TIMER is set, the PWM timer/channel is used for PWM pins
// if USE_BSRR is set the tone pin will be written via the fast BSRR register
// instead of using the slow digitalWrite() function in the interrupt handler
#define USE_BSRR
// construct static timer array (
// define default timer and channel
#ifndef TONE_TIMER
#define TONE_TIMER 8
#define TONE_CHANNEL 8
HardwareTimer TTimer1(1), TTimer2(2), TTimer3(3), TTimer4(4),TTimer5(5), TTimer6(6), TTimer7(7), TTimer8(8);
HardwareTimer *TTimer[8] = { &TTimer1,&TTimer2,&TTimer3,&TTimer4,&TTimer5,&TTimer6,&TTimer7,&TTimer8 };
// define default timer and channel
#ifndef TONE_TIMER
#define TONE_TIMER 4
#define TONE_CHANNEL 4
HardwareTimer TTimer1(1), TTimer2(2), TTimer3(3), TTimer4(4);
HardwareTimer *TTimer[4] = { &TTimer1,&TTimer2,&TTimer3,&TTimer4 };
uint8_t tone_force_channel = 0; // forced timer channel
uint8_t tone_force_ntimer = 0; // forced timer
HardwareTimer *tone_timer;// = TTimer[TONE_TIMER-1]; // timer used to generate frequency
uint8_t tone_channel = TONE_CHANNEL; // timer channel used to generate frequency
uint8_t tone_ntimer = TONE_TIMER; // timer used to generate frequency
bool tone_state = true; // last pin state for toggling
short tone_pin = -1; // pin for outputting sound
short tone_freq = 444; // tone frequency (0=pause)
volatile uint32_t tone_nhw = 0; // tone duration in number of half waves
uint16_t tone_tcount = 0; // time between handler calls in 1/36 usec
uint16_t tone_ncount = 0; // handler call between toggling
uint16_t tone_n = 0; // remaining handler calls before toggling
uint32_t tone_next = 0; // counter value of next interrupt
#ifdef USE_BSRR
volatile uint32_t *tone_bsrr; // BSRR set register (lower 16 bits)
uint32_t tone_smask=0; // BSRR set bitmask
uint32_t tone_rmask=0; // BSRR reset bitmask
// timer hander for tone with no duration specified,
// will keep going until noTone() is called
void tone_handler_1(void) {
tone_next += tone_tcount; // comparator value for next interrupt
tone_timer->setCompare(tone_channel, tone_next); // and install it
if(--tone_n == 0){
tone_state = !tone_state; // toggle tone output
#ifdef USE_BSRR
*tone_bsrr = tone_smask;
*tone_bsrr = tone_rmask;
digitalWrite(tone_pin,tone_state);// and output it
tone_n = tone_ncount; // reset interrupt counter
// timer hander for tone with a specified duration,
// will stop automatically when duration time is up.
void tone_handler_2(void) {
tone_next += tone_tcount;
tone_timer->setCompare(tone_channel, tone_next);
if(--tone_n == 0){
if(tone_freq>0){ // toggle pin
tone_state = !tone_state;
#ifdef USE_BSRR
*tone_bsrr = tone_smask;
*tone_bsrr = tone_rmask;
digitalWrite(tone_pin,tone_state);// and output it
tone_n = tone_ncount;
if(!--tone_nhw){ // check if tone duration has finished
tone_timer->pause(); // disable timer
pinMode(tone_pin, INPUT); // disable tone pin
// play a tone on given pin with given frequency and optional duration in msec
void tone(uint32_t pin, uint32_t freq, uint32_t duration) {
tone_pin = pin;
// if the pin has a PWM timer/channel, use it (unless the timer/channel are forced)
if(PinChannel(tone_pin) && !tone_force_channel){
tone_channel = PinChannel(tone_pin);
tone_ntimer = PinTimer(tone_pin);
} else
// set timer and channel to default resp values forced with setToneTimerChannel
tone_ntimer = tone_force_channel?tone_force_ntimer:TONE_TIMER;
tone_channel = tone_force_channel?tone_force_channel:TONE_CHANNEL;
tone_timer = TTimer[tone_ntimer-1];
tone_freq = freq;
tone_nhw = 0;
tone_next = 0;
if(freq > 0){
uint32_t count = (F_CPU/4)/freq; // timer counts per half wave
tone_ncount = tone_n = (count>>16)+1; // number of 16-bit count chunk
tone_tcount = count/tone_ncount; // size of count chunk
if(duration > 0) // number of half waves to be generated
tone_nhw = ((duration*freq)/1000)<<1;
else // no duration specified, continuous sound until noTone() called
tone_nhw = 0;
pinMode(tone_pin, PWM); // configure output pin
pinMode(tone_pin, OUTPUT); // configure output pin
#ifdef USE_BSRR
// Set up BSRR register values for fast ISR
tone_bsrr = &((PIN_MAP[tone_pin].gpio_device)->regs->BSRR);
tone_smask = (BIT(PIN_MAP[tone_pin].gpio_bit));
tone_rmask = tone_smask<<16;
// Set up an interrupt on given timer and channel
tone_next = tone_tcount; // prepare channel compare register
// attach corresponding handler routine
// Refresh the tone timer
// Start the timer counting
} else {
// detach handler routine
// disactive pin by configuring it as input
pinMode(tone_pin, INPUT);
while(tone_nhw) ; // blocks till duration elapsed
// disable tone on specified pin, if any
void noTone(uint32_t pin){
tone(pin,0,0); // it's all handled in tone()
// set timer and channel to some different value
// must be called before calling tone() or after noTone() was called
void setToneTimerChannel(uint8_t ntimer, uint8_t channel){
tone_force_ntimer = ntimer;
tone_force_channel = channel;