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This project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Multiprotocol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Multiprotocol. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//*** Pinouts ***
// TX
#define SERIAL_TX_pin 1 //PD1
#define SERIAL_TX_port PORTD
#define SERIAL_TX_ddr DDRD
#define SERIAL_TX_output SERIAL_TX_ddr |= _BV(SERIAL_TX_pin)
#define SERIAL_TX_on SERIAL_TX_port |= _BV(SERIAL_TX_pin)
#define SERIAL_TX_off SERIAL_TX_port &= ~_BV(SERIAL_TX_pin)
#ifdef DEBUG_TX
#define DEBUG_TX_toggle SERIAL_TX_port ^= _BV(SERIAL_TX_pin)
#define DEBUG_TX_on
#define DEBUG_TX_off
#define DEBUG_TX_toggle
// Dial
#define MODE_DIAL1_pin 2
#define MODE_DIAL1_port PORTB
#define MODE_DIAL1_ipr PINB
#define MODE_DIAL2_pin 3
#define MODE_DIAL2_port PORTB
#define MODE_DIAL2_ipr PINB
#define MODE_DIAL3_pin 4
#define MODE_DIAL3_port PORTB
#define MODE_DIAL3_ipr PINB
#define MODE_DIAL4_pin 0
#define MODE_DIAL4_port PORTC
#define MODE_DIAL4_ipr PINC
// PPM
#define PPM_pin 3 //D3 = PD3
#define PPM_port PORTD
#define SDI_pin 5 //D5 = PD5
#define SDI_port PORTD
#define SDI_ipr PIND
#define SDI_ddr DDRD
#ifdef XMEGA
#define SDI_on SDI_port.OUTSET = _BV(SDI_pin)
#define SDI_off SDI_port.OUTCLR = _BV(SDI_pin)
#define SDI_on SDI_port |= _BV(SDI_pin)
#define SDI_off SDI_port &= ~_BV(SDI_pin)
#define SDI_1 (SDI_ipr & _BV(SDI_pin))
#define SDI_0 (SDI_ipr & _BV(SDI_pin)) == 0x00
#define SDI_input SDI_ddr &= ~_BV(SDI_pin)
#define SDI_output SDI_ddr |= _BV(SDI_pin)
#define SDO_pin 6 //D6 = PD6
#define SDO_port PORTD
#define SDO_ipr PIND
#ifdef XMEGA
#define SDO_1 (SDO_port.IN & _BV(SDO_pin))
#define SDO_0 (SDO_port.IN & _BV(SDO_pin)) == 0x00
#define SDO_1 (SDO_ipr & _BV(SDO_pin))
#define SDO_0 (SDO_ipr & _BV(SDO_pin)) == 0x00
#define SCLK_port PORTD
#define SCLK_ddr DDRD
#ifdef XMEGA
#define SCLK_pin 7 //PD7
#define SCLK_on SCLK_port.OUTSET = _BV(SCLK_pin)
#define SCLK_off SCLK_port.OUTCLR = _BV(SCLK_pin)
#define SCLK_pin 4 //D4 = PD4
#define SCLK_output SCLK_ddr |= _BV(SCLK_pin)
#define SCLK_on SCLK_port |= _BV(SCLK_pin)
#define SCLK_off SCLK_port &= ~_BV(SCLK_pin)
// A7105
#define A7105_CSN_pin 2 //D2 = PD2
#define A7105_CSN_port PORTD
#define A7105_CSN_ddr DDRD
#define A7105_CSN_output A7105_CSN_ddr |= _BV(A7105_CSN_pin)
#define A7105_CSN_on A7105_CSN_port |= _BV(A7105_CSN_pin)
#define A7105_CSN_off A7105_CSN_port &= ~_BV(A7105_CSN_pin)
// CC2500
#define CC25_CSN_pin 7 //D7 = PD7
#define CC25_CSN_port PORTD
#define CC25_CSN_ddr DDRD
#define CC25_CSN_output CC25_CSN_ddr |= _BV(CC25_CSN_pin)
#define CC25_CSN_on CC25_CSN_port |= _BV(CC25_CSN_pin)
#define CC25_CSN_off CC25_CSN_port &= ~_BV(CC25_CSN_pin)
// NRF24L01
#define NRF_CSN_pin 0 //D8 = PB0
#define NRF_CSN_port PORTB
#define NRF_CSN_ddr DDRB
#define NRF_CSN_output NRF_CSN_ddr |= _BV(NRF_CSN_pin)
#define NRF_CSN_on NRF_CSN_port |= _BV(NRF_CSN_pin)
#define NRF_CSN_off NRF_CSN_port &= ~_BV(NRF_CSN_pin)
#define NRF_CE_on
#define NRF_CE_off
// CYRF6936
#ifdef XMEGA
#define CYRF_CSN_pin 4 //PD4
#define CYRF_CSN_port PORTD
#define CYRF_CSN_ddr DDRD
#define CYRF_CSN_on CYRF_CSN_port.OUTSET = _BV(CYRF_CSN_pin)
#define CYRF_CSN_off CYRF_CSN_port.OUTCLR = _BV(CYRF_CSN_pin)
#define CYRF_CSN_pin 1 //D9 = PB1
#define CYRF_CSN_port PORTB
#define CYRF_CSN_ddr DDRB
#define CYRF_CSN_output CYRF_CSN_ddr |= _BV(CYRF_CSN_pin)
#define CYRF_CSN_on CYRF_CSN_port |= _BV(CYRF_CSN_pin)
#define CYRF_CSN_off CYRF_CSN_port &= ~_BV(CYRF_CSN_pin)
#define CYRF_RST_pin 5 //A5 = PC5
#define CYRF_RST_port PORTC
#define CYRF_RST_ddr DDRC
#define CYRF_RST_output CYRF_RST_ddr |= _BV(CYRF_RST_pin)
#define CYRF_RST_HI CYRF_RST_port |= _BV(CYRF_RST_pin)
#define CYRF_RST_LO CYRF_RST_port &= ~_BV(CYRF_RST_pin)
//RF Switch
#ifdef XMEGA
#define PE1_on
#define PE1_off
#define PE2_on
#define PE2_off
#define PE1_pin 1 //A1 = PC1
#define PE1_port PORTC
#define PE1_ddr DDRC
#define PE1_output PE1_ddr |= _BV(PE1_pin)
#define PE1_on PE1_port |= _BV(PE1_pin)
#define PE1_off PE1_port &= ~_BV(PE1_pin)
#define PE2_pin 2 //A2 = PC2
#define PE2_port PORTC
#define PE2_ddr DDRC
#define PE2_output PE2_ddr |= _BV(PE2_pin)
#define PE2_on PE2_port |= _BV(PE2_pin)
#define PE2_off PE2_port &= ~_BV(PE2_pin)
// LED
#ifdef XMEGA
#define LED_pin 1 //PD1
#define LED_port PORTD
#define LED_ddr DDRD
#define LED_on LED_port.OUTCLR = _BV(LED_pin)
#define LED_off LED_port.OUTSET = _BV(LED_pin)
#define LED_toggle LED_port.OUTTGL = _BV(LED_pin)
#define LED_output LED_port.DIRSET = _BV(LED_pin)
#define IS_LED_on (LED_port.OUT & _BV(LED_pin))
#define LED_pin 5 //D13 = PB5
#define LED_port PORTB
#define LED_ddr DDRB
#define LED_on LED_port |= _BV(LED_pin)
#define LED_off LED_port &= ~_BV(LED_pin)
#define LED_toggle LED_port ^= _BV(LED_pin)
#define LED_output LED_ddr |= _BV(LED_pin)
#define IS_LED_on (LED_port & _BV(LED_pin))
#ifdef XMEGA
#define BIND_pin 2 //PD2
#define BIND_port PORTD
#define IS_BIND_BUTTON_on ( (BIND_port.IN & _BV(BIND_pin)) == 0x00 )
#define BIND_pin 5 //D13 = PB5
#define BIND_port PORTB
#define BIND_ipr PINB
#define BIND_ddr DDRB
#define BIND_SET_INPUT BIND_ddr &= ~_BV(BIND_pin)
#define BIND_SET_OUTPUT BIND_ddr |= _BV(BIND_pin)
#define BIND_SET_PULLUP BIND_port |= _BV(BIND_pin)
#define IS_BIND_BUTTON_on ( (BIND_ipr & _BV(BIND_pin)) == 0x00 )