Frankie Arzu 6297810edc
Updated Ch naming across all display, and updated Docs (#786)
* #751 DSM Enhancements

 #751 DSM Forward Programming Enhancements (New GUI, etc)

* Make both work on EdgeTx and OpenTX

* #751 Turn OFF simulation by default

Distribution code with RX simulation OFF
Simulation should be only for Development

* #751 Update Readme Documentation

Updated the Readme.txt documentation
and removed compiled luac file that was check in by mistake

* #751 Fix problems With Reset RX

1. Fix problem when trying to Factory Reset. Enter Bind Mode. Save backup, Restore Backup

2. Found a way to advance on the Gyro initial Setup menus.. a bit of a hack, but works.

3. Handle RX resets properly. It needed after initial setup

* #751 Cosmetic and Show Orientation Images

1. Fix problems when text contradictions between Menu/Line Headers and List Values
2. Show Images of RX orientations
3. Able to Hack getting into Initial Setup and other menus who was failing before
4. Custumize the way Flight Mode reports the Value on Screen

* #751 add check for required libraries

Add check that the required files in DSMLIB exist

* #751

Write documentation about the protocol so that we don't forget later what we know, and enable others to understand the logs and maybe help solve problems.

* #766

Change the way to detect that the files exist. now works on both ETX and OTX

* #766 Strange Flickering in OTX

Strange Flickering happening on OTX. Refreshing the screen on every cycle fixed the problem

* #766 Change way of dectecting EdgeTX

Change way of detecting OTX in multiple versions: OTX 2.3.14 and 2.3.15

* #766  make editable Gain Values

Gains and other settings should be editable even when they are VALUE_NOCHANGING. Flight Mode is an exception that is handled properly. Right align numbers.

* #766 More enhacements

Added AR630
Make numbers right justified
Cleanup some log messages and line types.
Updated DSM FWD prog documentation

* #751 more cosmetic things

1. Added AR10360T,
2. Simplify way to configured the hack for more receivers.
3. Change some texts on menus to march spektrum
4. Background color in Spektrum theme to match

* #751 A few final changes

1. Update channel names to include channel number. i.e: Ch5 (Gear)
2,  Fix flight mode display for Heli Receiver
3. i think the unknown lines are to request info about the TX settings

* #751

1. Added Warning Screen
2. Correct handling of Unknown lines in Gyro Settings->Initial Setup

* #751

New v0.51 version.
- Added new menus to configure Model/Wing type.  Without it, the initial setup will not work properly.

* #751 More fixes on mixers and servo reverse

-- Fix problem reversing servos when using vtail/delta mix
-- Properly detect ch order of multimodule

* #751 Updated channel naming and docs

Updated readme documentation
Consistent naming of Ch across the code.

Co-authored-by: pascallanger <>
2022-12-20 22:58:38 +01:00


Code is based on the code/work by: Pascal Langer (Author of the Multi-Module) Rewrite/Enhancements by: Francisco Arzu

Thanks to many other people who volunteer to test it.

Introduction (v0.52)

This script library enhace the original DSM Forward Programming tool. DSM Forward Programming is needed to setup many of the new Spektrum Receivers with Gyro AS3X/SAFE features. For the Gyro (/Safe) to correct the plane in flight, it needs to move the right surfaces, the RX needs to know the configuration of the plane (Wing Type, Tail Type, Mixers, Servo Assigments, Servo Reverse). That info tells the RX where the aileron(s) are (one of two), where the elevator(s) are (one or two), V-Tail, Delta Wing, etc.

Since EdgeTx/OpenTx don't have equivalent setup that is persisted/stored in the radio, we had to create our own version. This info is stored inside the /MODELS/DSMDATA directory/folder (needs to be created by hand).

During "Gyro Settings->initial setup", the RX asks the TX for model information behind the scenes. After setup, "Gyro Settings->System Tools-> Relearn Servo Settings" request the TX configuration and store it in the RX.


Make sure to manually create /MODELS/DSMDATA . The script will complain at startup.

/SCRIPTS/TOOLS/DsmFwdPrg_05_BW.lua      -- black/white text only radios
/SCRIPTS/TOOLS/DsmFwdPrg_05_Color.lua   -- Color+touch radios
/SCRIPTS/TOOLS/DSMLIB/      -- (ALL CAPITALS) Libraries ane extra files
/SCRIPTS/TOOLS/DSMLIB/DsmFwPrgLib.lua   -- DSM Protocol Message and Menu engine
/SCRIPTS/TOOLS/DSMLIB/DsmFwPrgSIMLib.lua -- Simulation of AR631, FC6250HX
/SCRIPTS/TOOLS/DSMLIB/SetupLib.lua -- Model Setup Screns
/SCRIPTS/TOOLS/DSMLIB/img        --Images for RX orientations

Other Directories

/MODELS/DSMDATA                 --(ALL CAPITALS) Data of model config (Wing Type, Servo Assigments)
/LOGS/dsm_log.txt				--Readable log of the last RX/TX session, usefull for debuging problems

When upgrading from a previous version of this tool, delete your /SCRIPTS/TOOLS/DSMLIB before copying the new one (if you customized your images, inside "DSMLIB/img" do a backup first)

Common Questions

  1. RX not accepting channels greater Ch6 for Flight-mode o Gains: The RX corrects your channel to ch5 or ch6. This means that the RX is not detecting the upper channles from the TX. You need to exersise (move the switch) so that the RX detects it. Put the Channel Field on edit (changing) mode, change it to Ch7 (or any other), flip the switch for Ch7 3 times, now confim the edit. The RX now will not reject it. All Spektrum RX are 20 channels internally, even if it only have 6 external Ch/Ports to connect servos.

  2. Why Ch1 says Ch1 (TX:Ch3/Thr)?: Radios with Multi-Module are usually configured to work the standard AETR convention. Spektrum uses TAER. The multi-module does the conversion when transmiting the signals. So Spektrum Ch1 (Throttle) really comes from the TX Ch3. We show both information (+name from the TX output). If your multi-module/radio is setup as TAER, the script will not do the re-arrangement.

Changes and fixes

  1. Menus to be able to configure Plane in a similar way as Spektrum Radio (v0.52)
  2. Make "Gyro Settings"->"Initial Setup" works (Tested on AR631,AR637xx with PLANE type of arcraft)
  3. Properly reset and restart after initial configuration and SAFE changes.
  4. Write Log of the conversation between RX/TX. To be use for debugging when some reports a problem.
  5. Provide a simulation of RX to do GUI development in Companion, and undestand patterns of how the data is organized.

Tested RXs

  • AR631/AR637xx
  • FC6250HX (Blade 230S V2 Helicopter)
  • AR636 (Blade 230S V1 Heli firmaware 4.40)

Please report of you have test it with other receivers to update the documentation. Code should work up to 10 channels for the main surfaces (Ail/Ele/etc). All Spektrum RX are internally 20 channels, so you can use Ch7 for Flight Mode even if your RX is only 6 channels (See common Questions)

Flight mode/Gain channels

I ran into a case where trying to set Aux2 or Aux3 for flight mode, but the RX was correcting it to Aux1.. the RX only was allowing Gear or Aux1 (AR631/AR637). This is because the RX don't know that we are using more than 6 channels. To make the RX aware that there are other channels, while edditing the channel, you have to toggle the switch to excersist the channel (3 times), and now the RX will recognize it.

Messages Displayed in the GUI

If in a screen you get text that looks like Unknown_XX (ex: Unknown_D3), that message has not been setup in the script in english. If you can get what is the proper message, you can send us a message to be added to the library. The XX represents a Hex Number (0..9,A..F) message ID.

If you want to fix it in your local copy, all messages are towards the end in the file SCRIPT\TOOS\DSMLIB\DsmFwPrgLib.lua. Messages for Haders are stored in Text and messages for Options are stored in List_Text. Lua scripts are text files, and can be editted with Notepad or equivalent.

Portion of DsmFwPrgLib.lua:

Text[0x0097] = "Factory Reset"
Text[0x0098] = "Factory Reset" -- FC6250HX: Title
Text[0x0099] = "Advanced Setup"
Text[0x009A] = "Capture Failsafe Positions"
Text[0x009C] = "Custom Failsafe"

Text[0x009F] = "Save & Reset RX"  -- TODO: Find the Proper Spektrum Value ??

Text[0x00A5] = "First Time Setup"
Text[0x00AA] = "Capture Gyro Gains"
Text[0x00AD] = "Gain Channel Select"

-- Safe mode options, Ihnibit + thi values 
local safeModeOptions = {0x0003,0x00B0,0x00B1}  -- inh (gap), "Self-Level/Angle Dem, Envelope
List_Text[0x00B0] = "Self-Level/Angle Dem"
List_Text[0x00B1] = "Envelope"

For example, if you get Unknown_9D in the GUI and your now that it should say NEW Text, you can edit the lua script to look like this:

Text[0x009A] = "Capture Failsafe Positions"
Text[0x009C] = "Custom Failsafe"

Text[0x009D] = "NEW Text" -- NEW Text added for AR98xx

Text[0x009F] = "Save & Reset RX"  -- TODO: Find the proper Spektrum text

LOG File

The log file of the last use of the script is located at /LOGS/dsm_log.txt. It is overriden on every start to avoid filling up the SD card. So if you want to keep it, copy or rename it before starting the script again. (can be renamed in the TX by browsing the SD card)

The log is human readable. The first number is the number of seconds since the start, and then what is the current state of the Library, and what is been sent and received. The info in the log can be easilly used to create a new simulation for that RX in the future.

Example Log:

5.340 WAIT_CMD: DSM_GotoMenu(0x1010,LastSelectedLine=0)
5.350 MENU_TITLE: SEND DSM_getMenu(MenuId=0x1010 LastSelectedLine=0)
5.440 MENU_TITLE: RESPONSE Menu: M[Id=0x1010 P=0x0 N=0x0 B=0x1000 Text="Gyro settings"[0xF9]]
5.490 MENU_LINES: SEND DSM_getFirstMenuLine(MenuId=0x1010)
5.590 MENU_LINES: RESPONSE MenuLine: L[#0 T=M VId=0x1011 Text="AS3X Settings"[0x1DD]   MId=0x1010 ]
5.640 MENU_LINES: SEND DSM_getNextLine(MenuId=0x1010,LastLine=0)
5.740 MENU_LINES: RESPONSE MenuLine: L[#1 T=M VId=0x1019 Text="SAFE Settings"[0x1E2]   MId=0x1010 ]
5.790 MENU_LINES: SEND DSM_getNextLine(MenuId=0x1010,LastLine=1)
5.850 MENU_LINES: RESPONSE MenuLine: L[#2 T=M VId=0x1021 Text="F-Mode Setup"[0x87]   MId=0x1010 ]
5.910 MENU_LINES: SEND DSM_getNextLine(MenuId=0x1010,LastLine=2)
5.970 MENU_LINES: RESPONSE MenuLine: L[#3 T=M VId=0x1022 Text="System Setup"[0x86]   MId=0x1010 ]
6.020 MENU_LINES: SEND DSM_getNextLine(MenuId=0x1010,LastLine=3

Exmple of the Unknown_0x05 Lines correctly processed (receiving lines 0..5):

0.130 MENU_TITLE: SEND DSM_getMainMenu()
0.230 MENU_TITLE: RESPONSE Menu: M[Id=0x1000 P=0x0 N=0x0 B=0x0 Text="Main Menu"[0x4B]]
0.280 MENU_LINES: SEND DSM_getFirstMenuLine(MenuId=0x1000)
0.400 MENU_LINES: RESPONSE MenuUknownLine_0x05: LineNum=0  DATA=RX: 09 05 00 01 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0.460 MENU_UNKNOWN_LINES: CALL DSM_getNextUknownLine_0x05(LastLine=0)
0.550 MENU_UNKNOWN_LINES: RESPONSE MenuUknownLine_0x05: LineNum=1  DATA=RX: 09 05 01 01 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0.600 MENU_UNKNOWN_LINES: CALL DSM_getNextUknownLine_0x05(LastLine=1)
0.700 MENU_UNKNOWN_LINES: RESPONSE MenuUknownLine_0x05: LineNum=2  DATA=RX: 09 05 02 01 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0.760 MENU_UNKNOWN_LINES: CALL DSM_getNextUknownLine_0x05(LastLine=2)

Validation of data by the RX

When you change a value in the GUI, the RX validates that the value is valid. For example, I ran into a case where trying to set Aux2 or Aux3 for flight mode, but the RX was correcting it back to Aux1.. the RX only was allowing Gear or Aux1 (AR631/AR637).. in this case, toggle the Switch while editing it on the screen.

If you go to the logs, you can see that the RX was correcting the value:

20.520 VALUE_CHANGE_END: SEND DSM_updateMenuValue(ValueId=0x1000,val=7) Extra: Text="FM Channel" Value=7|"Aux2"
20.570 VALUE_CHANGE_END: SEND DSM_validateMenuValue(ValueId=0x1000) Extra: Text="FM Channel" Value=7|"Aux2"
20.680 VALUE_CHANGE_END: RESPONSE MenuValue: UPDATED: L[#0 T=L_m1 VId=0x1000 Text="FM Channel"[0x78] Val=6|"Aux1" NL=(0->32,0,S=53) [53->85,53] MId=0x7CA6 ]

Version 0.52

  • Fix Reversing of Servos
  • Properly detect Moltimodule Ch settings AETR

Version 0.51 (voluteer testing version, not for production)

  • New Screens to Configure Model (Wing Type/Tail Tail, etc)
  • Finally got understanding that the previous unknown 0x05 lines are to send Model/Servo data to RX.
  • Fix use of AR636B (Firmare version 4.40.0 for Blade 230 heli, is the only one with Forward Programing)
  • Aircraft types: Tested With Plane type only.. Glider and other in progress

Know Problems:

  • 4-Servo Wing type (Dual Ail/Tail) in planes give conflicting servo assignments by defaults.. Solution choose your own Ch.
  • Glider, Heli, Drong: Still in development. In glider, only a few wing type works.. needs to restrict menu options for the only valid one.

Version 0.5

  • Make the code more readable and understadable
  • Separate the DSM Forwards Programing logic from the GUI
  • Log the comunnication with the RX on a /LOGS/dsm_log.txt to allow to debug it easier and see the exchange of data between the RX/TX
  • Created a black/white Text only version with only Key/Roller Inputs
  • Created a nicer GUI for EdgeTX touchscreen color Radios
  • RX simulation for GUI development: turn on SIMULATION_ON=true in the beginning of the lua file
  • Test it on AR631, AR637xx, FC6250HX (Helicopter)

Some settings that can change (top of Lua file):

SIMULATION_ON = false   -- FALSE: use real communication to DSM RX (DEFAULT), TRUE: use a simulated version of RX 
DEBUG_ON = 1           -- 0=NO DEBUG, 1=HIGH LEVEL 2=LOW LEVEL   (Debug logged into the /LOGS/dsm_log.txt)
DEBUG_ON_LCD = false   -- Interactive Information on LCD of Menu data from RX 
USE_SPECKTRUM_COLORS = true -- true: Use spectrum colors, false: use theme colors (default on OpenTX, OpenTX handle colors different) 

Known Problems:

  1. Incorrect List Value Options: Some Menu List line (LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU1 or L_m1 in logs), the range (min/max) of valid values seems to be incorrect, but cannot see in the data how to fix it. Some of the valid values are not even sequential, very spread apart. There has to be a list of valid options somewhere. Currently fixed some by overriding the valid values in the script code (config for each field).

  2. Glider/Heli/Drone wing types not ready.

For Helicopter, use airplane normal wing and normal tail

Version 0.2

Original Version from Pascal Langer