local toolName = "TNS|Multi chan namer|TNE" ---- ######################################################################### ---- # # ---- # Copyright (C) OpenTX # -----# # ---- # License GPLv2: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html # ---- # # ---- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # ---- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # ---- # published by the Free Software Foundation. # ---- # # ---- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful # ---- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # ---- # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # ---- # GNU General Public License for more details. # ---- # # ---- ######################################################################### local protocol_name = "" local sub_protocol_name = "" local bind_ch = 0 local module_conf = {} local module_pos = "Internal" local file_ok = 0 local done = 0 local protocol = 0 local sub_protocol = 0 local f_seek = 0 local channel_names={} local num_search = "Searching" local function drawScreenTitle(title) if LCD_W == 480 then lcd.drawFilledRectangle(0, 0, LCD_W, 30, TITLE_BGCOLOR) lcd.drawText(1, 5, title, MENU_TITLE_COLOR) else lcd.drawScreenTitle(title, 0, 0) end end function bitand(a, b) local result = 0 local bitval = 1 while a > 0 and b > 0 do if a % 2 == 1 and b % 2 == 1 then -- test the rightmost bits result = result + bitval -- set the current bit end bitval = bitval * 2 -- shift left a = math.floor(a/2) -- shift right b = math.floor(b/2) end return result end local function Multi_Draw_LCD(event) local line = 0 lcd.clear() drawScreenTitle("Multi channels namer") --Display settings local lcd_opt = 0 if LCD_W == 480 then x_pos = 10 y_pos = 32 y_inc = 20 else x_pos = 0 y_pos = 9 y_inc = 8 lcd_opt = SMLSIZE end --Multi Module detection if module_conf["Type"] ~= 6 then if LCD_W == 480 then lcd.drawText(10,50,"No Multi module configured...", BLINK) else --Draw on LCD_W=128 lcd.drawText(2,17,"No Multi module configured...",SMLSIZE) end return else lcd.drawText(x_pos, y_pos+y_inc*line,module_pos .. " Multi detected.", lcd_opt) line = line + 1 end --Channel order if (ch_order == -1) then lcd.drawText(x_pos, y_pos+y_inc*line,"Channels order can't be read from Multi...", lcd_opt) line = line + 1 end --Can't open file MultiChan.txt if file_ok == 0 then lcd.drawText(x_pos, y_pos+y_inc*line,"Can't read MultiChan.txt file...", lcd_opt) return end if ( protocol_name == "" or sub_protocol_name == "" ) and f_seek ~=-1 then local f = io.open("/SCRIPTS/TOOLS/MultiChan.txt", "r") if f == nil then return end lcd.drawText(x_pos, y_pos+y_inc*line,num_search, lcd_opt) num_search = num_search .. "." if #num_search > 15 then num_search = string.sub(num_search,1,9) end local proto = 0 local sub_proto = 0 local proto_name = "" local sub_proto_name = "" local channels = "" local nbr_try = 0 local nbr_car = 0 repeat io.seek(f, f_seek) local data = io.read(f, 100) -- read 100 characters if #data ==0 then f_seek = -1 -- end of file break end proto, sub_proto, proto_name, sub_proto_name, bind_ch, channels = string.match(data,'(%d+),(%d),([%w-_ ]+),([%w-_ ]+),(%d)(.+)') if proto ~= nil and sub_proto ~= nil and protocol_name ~= nil and sub_protocol_name ~= nil and bind_ch ~= nil then if tonumber(proto) == protocol and tonumber(sub_proto) == sub_protocol then protocol_name = proto_name sub_protocol_name = sub_proto_name bind_ch = tonumber(bind_ch) if channels ~= nil then --extract channel names nbr_car = string.find(channels, "\r") if nbr_car == nil then nbr_car = string.find(channels, "\n") end if nbr_car ~= nil then channels = string.sub(channels,1,nbr_car-1) end local i = 5 for k in string.gmatch(channels, ",([%w-_ ]+)") do channel_names[i] = k i = i + 1 end end f_seek = -1 -- protocol found break end end if f_seek ~= -1 then nbr_car = string.find(data, "\n") if nbr_car == nil then nbr_car = string.find(data, "\r") end if nbr_car == nil then f_seek = -1 -- end of file break end f_seek = f_seek + nbr_car -- seek to next line nbr_try = nbr_try + 1 end until nbr_try > 20 or f_seek == -1 io.close(f) end if f_seek ~= -1 then return -- continue searching... end --Protocol & Sub_protocol if protocol_name == "" or sub_protocol_name == "" then lcd.drawText(x_pos, y_pos+y_inc*line,"Unknown protocol "..tostring(protocol).."/"..tostring(sub_protocol).." ...", lcd_opt) return elseif LCD_W > 128 then lcd.drawText(x_pos, y_pos+y_inc*line,"Protocol: " .. protocol_name .. " / SubProtocol: " .. sub_protocol_name, lcd_opt) line = line + 1 else lcd.drawText(x_pos, y_pos+y_inc*line,"Protocol: " .. protocol_name, lcd_opt) line = line + 1 lcd.drawText(x_pos, y_pos+y_inc*line,"SubProtocol: " .. sub_protocol_name, lcd_opt) line = line + 1 end text1="" text2="" for i,v in ipairs(channel_names) do if i<=8 then if i==1 then text1 = v else text1=text1 .. "," .. v end else if i==9 then text2 = v else text2=text2 .. "," .. v end end end if LCD_W > 128 then lcd.drawText(x_pos, y_pos+y_inc*line,"Channels: " .. text1, lcd_opt) line = line + 1 if text2 ~= "" then lcd.drawText(x_pos*9, y_pos+y_inc*line,text2, lcd_opt) line = line + 1 end end if event ~= EVT_VIRTUAL_ENTER and done == 0 then lcd.drawText(x_pos, y_pos+y_inc*line,"<ENT> Save", lcd_opt + INVERS + BLINK) return end lcd.drawText(x_pos, y_pos+y_inc*line,"Setting channel names.", lcd_opt) line = line + 1 local output, nbr if done == 0 then for i,v in ipairs(channel_names) do output = model.getOutput(i-1) output["name"] = v model.setOutput(i-1,output) nbr = i end for i = nbr, 15 do output = model.getOutput(i) output["name"] = "n-a" model.setOutput(i,output) end if bind_ch == 1 then output = model.getOutput(15) output["name"] = "BindCH" model.setOutput(15,output) end done = 1 end lcd.drawText(x_pos, y_pos+y_inc*line,"Done!", lcd_opt) line = line + 1 end -- Init local function Multi_Init() module_conf = model.getModule(0) if module_conf["Type"] ~= 6 then module_pos = "External" module_conf = model.getModule(1) if module_conf["Type"] ~= 6 then return end end protocol = module_conf["protocol"] sub_protocol = module_conf["subProtocol"] --Exceptions on first 4 channels... local stick_names = { "Rud", "Ele", "Thr", "Ail" } if ( protocol == 4 and sub_protocol == 1 ) or protocol == 19 or protocol == 52 then -- Hisky/HK310, Shenqi, ZSX stick_names[2] = "n-a" stick_names[4] = "n-a" elseif protocol == 43 then -- Traxxas stick_names[2] = "Aux4" stick_names[4] = "Aux3" elseif ( protocol == 48 and sub_protocol == 0 ) then -- V761 3CH stick_names[4] = "n-a" elseif protocol == 47 or protocol == 49 or protocol == 58 then -- GD00x, KF606, FX816 stick_names[1] = "n-a" stick_names[2] = "n-a" end --Determine fist 4 channels order local ch_order=module_conf["channelsOrder"] if (ch_order == -1) then channel_names[1] = stick_names[defaultChannel(0)+1] channel_names[2] = stick_names[defaultChannel(1)+1] channel_names[3] = stick_names[defaultChannel(2)+1] channel_names[4] = stick_names[defaultChannel(3)+1] else channel_names[bitand(ch_order,3)+1] = stick_names[4] ch_order = math.floor(ch_order/4) channel_names[bitand(ch_order,3)+1] = stick_names[2] ch_order = math.floor(ch_order/4) channel_names[bitand(ch_order,3)+1] = stick_names[3] ch_order = math.floor(ch_order/4) channel_names[bitand(ch_order,3)+1] = stick_names[1] end --Exceptions on first 4 channels... if ( protocol == 73 or (protocol == 74 and sub_protocol == 0) or (protocol == 60 and sub_protocol == 2) or protocol == 89) then -- Kyosho or RadioLink Surface or Pelikan/SCX24 or Losi channel_names[1] = "ST" channel_names[2] = "THR" channel_names[3] = "CH3" if(protocol == 60 and sub_protocol == 2) then channel_names[4] = "n-a" else channel_names[4] = "CH4" end end if ( protocol == 6 and sub_protocol == 5 ) then -- DSMR channel_names[1] = "ST" channel_names[2] = "THR" channel_names[3] = "AUX1" channel_names[4] = "AUX2" end if ( protocol == 90 ) then -- Mould King channel_names[1] = "A" channel_names[2] = "B" channel_names[3] = "C" channel_names[4] = "D" end --Check MultiChan.txt local f = io.open("/SCRIPTS/TOOLS/MultiChan.txt", "r") if f == nil then return end file_ok = 1 io.close(f) end -- Main local function Multi_Run(event) if event == nil then error("Cannot be run as a model script!") return 2 else Multi_Draw_LCD(event) if event == EVT_VIRTUAL_EXIT then return 2 end end return 0 end return { init=Multi_Init, run=Multi_Run }