#Protocols details **You'll find below a detailed description of every supported protocols sorted by RF modules.** Legend: - Extended limits supported: -125%..+125% can be used and will be transmitted. Otherwise the default is -100%..+100% only. - Autobind protocol: you do not need to press the bind button at power up to bind, this is done automatically. *** #A7105 RF Module ##FLYSKY Extended limits supported CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ###Sub_protocol V9X9 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|--- FLIP|LIGHT|PICTURE|VIDEO ###Sub_protocol V6X6 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- FLIP|LIGHT|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS|RTH|XCAL|YCAL ###Sub_protocol V912 CH5|CH6 ---|--- BTMBTN|TOPBTN ##HUBSAN Models: Hubsan H102D, H107/L/C/D and Hubsan H107P/C+/D+ Autobind protocol Telemetry enabled for battery voltage and TX RSSI Option=vTX frequency (H107D) 5645 - 5900 MHz CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|LIGHT|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS *** #CC2500 RF Module ##FRSKY Extended limits supported Telemetry enabled for A0, A1, RSSI, TSSI and Hub Option=fine frequency tuning, usually 0 or -41 based on the manufacturer boards CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ##FRSKYX Models: FrSky receivers X4R, X6R and X8R. Extended limits supported Telemetry enabled for A1 (RxBatt), A2, RSSI, TSSI and Hub Option=fine frequency tuning, usually 0 or -41 based on the manufacturer boards ###Sub_protocol CH_16 CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12|CH13|CH14|CH15|CH16 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12|CH13|CH14|CH15|CH16 ###Sub_protocol CH_8 CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ##SFHSS Models: Futaba RXs and XK models. Option=fine frequency tuning, usually 0 or -41 based on the manufacturer boards CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 *** #CYRF6936 RF Module ##DEVO Extended limits supported CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ##DSM2 Extended limits supported Telemetry enabled for TSSI and plugins option=number of channels and frame rate: - 0 : 4 channels @22ms - 1 : 5 channels @22ms - 2 : 6 channels @22ms - 3 : 7 channels @22ms - 4 : 4 channels @11ms - 5 : 5 channels @11ms - 6 : 6 channels @11ms - 7 : 7 channels @11ms - 8 : 8 channels @22ms - 9 : 9 channels @22ms - 10 : 10 channels @22ms - 11 : 11 channels @22ms - 12 : 12 channels @22ms Value 6 is usually giving the best results with most of the RX. CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|----|----|---- A|E|T|R|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12 ###Sub_protocol DSMX Same as above ##J6Pro CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|----|----|---- A|E|T|R|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12 *** #NRF24L01 RF Module ##BAYANG Models: EAchine H8(C) mini, BayangToys X6/X7/X9, JJRC JJ850, Floureon H101 ... Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---- A|E|T|R|FLIP|RTH|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS|INVERTED ##CG023 Models: EAchine CG023/CG031/3D X4 Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|LIGHT|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS ###Sub_protocol YD829 Models: Attop YD-822/YD-829/YD-829C ... CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|--- FLIP||PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS ###Sub_protocol H8_3D Models: EAchine H8 mini 3D, JJRC H20/H22 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|--- FLIP|LIGTH|OPT1|OPT2|CAL JJRC H20: OPT1=Headless, OPT2=RTH JJRC H22: OPT1=RTH, OPT2=180/360° flip mode H8 3D: OPT1=RTH + headless, OPT2=180/360° flip mode CAL: calibrate accelerometers ##CX10 Extended limits supported Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 ---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|RATE Rate: -100%=rate 1, 0%=rate 2, +100%=rate 3 ###Sub_protocol GREEN Models: Cheerson CX-10 green pcb Same channels assignement as above. ###Sub_protocol BLUE Models: Cheerson CX-10 blue pcb & some newer red pcb, CX-10A, CX-10C, CX11, CX12, Floureon FX10, JJRC DHD D1 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|--- FLIP|RATE|PICTURE|VIDEO Rate: -100%=rate 1, 0%=rate 2, +100%=rate 3 or headless for CX-10A ###Sub_protocol DM007 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|--- FLIP|MODE|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS ###Sub_protocol Q282 and Q242 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- FLIP|LED|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS|RTH|XCAL|YCAL Model: JXD 509 is using Q282 with CH12=Start/Stop motors ###Sub_protocol JC3015_1 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|--- FLIP|MODE|PICTURE|VIDEO ###Sub_protocol JC3015_2 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|--- FLIP|MODE|LED|DFLIP ###Sub_protocol MK33041 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10 ---|---|---|---|---|--- FLIP|MODE|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS|RTH ##ESKY CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 ---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|GYRO|PITCH ##FY326 CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|RTH|HEADLESS|EXPERT|CALIBRATE ##HISKY CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|GEAR|PITCH|GYRO|CH8 GYRO: -100%=6G, +100%=3G ###HK310 Models: RX HK-3000, HK3100 and XY3000 (TX are HK-300, HK-310 and TL-3C) CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- |||T|R|AUX|T_FSAFE|R_FSAFE|AUX_FSAFE ##KN CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|----|---- A|E|T|R|DR|THOLD|IDLEUP|GYRO|Ttrim|Atrim|Etrim Dual Rate: +100%=full range, Throttle Hold: +100%=hold, Idle Up: +100%=3D, GYRO: -100%=6G, +100%=3G ###Sub_protocol WLTOYS ###Sub_protocol FEILUN Same channels assignement as above. ##MJXQ Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12|CH13 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|LED|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS|RTH|AUTOFLIP|PAN|TILT ###Sub_protocol WLH08 ###Sub_protocol X600 ###Sub_protocol X800 ###Sub_protocol H26D ##MT99XX Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|LED|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS ###Sub_protocol MT Models: MT99xx ###Sub_protocol H7 Models: Eachine H7, Cheerson CX023 ###Sub_protocol YZ Model: Yi Zhan i6S Only one model can be flown at the same time since the ID is hardcoded. ###Sub_protocol LS Models: LS114, 124 ##Shenqi Autobind protocol Model: Shenqiwei 1/20 Mini Motorcycle CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4 ---|---|---|--- | |T|R Throttle +100%=full forward,0%=stop,-100%=full backward. ##SLT Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 ---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|GEAR|PITCH ##Symax Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP||PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS ###Sub_protocol SYMAX Models: Syma X5C-1/X11/X11C/X12 ###Sub_protocol SYMAX5C Model: Syma X5C (original) and X2 ##V2X2 Models: WLToys V202/252/272, JXD 385/388, JJRC H6C, Yizhan Tarantula X6 ... CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|----|---- A|E|T|R|FLIP|LIGHT|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS|MAG_CAL_X|MAG_CAL_Y PICTURE: also automatic Missile Launcher and Hoist in one direction VIDEO: also Sprayer, Bubbler, Missile Launcher(1), and Hoist in the other dir ##YD717 Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|LIGHT|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS ###Sub_protocol YD717 ###Sub_protocol SKYWLKR ###Sub_protocol SYMAX4 ###Sub_protocol XINXUN ###Sub_protocol NIHUI Same channels assignement as above.