/* This project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Multiprotocol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Multiprotocol. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #if defined(DSM_RX_CYRF6936_INO) #include "iface_cyrf6936.h" //#define DSM_DEBUG_RF //#define DSM_DEBUG_CH uint8_t DSM_rx_type; enum { DSM_RX_BIND1 = 0, DSM_RX_BIND2, DSM_RX_DATA_PREP, DSM2_RX_SCAN, DSM_RX_DATA_CH1, DSM_RX_DATA_CH2, }; static void __attribute__((unused)) DSM_RX_RF_init() { DSM_cyrf_config(); rx_disable_lna = IS_POWER_FLAG_on; if(IS_BIND_IN_PROGRESS) { //64 SDR Mode is configured so only the 8 first values are needed but need to write 16 values... uint8_t code[16]; DSM_read_code(code,0,8,8); CYRF_ConfigDataCode(code, 16); CYRF_ConfigRFChannel(1); CYRF_SetTxRxMode(RX_EN); // Force end state read CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_05_RX_CTRL, 0x83); // Prepare to receive } else { DSM_cyrf_configdata(); CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_06_RX_CFG, rx_disable_lna ? 0x0A:0x4A); // AGC disabled, LNA disabled/enabled, Attenuator disabled, RX override enabled, Fast turn mode enabled, RX is 1MHz below TX } } uint16_t convert_channel_DSM_nolimit(int32_t val) { val=(val-0x150)*(CHANNEL_MAX_100-CHANNEL_MIN_100)/(0x6B0-0x150)+CHANNEL_MIN_100; if(val<0) val=0; else if(val>2047) val=2047; return (uint16_t)val; } static uint8_t __attribute__((unused)) DSM_RX_check_packet() { uint8_t rx_status=CYRF_ReadRegister(CYRF_07_RX_IRQ_STATUS); if((rx_status & 0x03) == 0x02) // RXC=1, RXE=0 then 2nd check is required (debouncing) rx_status |= CYRF_ReadRegister(CYRF_07_RX_IRQ_STATUS); if((rx_status & 0x07) == 0x02) { // data received with no errors len=CYRF_ReadRegister(CYRF_09_RX_COUNT); #ifdef DSM_DEBUG_RF debugln("l=%d",len); #endif if(len>=2 && len<=16) { // Read packet CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_07_RX_IRQ_STATUS, 0x80); // Need to set RXOW before data read CYRF_ReadDataPacketLen(packet, len); // Check packet ID if ((DSM_rx_type&0x80) == 0) {//DSM2 packet[0] ^= 0xff; packet[1] ^= 0xff; } #ifdef DSM_DEBUG_CH for(uint8_t i=0;i<len;i++) debug("%02X ",packet[i]); debugln(""); #endif if(packet[0] == cyrfmfg_id[2] && packet[1] == cyrfmfg_id[3]) return 0x02; // Packet ok } return 0x00; // Wrong size or ID -> nothing received } return rx_status; // Return error code } static void __attribute__((unused)) DSM_RX_build_telemetry_packet() { uint8_t nbr_bits = 11; if((DSM_rx_type&0xF0) == 0x00) nbr_bits=10; // Only DSM_22 is using a resolution of 1024 // Use packet length to calculate the number of channels len -= 2; // Remove header length len >>= 1; // Channels are on 2 bytes if(len==0) return; // No channels... // Extract channels uint8_t idx; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint16_t value=(packet[i*2+2]<<8) | packet[i*2+3]; if(value!=0xFFFF) { idx=(value&0x7FFF)>>nbr_bits; // retrieve channel index #ifdef DSM_DEBUG_CH debugln("i=%d,v=%d,u=%X",idx,value&0x7FF,value&0x8000); #endif if(idx<13) { if(nbr_bits==10) value <<= 1; // switch to 11 bits value &= 0x7FF; rx_rc_chan[CH_TAER[idx]]=convert_channel_DSM_nolimit(value); } } } // Buid telemetry packet idx=0; packet_in[idx++] = RX_LQI; packet_in[idx++] = RX_LQI; packet_in[idx++] = 0; // start channel packet_in[idx++] = 12; // number of channels in packet // Pack channels uint32_t bits = 0; uint8_t bitsavailable = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) { bits |= ((uint32_t)rx_rc_chan[i]) << bitsavailable; bitsavailable += 11; while (bitsavailable >= 8) { packet_in[idx++] = bits & 0xff; bits >>= 8; bitsavailable -= 8; } } if(bitsavailable) packet_in[idx++] = bits & 0xff; // Send telemetry telemetry_link = 1; #ifdef SEND_CPPM if(sub_protocol>0) telemetry_link |= 0x80; // Disable telemetry output #endif } static bool __attribute__((unused)) DSM_RX_bind_check_validity() { uint16_t sum = 384 - 0x10;// for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) sum += packet_in[i]; if( packet_in[8] != (sum>>8) || packet_in[9] != (sum&0xFF)) //Checksum return false; for(uint8_t i = 8; i < 14; i++) sum += packet_in[i]; if( packet_in[14] != (sum>>8) || packet_in[15] != (sum&0xFF)) //Checksum return false; if(memcmp(packet_in,packet_in+4,4)) //Check ID return false; return true; } static void __attribute__((unused)) DSM_RX_build_bind_packet() { uint16_t sum = 384 - 0x10;// packet[0] = 0xff ^ cyrfmfg_id[0]; // ID packet[1] = 0xff ^ cyrfmfg_id[1]; packet[2] = 0xff ^ cyrfmfg_id[2]; packet[3] = 0xff ^ cyrfmfg_id[3]; packet[4] = 0x01; // RX version packet[5] = num_ch; // Number of channels packet[6] = DSM_rx_type; // DSM type, let's just send back whatever the TX gave us... packet[7] = 0x00; // Unknown for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) sum += packet[i]; packet[8] = sum >> 8; packet[9] = sum & 0xff; } static void __attribute__((unused)) DSM_abort_channel_rx(uint8_t ch) { CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_29_RX_ABORT, 0x20); // Abort RX operation CYRF_SetTxRxMode(IS_POWER_FLAG_on ? TXRX_OFF:RX_EN); // Force end state read if (rx_disable_lna != IS_POWER_FLAG_on && IS_BIND_DONE) { rx_disable_lna = IS_POWER_FLAG_on; CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_06_RX_CFG, rx_disable_lna ? 0x0A:0x4A); // AGC disabled, LNA disabled/enabled, Attenuator disabled, RX override enabled, Fast turn mode enabled, RX is 1MHz below TX } if(ch&0x02) DSM_set_sop_data_crc(true ,DSM_rx_type&0x80); // Set sop data,crc seed and rf channel using CH1, DSM2/X if(ch&0x01) DSM_set_sop_data_crc(false,DSM_rx_type&0x80); // Set sop data,crc seed and rf channel using CH1, DSM2/X CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_29_RX_ABORT, 0x00); // Clear abort RX operation CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_05_RX_CTRL, 0x83); // Prepare to receive } uint16_t DSM_RX_callback() { uint8_t rx_status; static uint8_t read_retry=0; switch (phase) { case DSM_RX_BIND1: if(IS_BIND_DONE) // Abort bind { phase = DSM_RX_DATA_PREP; break; } if(packet_count==0) read_retry=0; //Check received data rx_status = CYRF_ReadRegister(CYRF_07_RX_IRQ_STATUS); if((rx_status & 0x03) == 0x02) // RXC=1, RXE=0 then 2nd check is required (debouncing) rx_status |= CYRF_ReadRegister(CYRF_07_RX_IRQ_STATUS); if((rx_status & 0x07) == 0x02) { // data received with no errors CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_07_RX_IRQ_STATUS, 0x80); // Need to set RXOW before data read len=CYRF_ReadRegister(CYRF_09_RX_COUNT); debugln("RX:%d, CH:%d",len,hopping_frequency_no); if(len==16) { CYRF_ReadDataPacketLen(packet_in, 16); if(DSM_RX_bind_check_validity()) { // store tx info into eeprom uint16_t temp = DSM_RX_EEPROM_OFFSET; debug("ID="); for(uint8_t i=0;i<4;i++) { cyrfmfg_id[i]=packet_in[i]^0xFF; eeprom_write_byte((EE_ADDR)temp++, cyrfmfg_id[i]); debug(" %02X", cyrfmfg_id[i]); } // save num_ch num_ch=packet_in[11]; // store DSM_rx_type /*packet[12] 1 byte -> max DSM type allowed: 0x01 => 22ms 1024 DSM2 1 packet => number of channels is <8 0x02 => 22ms 1024 DSM2 2 packets => either a number of channel >7 0x12 => 11ms 2048 DSM2 2 packets => can be any number of channels 0xA2 => 22ms 2048 DSMX 1 packet => number of channels is <8 0xB2 => 11ms 2048 DSMX => can be any number of channels (0x01 or 0xA2) and num_ch < 7 => 22ms else 11ms &0x80 => false=DSM2, true=DSMX &0xF0 => false=1024, true=2048 */ DSM_rx_type=packet_in[12]; debugln(", num_ch=%d, type=%02X",num_ch, DSM_rx_type); eeprom_write_byte((EE_ADDR)temp, DSM_rx_type); CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_29_RX_ABORT, 0x20); // Abort RX operation CYRF_SetTxRxMode(TX_EN); // Force end state TX CYRF_ConfigDataCode((const uint8_t *)"\x98\x88\x1B\xE4\x30\x79\x03\x84", 16); CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_29_RX_ABORT, 0x00); // Clear abort RX DSM_RX_build_bind_packet(); bind_counter=500; phase++; // DSM_RX_BIND2; return 1000; } } DSM_abort_channel_rx(0); // Abort RX operation and receive if(read_retry==0) read_retry=8; } else if(rx_status & 0x02) // RX error DSM_abort_channel_rx(0); // Abort RX operation and receive packet_count++; if(packet_count>12) { packet_count=1; if(read_retry) read_retry--; if(read_retry==0) { packet_count=0; hopping_frequency_no++; // Change channel hopping_frequency_no %= 0x50; hopping_frequency_no |= 0x01; // Odd channels only CYRF_ConfigRFChannel(hopping_frequency_no); DSM_abort_channel_rx(0); // Abort RX operation and receive } } return 1000; case DSM_RX_BIND2: //Transmit settings back CYRF_WriteDataPacketLen(packet,10); // Send packet if(bind_counter--==0) { BIND_DONE; phase++; // DSM_RX_DATA_PREP } break; case DSM_RX_DATA_PREP: hopping_frequency_no = 0; read_retry=0; rx_data_started = false; pps_counter = 0; RX_LQI = 100; DSM_cyrf_configdata(); pps_timer=millis(); sop_col = (cyrfmfg_id[0] + cyrfmfg_id[1] + cyrfmfg_id[2] + 2) & 0x07; seed = (cyrfmfg_id[0] << 8) + cyrfmfg_id[1]; if(DSM_rx_type&0x80) { // DSMX DSM_calc_dsmx_channel(); // Build hop table DSM_abort_channel_rx(1); // Abort RX operation, set sop&data&seed&rf using CH1, DSM2/X and receive phase=DSM_RX_DATA_CH1; } else { // DSM2 rf_ch_num=0; hopping_frequency_no = 0; hopping_frequency[0] = 3; hopping_frequency[1] = 0; DSM_abort_channel_rx(1); // Abort RX operation, set sop&data&seed&rf using CH1, DSM2/X and receive phase=DSM2_RX_SCAN; } break; case DSM2_RX_SCAN: // Scan for DSM2 frequencies //Received something ? rx_status = DSM_RX_check_packet(); if(rx_status == 0x02) { // data received with no errors debugln("CH%d:Found %d",rf_ch_num+1,hopping_frequency[rf_ch_num]); read_retry=0; if(rf_ch_num) { // Both CH1 and CH2 found read_retry=0; hopping_frequency_no=0; DSM_abort_channel_rx(1); // Abort RX operation, set sop&data&seed&rf using CH1, DSM2/X and receive pps_timer=millis(); phase++; // DSM_RX_DATA_CH1 } else { rf_ch_num++; // CH1 found, scan for CH2 hopping_frequency_no = 1; if(hopping_frequency[1] < 3) // If no CH2 keep then restart from current hopping_frequency[1]=hopping_frequency[0]+1; DSM_abort_channel_rx(2); // Abort RX operation, set sop&data&seed&rf using CH2, DSM2/X and receive } } else { read_retry++; if(read_retry>50) // After 50ms { // Try next channel debugln("CH%d:Next channel",rf_ch_num+1); read_retry=0; hopping_frequency_no = rf_ch_num; hopping_frequency[rf_ch_num]++; if(hopping_frequency[rf_ch_num] > 73) hopping_frequency[rf_ch_num] = 3; DSM_abort_channel_rx(rf_ch_num+1); // Abort RX operation, set sop&data&seed&rf using CH1/2, DSM2/X and receive } else if(rx_status & 0x02) { // data received with errors if((rx_status & 0x01) && rf_ch_num==0) hopping_frequency[1] = hopping_frequency[0];// Might be CH2 since it's a CRC error so keep it debugln("CH%d:RX error",rf_ch_num+1); DSM_abort_channel_rx(0); // Abort RX operation and receive } } return 1000; case DSM_RX_DATA_CH1: //Packets per second if (millis() - pps_timer >= 1000) {//182pps @11ms, 91pps @22ms pps_timer = millis(); if(DSM_rx_type!=0xA2 && DSM_rx_type!=0x01) // if 11ms pps_counter >>=1; // then /2 debugln("%d pps", pps_counter); RX_LQI = pps_counter; // max=91pps pps_counter = 0; } //Received something ? rx_status = DSM_RX_check_packet(); if(rx_status == 0x02) { // data received with no errors #ifdef DSM_DEBUG_RF debugln("CH1:RX"); #endif DSM_RX_build_telemetry_packet(); rx_data_started = true; pps_counter++; DSM_abort_channel_rx(2); // Abort RX operation, set sop&data&seed&rf using CH2, DSM2/X and receive phase++; return 5000; } else { read_retry++; if(rx_data_started && read_retry>6) // After 6*500=3ms { // skip to CH2 #ifdef DSM_DEBUG_RF debugln("CH1:Skip to CH2"); #endif DSM_abort_channel_rx(2); // Abort RX operation, set sop&data&seed&rf using CH2, DSM2/X and receive phase++; return 4000; } if(rx_data_started && RX_LQI==0) { // communication lost #ifdef DSM_DEBUG_RF debugln("CH1:Restart..."); #endif phase=DSM_RX_DATA_PREP; return 1000; } if(read_retry>250) { // move to next RF channel #ifdef DSM_DEBUG_RF debugln("CH1:Scan"); #endif DSM_abort_channel_rx(3); // Abort RX operation, set sop&data&seed&rf using CH2 then CH1, DSM2/X and receive read_retry=0; } else if(rx_status & 0x02) { // data received with errors #ifdef DSM_DEBUG_RF debugln("CH1:RX error %02X",rx_status); #endif DSM_abort_channel_rx(0); // Abort RX operation and receive } } return 500; case DSM_RX_DATA_CH2: rx_status = DSM_RX_check_packet(); if(rx_status == 0x02) { // data received with no errors #ifdef DSM_DEBUG_RF debugln("CH2:RX"); #endif DSM_RX_build_telemetry_packet(); pps_counter++; } #ifdef DSM_DEBUG_RF else debugln("CH2:No RX"); #endif DSM_abort_channel_rx(1); // Abort RX operation, set sop&data&seed&rf using CH1, DSM2/X and receive read_retry=0; phase=DSM_RX_DATA_CH1; if(DSM_rx_type==0xA2) //|| DSM_rx_type==0x01 -> not needed for DSM2 since we are ok to listen even if there will be nothing return 15000; //22ms else return 4000; //11ms } return 10000; } void DSM_RX_init() { DSM_RX_RF_init(); hopping_frequency_no = 0; if (IS_BIND_IN_PROGRESS) { packet_count=0; phase = DSM_RX_BIND1; } else { uint16_t temp = DSM_RX_EEPROM_OFFSET; debug("ID="); for(uint8_t i=0;i<4;i++) { cyrfmfg_id[i]=eeprom_read_byte((EE_ADDR)temp++); debug(" %02X", cyrfmfg_id[i]); } DSM_rx_type=eeprom_read_byte((EE_ADDR)temp); debugln(", type=%02X", DSM_rx_type); phase = DSM_RX_DATA_PREP; } } #endif