#Protocols details **You'll find below a detailed description of every supported protocols sorted by RF modules.** Legend: - Extended limits supported: -125%..+125% can be used and will be transmitted. Otherwise the default is -100%..+100% only. - Autobind protocol: you do not need to press the bind button at power up to bind, this is done automatically. The AETR mentionned here for all protocols depends on the TX settings compilation option set in _Config.h. *** #A7105 RF Module ##FLYSKY Extended limits supported CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ###Sub_protocol V9X9 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|--- FLIP|LIGHT|PICTURE|VIDEO ###Sub_protocol V6X6 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- FLIP|LIGHT|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS|RTH|XCAL|YCAL ###Sub_protocol V912 CH5|CH6 ---|--- BTMBTN|TOPBTN ##HUBSAN Models: Hubsan H102D, H107/L/C/D and Hubsan H107P/C+/D+ Autobind protocol Telemetry enabled for battery voltage and TX RSSI Option=vTX frequency (H107D) 5645 - 5900 MHz CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|LIGHT|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS *** #CC2500 RF Module ##FRSKY Extended limits supported Telemetry enabled for A0, A1, RSSI, TSSI and Hub Option=fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each board. To determine the option value, find the two limits where the RX loses connection then set the option value to half way between them. CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ##FRSKYX Models: FrSky receivers X4R, X6R and X8R. Extended limits supported Telemetry enabled for A1 (RxBatt), A2, RSSI, TSSI and Hub Option=fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each board. To determine the option value, find the two limits where the RX loses connection then set the option value to half way between them. ###Sub_protocol CH_16 CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12|CH13|CH14|CH15|CH16 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12|CH13|CH14|CH15|CH16 ###Sub_protocol CH_8 CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ##SFHSS Models: Futaba RXs and XK models. Option=fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each board. To determine the option value, find the two limits where the RX loses connection then set the option value to half way between them. CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 *** #CYRF6936 RF Module ##DEVO Extended limits supported CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 Bind procedure: - With the TX off, put the binding plug in and power on the RX, then power it down and remove the binding plug. Receiver should now be in autobind mode. - Turn on the TX, set protocol = Devo with option=0, turn off the TX (TX is now in autobind mode). - Tun on RX. - Turn on TX. - Wait for bind on the TX to complete, bind LED solid. - Make sure to set the RX_Num value for model match. - Change option to 1 to use the global ID. - Do not touch option/RX_Num anymore. Note that the ouput on the RX will be EATR. ##DSM2 Extended limits supported Telemetry enabled for TSSI and plugins option=number of channels and frame rate: - 0 : 4 channels @22ms - 1 : 5 channels @22ms - 2 : 6 channels @22ms - 3 : 7 channels @22ms - 4 : 4 channels @11ms - 5 : 5 channels @11ms - 6 : 6 channels @11ms - 7 : 7 channels @11ms - 8 : 8 channels @22ms - 9 : 9 channels @22ms - 10 : 10 channels @22ms - 11 : 11 channels @22ms - 12 : 12 channels @22ms Value 6 is usually giving the best results with most of the RX. CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|----|----|---- A|E|T|R|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12 Note that the ouput on the RX will be TAER. ###Sub_protocol DSMX Same as above ##J6Pro CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|----|----|---- A|E|T|R|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12 *** #NRF24L01 RF Module ##ASSAN Extended limits supported CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10 The transmitter must be close to the receiver while binding. ##BAYANG Models: EAchine H8(C) mini, BayangToys X6/X7/X9, JJRC JJ850, Floureon H101 ... Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---- A|E|T|R|FLIP|RTH|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS|INVERTED ##CG023 Models: EAchine CG023/CG031/3D X4 Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|LIGHT|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS ###Sub_protocol YD829 Models: Attop YD-822/YD-829/YD-829C ... CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|--- FLIP||PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS ###Sub_protocol H8_3D Models: EAchine H8 mini 3D, JJRC H20/H22 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|--- FLIP|LIGTH|OPT1|OPT2|CAL JJRC H20: OPT1=Headless, OPT2=RTH JJRC H22: OPT1=RTH, OPT2=180/360° flip mode H8 3D: OPT1=RTH + headless, OPT2=180/360° flip mode CAL: calibrate accelerometers ##CX10 Extended limits supported Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 ---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|RATE Rate: -100%=rate 1, 0%=rate 2, +100%=rate 3 ###Sub_protocol GREEN Models: Cheerson CX-10 green pcb Same channels assignement as above. ###Sub_protocol BLUE Models: Cheerson CX-10 blue pcb & some newer red pcb, CX-10A, CX-10C, CX11, CX12, Floureon FX10, JJRC DHD D1 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|--- FLIP|RATE|PICTURE|VIDEO Rate: -100%=rate 1, 0%=rate 2, +100%=rate 3 or headless for CX-10A ###Sub_protocol DM007 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|--- FLIP|MODE|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS ###Sub_protocol Q282 and Q242 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- FLIP|LED|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS|RTH|XCAL|YCAL Model: JXD 509 is using Q282 with CH12=Start/Stop motors ###Sub_protocol JC3015_1 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|--- FLIP|MODE|PICTURE|VIDEO ###Sub_protocol JC3015_2 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|--- FLIP|MODE|LED|DFLIP ###Sub_protocol MK33041 CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10 ---|---|---|---|---|--- FLIP|MODE|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS|RTH ##ESKY CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 ---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|GYRO|PITCH ##FY326 CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|RTH|HEADLESS|EXPERT|CALIBRATE ##FQ777 Model: FQ777-124 CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|RTH|HEADLESS|EXPERT ##HISKY CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|GEAR|PITCH|GYRO|CH8 GYRO: -100%=6G, +100%=3G ###HK310 Models: RX HK-3000, HK3100 and XY3000 (TX are HK-300, HK-310 and TL-3C) CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- |||T|R|AUX|T_FSAFE|R_FSAFE|AUX_FSAFE ##KN CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|----|---- A|E|T|R|DR|THOLD|IDLEUP|GYRO|Ttrim|Atrim|Etrim Dual Rate: +100%=full range, Throttle Hold: +100%=hold, Idle Up: +100%=3D, GYRO: -100%=6G, +100%=3G ###Sub_protocol WLTOYS ###Sub_protocol FEILUN Same channels assignement as above. ##MJXQ Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11|CH12|CH13 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|LED|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS|RTH|AUTOFLIP|PAN|TILT ###Sub_protocol WLH08 ###Sub_protocol X600 ###Sub_protocol X800 ###Sub_protocol H26D ##MT99XX Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|LED|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS ###Sub_protocol MT Models: MT99xx ###Sub_protocol H7 Models: Eachine H7, Cheerson CX023 ###Sub_protocol YZ Model: Yi Zhan i6S Only one model can be flown at the same time since the ID is hardcoded. ###Sub_protocol LS Models: LS114, 124, 215 CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|INVERT|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS ##Shenqi Autobind protocol Model: Shenqiwei 1/20 Mini Motorcycle CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4 ---|---|---|--- | |T|R Throttle +100%=full forward,0%=stop,-100%=full backward. ##SLT Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 ---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|GEAR|PITCH ##Symax Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP||PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS ###Sub_protocol SYMAX Models: Syma X5C-1/X11/X11C/X12 ###Sub_protocol SYMAX5C Model: Syma X5C (original) and X2 ##V2X2 Models: WLToys V202/252/272, JXD 385/388, JJRC H6C, Yizhan Tarantula X6 ... CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9|CH10|CH11 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|----|---- A|E|T|R|FLIP|LIGHT|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS|MAG_CAL_X|MAG_CAL_Y PICTURE: also automatic Missile Launcher and Hoist in one direction VIDEO: also Sprayer, Bubbler, Missile Launcher(1), and Hoist in the other dir ##YD717 Autobind protocol CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|CH7|CH8|CH9 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- A|E|T|R|FLIP|LIGHT|PICTURE|VIDEO|HEADLESS ###Sub_protocol YD717 ###Sub_protocol SKYWLKR ###Sub_protocol SYMAX4 ###Sub_protocol XINXUN ###Sub_protocol NIHUI Same channels assignement as above.