/* This project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Multiprotocol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Multiprotocol. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // compatible with Syma X5C-1, X11, X11C, X12 and for sub protocol X5C Syma X5C (original), X2 #if defined(SYMAX_NRF24L01_INO) #include "iface_nrf24l01.h" #define SYMAX_BIND_COUNT 345 // 1.5 seconds #define SYMAX_FIRST_PACKET_DELAY 12000 #define SYMAX_PACKET_PERIOD 4000 // Timeout for callback in uSec #define SYMAX_INITIAL_WAIT 500 #define SYMAX_MAX_RF_CHANNELS 17 #define SYMAX_FLAG_FLIP 0x01 #define SYMAX_FLAG_VIDEO 0x02 #define SYMAX_FLAG_PICTURE 0x04 #define SYMAX_FLAG_HEADLESS 0x08 #define SYMAX_XTRM_RATES 0x10 #define SYMAX_PAYLOADSIZE 10 // receive data pipes set to this size, but unused #define SYMAX_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH 16 // X11,X12,X5C-1 10-byte, X5C 16-byte enum { SYMAX_INIT1 = 0, SYMAX_BIND2, SYMAX_BIND3, SYMAX_DATA }; static uint8_t __attribute__((unused)) SYMAX_checksum(uint8_t *data) { uint8_t sum = data[0]; for (uint8_t i=1; i < packet_length-1; i++) if ( sub_protocol==SYMAX5C ) sum += data[i]; else sum ^= data[i]; return sum + ( sub_protocol==SYMAX5C ? 0 : 0x55 ); } static void __attribute__((unused)) SYMAX_read_controls() { // Protocol is registered AETRF, that is // Aileron is channel 1, Elevator - 2, Throttle - 3, Rudder - 4, Flip control - 5 // Extended (trim-added) Rates - 6, Photo - 7, Video - 8, Headless - 9 aileron = convert_channel_s8b(AILERON); elevator = convert_channel_s8b(ELEVATOR); throttle = convert_channel_8b(THROTTLE); rudder = convert_channel_s8b(RUDDER); flags=0; // Channel 5 if (CH5_SW) flags = SYMAX_FLAG_FLIP; // Channel 6 if (CH6_SW) flags |= SYMAX_XTRM_RATES; // Channel 7 if (CH7_SW) flags |= SYMAX_FLAG_PICTURE; // Channel 8 if (CH8_SW) flags |= SYMAX_FLAG_VIDEO; // Channel 9 if (CH9_SW) { flags |= SYMAX_FLAG_HEADLESS; flags &= ~SYMAX_XTRM_RATES; // Extended rates & headless incompatible } } #define X5C_CHAN2TRIM(X) ((((X) & 0x80 ? 0xff - (X) : 0x80 + (X)) >> 2) + 0x20) static void __attribute__((unused)) SYMAX_build_packet_x5c(uint8_t bind) { if (bind) { memset(packet, 0, packet_length); packet[7] = 0xae; packet[8] = 0xa9; packet[14] = 0xc0; packet[15] = 0x17; } else { SYMAX_read_controls(); packet[0] = throttle; packet[1] = rudder; packet[2] = elevator ^ 0x80; // reversed from default packet[3] = aileron; if (flags & SYMAX_XTRM_RATES) { // drive trims for extra control range packet[4] = X5C_CHAN2TRIM(rudder ^ 0x80); packet[5] = X5C_CHAN2TRIM(elevator); packet[6] = X5C_CHAN2TRIM(aileron ^ 0x80); } else { packet[4] = 0x00; packet[5] = 0x00; packet[6] = 0x00; } packet[7] = 0xae; packet[8] = 0xa9; packet[9] = 0x00; packet[10] = 0x00; packet[11] = 0x00; packet[12] = 0x00; packet[13] = 0x00; packet[14] = (flags & SYMAX_FLAG_VIDEO ? 0x10 : 0x00) | (flags & SYMAX_FLAG_PICTURE ? 0x08 : 0x00) | (flags & SYMAX_FLAG_FLIP ? 0x01 : 0x00) | 0x04;// always high rates (bit 3 is rate control) packet[15] = SYMAX_checksum(packet); } } static void __attribute__((unused)) SYMAX_build_packet(uint8_t bind) { if (bind) { packet[0] = rx_tx_addr[4]; packet[1] = rx_tx_addr[3]; packet[2] = rx_tx_addr[2]; packet[3] = rx_tx_addr[1]; packet[4] = rx_tx_addr[0]; packet[5] = 0xaa; packet[6] = 0xaa; packet[7] = 0xaa; packet[8] = 0x00; } else { SYMAX_read_controls(); packet[0] = throttle; packet[1] = elevator; packet[2] = rudder; packet[3] = aileron; packet[4] = (flags & SYMAX_FLAG_VIDEO ? 0x80 : 0x00) | (flags & SYMAX_FLAG_PICTURE ? 0x40 : 0x00); packet[5] = 0xc0; //always high rates (bit 7 is rate control) packet[6] = flags & SYMAX_FLAG_FLIP ? 0x40 : 0x00; packet[7] = flags & SYMAX_FLAG_HEADLESS ? 0x80 : 0x00; if (flags & SYMAX_XTRM_RATES) { // use trims to extend controls packet[5] |= elevator >> 2; packet[6] |= rudder >> 2; packet[7] |= aileron >> 2; } packet[8] = 0x00; } packet[9] = SYMAX_checksum(packet); } static void __attribute__((unused)) SYMAX_send_packet(uint8_t bind) { if (sub_protocol==SYMAX5C) SYMAX_build_packet_x5c(bind); else SYMAX_build_packet(bind); // clear packet status bits and TX FIFO NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_07_STATUS, 0x70); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_00_CONFIG, 0x2e); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_05_RF_CH, hopping_frequency[hopping_frequency_no]); NRF24L01_FlushTx(); NRF24L01_WritePayload(packet, packet_length); if (packet_count++ % 2) // use each channel twice hopping_frequency_no = (hopping_frequency_no + 1) % rf_ch_num; NRF24L01_SetPower(); // Set tx_power } static void __attribute__((unused)) symax_init() { NRF24L01_Initialize(); // NRF24L01_SetTxRxMode(TX_EN); // NRF24L01_ReadReg(NRF24L01_07_STATUS); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_00_CONFIG, _BV(NRF24L01_00_EN_CRC) | _BV(NRF24L01_00_CRCO)); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_01_EN_AA, 0x00); // No Auto Acknoledgement NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_02_EN_RXADDR, 0x3F); // Enable all data pipes (even though not used?) NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_03_SETUP_AW, 0x03); // 5-byte RX/TX address NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_04_SETUP_RETR, 0xff); // 4mS retransmit t/o, 15 tries (retries w/o AA?) NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_05_RF_CH, 0x08); if (sub_protocol==SYMAX5C) { NRF24L01_SetBitrate(NRF24L01_BR_1M); packet_length = 16; } else { NRF24L01_SetBitrate(NRF24L01_BR_250K); packet_length = 10; } // NRF24L01_SetPower(); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_07_STATUS, 0x70); // Clear data ready, data sent, and retransmit NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_08_OBSERVE_TX, 0x00); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_09_CD, 0x00); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_0C_RX_ADDR_P2, 0xC3); // LSB byte of pipe 2 receive address NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_0D_RX_ADDR_P3, 0xC4); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_0E_RX_ADDR_P4, 0xC5); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_0F_RX_ADDR_P5, 0xC6); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_11_RX_PW_P0, SYMAX_PAYLOADSIZE); // bytes of data payload for pipe 1 NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_12_RX_PW_P1, SYMAX_PAYLOADSIZE); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_13_RX_PW_P2, SYMAX_PAYLOADSIZE); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_14_RX_PW_P3, SYMAX_PAYLOADSIZE); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_15_RX_PW_P4, SYMAX_PAYLOADSIZE); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_16_RX_PW_P5, SYMAX_PAYLOADSIZE); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_17_FIFO_STATUS, 0x00); // Just in case, no real bits to write here NRF24L01_WriteRegisterMulti(NRF24L01_10_TX_ADDR , sub_protocol==SYMAX5C ? (uint8_t *)"\x6D\x6A\x73\x73\x73" : (uint8_t *)"\xAB\xAC\xAD\xAE\xAF" ,5); NRF24L01_ReadReg(NRF24L01_07_STATUS); NRF24L01_FlushTx(); NRF24L01_ReadReg(NRF24L01_07_STATUS); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_07_STATUS, 0x0e); NRF24L01_ReadReg(NRF24L01_00_CONFIG); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_00_CONFIG, 0x0c); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_00_CONFIG, 0x0e); // power on } static void __attribute__((unused)) symax_init1() { // duplicate stock tx sending strange packet (effect unknown) uint8_t first_packet[] = {0xf9, 0x96, 0x82, 0x1b, 0x20, 0x08, 0x08, 0xf2, 0x7d, 0xef, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; uint8_t chans_bind[] = {0x4b, 0x30, 0x40, 0x20}; uint8_t chans_bind_x5c[] = {0x27, 0x1b, 0x39, 0x28, 0x24, 0x22, 0x2e, 0x36, 0x19, 0x21, 0x29, 0x14, 0x1e, 0x12, 0x2d, 0x18}; NRF24L01_FlushTx(); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_05_RF_CH, 0x08); NRF24L01_WritePayload(first_packet, 15); if (sub_protocol==SYMAX5C) { rf_ch_num = sizeof(chans_bind_x5c); memcpy(hopping_frequency, chans_bind_x5c, rf_ch_num); } else { rx_tx_addr[4] = 0xa2; // this is constant in ID rf_ch_num = sizeof(chans_bind); memcpy(hopping_frequency, chans_bind, rf_ch_num); } hopping_frequency_no = 0; packet_count = 0; } // channels determined by last byte of tx address static void __attribute__((unused)) symax_set_channels(uint8_t address) { static const uint8_t start_chans_1[] = {0x0a, 0x1a, 0x2a, 0x3a}; static const uint8_t start_chans_2[] = {0x2a, 0x0a, 0x42, 0x22}; static const uint8_t start_chans_3[] = {0x1a, 0x3a, 0x12, 0x32}; uint8_t laddress = address & 0x1f; uint8_t i; uint32_t *pchans = (uint32_t *)hopping_frequency; // avoid compiler warning rf_ch_num = 4; if (laddress < 0x10) { if (laddress == 6) laddress = 7; for(i=0; i < rf_ch_num; i++) hopping_frequency[i] = start_chans_1[i] + laddress; } else if (laddress < 0x18) { for(i=0; i < rf_ch_num; i++) hopping_frequency[i] = start_chans_2[i] + (laddress & 0x07); if (laddress == 0x16) { hopping_frequency[0]++; hopping_frequency[1]++; } } else if (laddress < 0x1e) { for(i=0; i < rf_ch_num; i++) hopping_frequency[i] = start_chans_3[i] + (laddress & 0x07); } else if (laddress == 0x1e) *pchans = 0x38184121; else *pchans = 0x39194121; } static void __attribute__((unused)) symax_init2() { static uint8_t chans_data_x5c[] = {0x1d, 0x2f, 0x26, 0x3d, 0x15, 0x2b, 0x25, 0x24, 0x27, 0x2c, 0x1c, 0x3e, 0x39, 0x2d, 0x22}; if (sub_protocol==SYMAX5C) { rf_ch_num = sizeof(chans_data_x5c); memcpy(hopping_frequency, chans_data_x5c, rf_ch_num); } else { symax_set_channels(rx_tx_addr[0]); NRF24L01_WriteRegisterMulti(NRF24L01_10_TX_ADDR, rx_tx_addr, 5); } hopping_frequency_no = 0; packet_count = 0; } uint16_t symax_callback() { switch (phase) { case SYMAX_INIT1: symax_init1(); phase = SYMAX_BIND2; return SYMAX_FIRST_PACKET_DELAY; break; case SYMAX_BIND2: bind_counter = SYMAX_BIND_COUNT; phase = SYMAX_BIND3; SYMAX_send_packet(1); break; case SYMAX_BIND3: if (bind_counter == 0) { symax_init2(); phase = SYMAX_DATA; BIND_DONE; } else { SYMAX_send_packet(1); bind_counter--; } break; case SYMAX_DATA: telemetry_set_input_sync(SYMAX_PACKET_PERIOD); SYMAX_send_packet(0); break; } return SYMAX_PACKET_PERIOD; } uint16_t initSymax() { packet_count = 0; flags = 0; BIND_IN_PROGRESS; // autobind protocol symax_init(); phase = SYMAX_INIT1; return SYMAX_INITIAL_WAIT; } #endif