/* This project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Multiprotocol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Multiprotocol. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #if defined(FAKE_NRF24L01_INO) #include "iface_nrf250k.h" static void __attribute__((unused)) FAKE_send_packet() { for(uint8_t i=0;i<5;i++) packet[i]=i; NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_07_STATUS, (_BV(NRF24L01_07_RX_DR) | _BV(NRF24L01_07_TX_DS) | _BV(NRF24L01_07_MAX_RT))); NRF24L01_FlushTx(); NRF24L01_WritePayload(packet, 5); } static void __attribute__((unused)) FAKE_init() { // BIND_IN_PROGRESS; //CC2500 option=1; XN297L_Init(); CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_07_PKTCTRL1, 0x01); // Packet Automation Control CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_08_PKTCTRL0, 0x00); // Packet Automation Control CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_12_MDMCFG2, 0x12); // Modem Configuration CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_13_MDMCFG1, 0x13); // Modem Configuration CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_04_SYNC1, 0x11); CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_05_SYNC0, 0x33); CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_09_ADDR, 0x99); CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_06_PKTLEN, 10); CC2500_SetTxRxMode(RX_EN); CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SRX); //CC2500_SetTxRxMode(TX_EN); XN297L_RFChannel(0); //NRF /* option=0; PE1_on; //NRF24L01 antenna RF3 by default PE2_off; //NRF24L01 antenna RF3 by default NRF24L01_Initialize(); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_00_CONFIG, 0x7f); NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_01_EN_AA, 0x00);//0x3f); // AA on all pipes NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_02_EN_RXADDR, 0x3f); // Enable all pipes NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_03_SETUP_AW, 0x03); // 5-byte address NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_04_SETUP_RETR, 0x36); // retransmit 1ms, 6 times NRF24L01_SetBitrate(NRF24L01_BR_250K); // 1Mbps NRF24L01_SetPower(); NRF24L01_WriteRegisterMulti(NRF24L01_0A_RX_ADDR_P0, (uint8_t *)"\x99\x33\x11\xAA\xAA", 5); //Bind address NRF24L01_WriteRegisterMulti(NRF24L01_10_TX_ADDR, (uint8_t *)"\x99\x33\x11\xAA\xAA", 5); //Bind address NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_05_RF_CH, 0); NRF24L01_Activate(0x73); // Activate feature register NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_1C_DYNPD, 0x3f); // Enable dynamic payload length NRF24L01_WriteReg(NRF24L01_1D_FEATURE, 0x07); // Enable all features */ /*NRF24L01_FlushTx(); NRF24L01_SetTxRxMode(TX_EN);*/ } uint16_t FAKE_callback() { len = CC2500_ReadReg(CC2500_3B_RXBYTES | CC2500_READ_BURST) & 0x7F; if(len) debug("L=%d, ",len); if(len && len < sizeof(packet_in)) { CC2500_ReadData(packet_in, len); debug("P:"); for(uint8_t i=0;i<len;i++) debug(" %02X", packet_in[i]); } if(len) debugln(""); CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SFRX); CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SRX); option=0; //FAKE_send_packet(); PE1_off; //antenna RF2 PE2_on; /*packet[0]=0x99; for(uint8_t i=1;i<5;i++) packet[i]=i; CC2500_WriteData(packet, 5);*/ return 10000; } uint16_t initFAKE() { FAKE_init(); return 5000; } #endif