/* ************************** * By Midelic on RCGroups * ************************** This project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Multiprotocol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Multiprotocol. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #if defined(FRSKYX_CC2500_INO) #include "iface_cc2500.h" uint8_t chanskip; uint8_t counter_rst; uint8_t ctr; uint8_t seq_last_sent; uint8_t seq_last_rcvd; const PROGMEM uint8_t hop_data[]={ 0x02, 0xD4, 0xBB, 0xA2, 0x89, 0x70, 0x57, 0x3E, 0x25, 0x0C, 0xDE, 0xC5, 0xAC, 0x93, 0x7A, 0x61, 0x48, 0x2F, 0x16, 0xE8, 0xCF, 0xB6, 0x9D, 0x84, 0x6B, 0x52, 0x39, 0x20, 0x07, 0xD9, 0xC0, 0xA7, 0x8E, 0x75, 0x5C, 0x43, 0x2A, 0x11, 0xE3, 0xCA, 0xB1, 0x98, 0x7F, 0x66, 0x4D, 0x34, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x1D, 0x03 }; static uint8_t __attribute__((unused)) hop(uint8_t byte) { return pgm_read_byte_near(&hop_data[byte]); } static void __attribute__((unused)) set_start(uint8_t ch ) { CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_25_FSCAL1, calData[ch]); CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_0A_CHANNR, ch==47? 0:hop(ch)); } static void __attribute__((unused)) frskyX_init() { for(uint8_t i=0;i<36;i++) { uint8_t reg=pgm_read_byte_near(&cc2500_conf[i][0]); uint8_t val=pgm_read_byte_near(&cc2500_conf[i][1]); if(reg==CC2500_06_PKTLEN) val=0x1E; else if(reg==CC2500_08_PKTCTRL0) val=0x01; else if(reg==CC2500_0B_FSCTRL1) val=0x0A; else if(reg==CC2500_10_MDMCFG4) val=0x7B; else if(reg==CC2500_11_MDMCFG3) val=0x61; else if(reg==CC2500_12_MDMCFG2) val=0x13; else if(reg==CC2500_15_DEVIATN) val=0x51; CC2500_WriteReg(reg,val); } CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_07_PKTCTRL1, 0x04); prev_option = option ; CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_0C_FSCTRL0, option); CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); // for(uint8_t c=0;c < 47;c++) {//calibrate hop channels CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_0A_CHANNR,hop(c)); CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SCAL); delayMicroseconds(900);// calData[c] = CC2500_ReadReg(CC2500_25_FSCAL1); } CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_0A_CHANNR,0x00); CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SCAL); delayMicroseconds(900); calData[47] = CC2500_ReadReg(CC2500_25_FSCAL1); //#######END INIT######## } static void __attribute__((unused)) initialize_data(uint8_t adr) { CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_0C_FSCTRL0,option); // Frequency offset hack CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_18_MCSM0, 0x8); CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_09_ADDR, adr ? 0x03 : rx_tx_addr[3]); CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_07_PKTCTRL1,0x05); } //**CRC** const uint16_t PROGMEM CRC_Short[]={ 0x0000, 0x1189, 0x2312, 0x329B, 0x4624, 0x57AD, 0x6536, 0x74BF, 0x8C48, 0x9DC1, 0xAF5A, 0xBED3, 0xCA6C, 0xDBE5, 0xE97E, 0xF8F7 }; static uint16_t CRCTable(uint8_t val) { uint16_t word ; word = pgm_read_word(&CRC_Short[val&0x0F]) ; val /= 16 ; return word ^ (0x1081 * val) ; } static uint16_t __attribute__((unused)) crc_x(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len) { uint16_t crc = 0; for(uint8_t i=0; i < len; i++) crc = (crc<<8) ^ CRCTable((uint8_t)(crc>>8) ^ *data++); return crc; } // 0-2047, 0 = 817, 1024 = 1500, 2047 = 2182 //64=860,1024=1500,1984=2140//Taranis 125% static uint16_t __attribute__((unused)) scaleForPXX( uint8_t i ) { //mapped 860,2140(125%) range to 64,1984(PXX values); return (uint16_t)(((Servo_data[i]-servo_min_125)*3)>>1)+64; } static void __attribute__((unused)) frskyX_build_bind_packet() { packet[0] = 0x1D; packet[1] = 0x03; packet[2] = 0x01; // packet[3] = rx_tx_addr[3]; packet[4] = rx_tx_addr[2]; int idx = ((state -FRSKY_BIND) % 10) * 5; packet[5] = idx; packet[6] = hop(idx++); packet[7] = hop(idx++); packet[8] = hop(idx++); packet[9] = hop(idx++); packet[10] = hop(idx++); packet[11] = 0x02; packet[12] = RX_num; // memset(&packet[13], 0, 15); uint16_t lcrc = crc_x(&packet[3], 25); // packet[28] = lcrc >> 8; packet[29] = lcrc; // } static void __attribute__((unused)) frskyX_data_frame() { //0x1D 0xB3 0xFD 0x02 0x56 0x07 0x15 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x04 0x40 0x00 0x04 0x40 0x00 0x04 0x40 0x00 0x04 0x40 0x08 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x96 0x12 // static uint8_t lpass; uint16_t chan_0 ; uint16_t chan_1 ; uint8_t startChan = 0; // packet[0] = 0x1D; packet[1] = rx_tx_addr[3]; packet[2] = rx_tx_addr[2]; packet[3] = 0x02; // packet[4] = (ctr<<6)+hopping_frequency_no; packet[5] = counter_rst; packet[6] = RX_num; //packet[7] = FLAGS 00 - standard packet //10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 1A, 1C, 1E - failsafe packet //20 - range check packet packet[7] = 0; packet[8] = 0; // if ( lpass & 1 ) startChan += 8 ; for(uint8_t i = 0; i <12 ; i+=3) {//12 bytes chan_0 = scaleForPXX(startChan); if(lpass & 1 ) chan_0+=2048; startChan+=1; // chan_1 = scaleForPXX(startChan); if(lpass & 1 ) chan_1+= 2048; startChan+=1; // packet[9+i] = lowByte(chan_0);//3 bytes*4 packet[9+i+1]=(((chan_0>>8) & 0x0F)|(chan_1 << 4)); packet[9+i+2]=chan_1>>4; } packet[21] = seq_last_sent << 4 | seq_last_rcvd;//8 at start if (seq_last_sent < 0x08 && seq_last_rcvd < 8) seq_last_sent = (seq_last_sent + 1) % 4; else if (seq_last_rcvd == 0x00) seq_last_sent = 1; if(sub_protocol== CH_8 )// in X8 mode send only 8ch every 9ms lpass = 0 ; else lpass += 1 ; for (uint8_t i=22;i<28;i++) packet[i]=0; uint16_t lcrc = crc_x(&packet[3], 25); packet[28]=lcrc>>8;//high byte packet[29]=lcrc;//low byte } uint16_t ReadFrSkyX() { switch(state) { default: set_start(47); CC2500_SetPower(); CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SFRX); // frskyX_build_bind_packet(); CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); CC2500_WriteData(packet, packet[0]+1); state++; return 9000; case FRSKY_BIND_DONE: initialize_data(0); hopping_frequency_no=0; BIND_DONE; state++; break; case FRSKY_DATA1: if ( prev_option != option ) { CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_0C_FSCTRL0,option); // Frequency offset hack prev_option = option ; } CC2500_SetTxRxMode(TX_EN); set_start(hopping_frequency_no); CC2500_SetPower(); CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SFRX); hopping_frequency_no = (hopping_frequency_no+chanskip)%47; CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); CC2500_WriteData(packet, packet[0]+1); // frskyX_data_frame(); state++; return 5500; case FRSKY_DATA2: CC2500_SetTxRxMode(RX_EN); CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); state++; return 200; case FRSKY_DATA3: CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SRX); state++; return 3000; case FRSKY_DATA4: len = CC2500_ReadReg(CC2500_3B_RXBYTES | CC2500_READ_BURST) & 0x7F; if (len && (len<=(0x0E + 3))) //Telemetry frame is 17 { counter=0; CC2500_ReadData(pkt, len); #if defined TELEMETRY frsky_check_telemetry(pkt,len); //check if valid telemetry packets //parse telemetry packets here //The same telemetry function used by FrSky(D8). #endif } else { counter++; // restart sequence on missed packet - might need count or timeout instead of one missed if(counter>100) {//~1sec seq_last_sent = 0; seq_last_rcvd = 8; counter=0; telemetry_lost=1; } CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_SFRX); //flush the RXFIFO } state = FRSKY_DATA1; return 300; } return 1; } uint16_t initFrSkyX() { while(!chanskip) chanskip=random(0xfefefefe)%47; while((chanskip-ctr)%4) ctr=(ctr+1)%4; counter_rst=(chanskip-ctr)>>2; //for test*************** //rx_tx_addr[3]=0xB3; //rx_tx_addr[2]=0xFD; //************************ frskyX_init(); CC2500_SetTxRxMode(TX_EN); // if(IS_AUTOBIND_FLAG_on) { state = FRSKY_BIND; initialize_data(1); } else { state = FRSKY_DATA1; initialize_data(0); } seq_last_sent = 0; seq_last_rcvd = 8; return 10000; } #endif