os: linux dist: bionic language: c env: jobs: - BOARD="multi4in1:avr:multiatmega328p:bootloader=none" - BOARD="multi4in1:avr:multiatmega328p:bootloader=optiboot" - BOARD="multi4in1:avr:multixmega32d4" - BOARD="multi4in1:STM32F1:multi5in1t18int" - BOARD="multi4in1:STM32F1:multistm32f103cb:debug_option=none" - BOARD="multi4in1:STM32F1:multistm32f103cb:debug_option=native" - BOARD="multi4in1:STM32F1:multistm32f103cb:debug_option=ftdi" - BOARD="multi4in1:STM32F1:multistm32f103c8:debug_option=none" notifications: email: false before_install: # Fetch the tag information for the current branch - git fetch origin --tags # Publish the buildroot script folder - chmod +x ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/buildroot/bin/* - export PATH=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/buildroot/bin/:${PATH} # Helper functions for the builds - buildMulti() { start_fold config_diff; travis_time_start; git diff Multiprotocol/_Config.h; end_fold config_diff; exitcode=0; BUILDCMD="arduino-cli compile -b $BOARD Multiprotocol/Multiprotocol.ino --build-path ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/build/"; echo $BUILDCMD; $BUILDCMD; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exitcode=1; fi; echo; return $exitcode; } - buildProtocol() { exitcode=0; opt_disable $ALL_PROTOCOLS; opt_enable $1; buildMulti; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exitcode=1; fi; return $exitcode; } - buildEachProtocol() { exitcodesum=0; for PROTOCOL in $ALL_PROTOCOLS ; do printf "\e[33;1mBuilding $PROTOCOL\e[0m"; buildProtocol $PROTOCOL; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exitcodesum=$((exitcodesum + 1)); fi; done; return $exitcodesum; } - buildRFModule() { exitcode=0; opt_disable $ALL_RFMODULES; opt_enable $1; buildMulti; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exitcode=1; fi; return $exitcode; } - buildEachRFModule() { exitcodesum=0; for RFMODULE in $ALL_RFMODULES; do printf "\e[33;1mBuilding $RFMODULE\e[0m"; buildRFModule $RFMODULE; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exitcodesum=$((exitcodesum + 1)); fi; done; return $exitcodesum; } - buildDefault() { exitcode=0; printf "\n\e[33;1mBuilding default configuration\e[0m\n"; buildMulti; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exitcode=1; fi; return $exitcode; } - buildSerialOnly() { exitcode=0; printf "\n\e[33;1mBuilding serial mode only\e[0m\n"; opt_disable ENABLE_PPM; opt_enable ENABLE_SERIAL; buildMulti; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exitcode=1; fi; return $exitcode; } - buildPPMOnly() { exitcode=0; printf "\n\e[33;1mBuilding PPM mode only\e[0m\n"; opt_enable ENABLE_PPM; opt_disable ENABLE_SERIAL; buildMulti; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exitcode=1; fi; return $exitcode; } - export -f buildMulti # Function to build the release files - dependent on board type. # Release build scripts are located in buildroot/bin. - if [[ "$BOARD" == "multi4in1:avr:multixmega32d4" ]]; then buildReleaseFiles(){ build_release_orx; }; elif [[ "$BOARD" == "multi4in1:avr:multiatmega328p:bootloader=none" ]]; then buildReleaseFiles(){ build_release_avr_noboot; }; elif [[ "$BOARD" == "multi4in1:avr:multiatmega328p:bootloader=optiboot" ]]; then buildReleaseFiles(){ build_release_avr_optiboot; }; elif [[ "$BOARD" == "multi4in1:STM32F1:multistm32f103cb:debug_option=none" ]]; then buildReleaseFiles(){ build_release_stm32f1_no_debug; }; elif [[ "$BOARD" == "multi4in1:STM32F1:multistm32f103cb:debug_option=native" ]]; then buildReleaseFiles(){ build_release_stm32f1_native_debug; }; elif [[ "$BOARD" == "multi4in1:STM32F1:multistm32f103cb:debug_option=ftdi" ]]; then buildReleaseFiles(){ build_release_stm32f1_serial_debug; }; elif [[ "$BOARD" == "multi4in1:STM32F1:multi5in1t18int" ]]; then buildReleaseFiles(){ build_release_stm32f1_t18int; }; else buildReleaseFiles() { printf "No release files for this board."; }; fi install: # Install Arduino CLI - mkdir ~/arduino-cli - curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arduino/arduino-cli/master/install.sh | BINDIR=~/arduino-cli sh; - export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/arduino-cli # Update the board url and package index - arduino-cli core update-index --additional-urls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pascallanger/DIY-Multiprotocol-TX-Module-Boards/master/package_multi_4in1_board_index.json # Install the STM32 board if needed - if [[ "$BOARD" =~ "multi4in1:STM32F1:" ]]; then arduino-cli core install multi4in1:STM32F1 --additional-urls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pascallanger/DIY-Multiprotocol-TX-Module-Boards/master/package_multi_4in1_board_index.json; fi # Install the AVR board if needed - if [[ "$BOARD" =~ "multi4in1:avr:" ]]; then arduino-cli core install arduino:avr; arduino-cli core install multi4in1:avr --additional-urls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pascallanger/DIY-Multiprotocol-TX-Module-Boards/master/package_multi_4in1_board_index.json; fi before_script: # Export all the variables - set -a # Change current working directory to the build dir - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} # Create somwhere to put the exported binaries - mkdir ./binaries # Log the initial Multi config - cat Multiprotocol/_Config.h # Back up the configuration - cp Multiprotocol/_Config.h ./_Config.h.bak # Get the firmware version number from the source - MAJOR_VERSION=$(grep "VERSION_MAJOR" "Multiprotocol/Multiprotocol.h" | awk -v N=3 '{gsub(/\r/,""); print $N}') - MINOR_VERSION=$(grep "VERSION_MINOR" "Multiprotocol/Multiprotocol.h" | awk -v N=3 '{gsub(/\r/,""); print $N}') - REVISION_VERSION=$(grep "VERSION_REVISION" "Multiprotocol//Multiprotocol.h" | awk -v N=3 '{gsub(/\r/,""); print $N}') - PATCH_VERSION=$(grep "VERSION_PATCH" "Multiprotocol//Multiprotocol.h" | awk -v N=3 '{gsub(/\r/,""); print $N}') - MULTI_VERSION=$MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION.$REVISION_VERSION.$PATCH_VERSION # Derive the Multi protocols from the Multi source - A7105_PROTOCOLS=$(sed -n 's/[\/\/]*[[:blank:]]*#define[[:blank:]]*\([[:alnum:]_]*_A7105_INO\)\(.*\)/\1/p' Multiprotocol/_Config.h) - CC2500_PROTOCOLS=$(sed -n 's/[\/\/]*[[:blank:]]*#define[[:blank:]]*\([[:alnum:]_]*_CC2500_INO\)\(.*\)/\1/p' Multiprotocol/_Config.h) - CYRF6936_PROTOCOLS=$(sed -n 's/[\/\/]*[[:blank:]]*#define[[:blank:]]*\([[:alnum:]_]*_CYRF6936_INO\)\(.*\)/\1/p' Multiprotocol/_Config.h) - NRF24L01_PROTOCOLS=$(sed -n 's/[\/\/]*[[:blank:]]*#define[[:blank:]]*\([[:alnum:]_]*_NRF24L01_INO\)\(.*\)/\1/p' Multiprotocol/_Config.h) - SX1276_PROTOCOLS=$(sed -n 's/[\/\/]*[[:blank:]]*#define[[:blank:]]*\([[:alnum:]_]*_SX1276_INO\)\(.*\)/\1/p' Multiprotocol/_Config.h) # Get the full set of protocols for each board - if [[ "$BOARD" =~ "multi4in1:avr:multixmega32d4" ]]; then ALL_PROTOCOLS=$(echo $CYRF6936_PROTOCOLS); elif [[ "$BOARD" =~ "multi4in1:avr:multiatmega328p:" ]]; then ALL_PROTOCOLS=$(echo $A7105_PROTOCOLS $CC2500_PROTOCOLS $CYRF6936_PROTOCOLS $NRF24L01_PROTOCOLS); elif [[ "$BOARD" =~ "multi4in1:STM32F1:" ]]; then ALL_PROTOCOLS=$(echo $A7105_PROTOCOLS $CC2500_PROTOCOLS $CYRF6936_PROTOCOLS $NRF24L01_PROTOCOLS $SX1276_PROTOCOLS); fi - echo $ALL_PROTOCOLS # Declare all the installed modules - if [[ "$BOARD" =~ "multi4in1:avr:multixmega32d4" ]]; then ALL_RFMODULES=$(echo CYRF6936_INSTALLED); elif [[ "$BOARD" =~ "multi4in1:avr:multiatmega328p:" ]]; then ALL_RFMODULES=$(echo A7105_INSTALLED CYRF6936_INSTALLED CC2500_INSTALLED NRF24L01_INSTALLED); elif [[ "$BOARD" =~ "multi4in1:STM32F1:" ]]; then ALL_RFMODULES=$(echo A7105_INSTALLED CYRF6936_INSTALLED CC2500_INSTALLED NRF24L01_INSTALLED SX1276_INSTALLED); fi - echo $ALL_RFMODULES # Disable CHECK_FOR_BOOTLOADER when not needed - if [[ "$BOARD" == "multi4in1:avr:multiatmega328p:bootloader=none" ]]; then opt_disable CHECK_FOR_BOOTLOADER; fi # Trim the enabled protocols down for the STM32F103CB board with debugging - if [[ "$BOARD" == "multi4in1:STM32F1:multistm32f103cb:debug_option=ftdi" ]] || [[ "$BOARD" == "multi4in1:STM32F1:multistm32f103cb:debug_option=native" ]]; then opt_disable $ALL_PROTOCOLS; opt_enable FRSKYX_CC2500_INO AFHDS2A_A7105_INO MJXQ_NRF24L01_INO DSM_CYRF6936_INO; fi # Trim the enabled protocols down for the STM32F103C8 board - if [[ "$BOARD" == "multi4in1:STM32F1:multistm32f103c8:debug_option=none" ]]; then opt_disable $ALL_PROTOCOLS; opt_enable FRSKYX_CC2500_INO AFHDS2A_A7105_INO MJXQ_NRF24L01_INO DSM_CYRF6936_INO; fi # Trim the enabled protocols down for the Atmega328p board - if [[ "$BOARD" =~ "multi4in1:avr:multiatmega328p:" ]]; then opt_disable $ALL_PROTOCOLS; opt_enable FRSKYX_CC2500_INO AFHDS2A_A7105_INO MJXQ_NRF24L01_INO DSM_CYRF6936_INO; fi # Useful Travis functions - export -f travis_fold - export -f travis_nanoseconds - export -f travis_time_start - export -f travis_time_finish - start_fold() { echo -e "travis_fold:start:$1"; } - end_fold() { echo -e "\ntravis_fold:end:$1\r"; } script: # Build with default configuration - all protocols are enabled for STM32; a subset of protocols for Atmega or STM32 debugging - buildDefault # Serial only - buildSerialOnly # PPM only - buildPPMOnly # Re-enable PPM and serial - opt_enable ENABLE_SERIAL - opt_enable ENABLE_PPM # Build for each RF module individually - buildEachRFModule # Restore the default configuration - cp ./_Config.h.bak Multiprotocol/_Config.h # Build each protocol individually - buildEachProtocol # Restore the default configuration - cp ./_Config.h.bak Multiprotocol/_Config.h # Builds the files for a release - always built, but only copied to Github if the test is tagged as a release - buildReleaseFiles deploy: provider: releases token: secure: 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 skip_cleanup: true file_glob: true file: binaries/* on: tags: true