/* This project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Multiprotocol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Multiprotocol. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ //************************** // Telemetry serial code * //************************** #if defined TELEMETRY uint8_t RetrySequence ; #if ( defined(MULTI_TELEMETRY) || defined(MULTI_STATUS) ) uint32_t lastMulti = 0; #define MULTI_TIME 500 //in ms #ifdef MULTI_SYNC #define INPUT_SYNC_TIME 100 //in ms #define INPUT_ADDITIONAL_DELAY 100 // in 10µs, 100 => 1000 µs uint32_t lastInputSync = 0; uint16_t inputDelay = 0; #endif // MULTI_SYNC #endif // MULTI_TELEMETRY/MULTI_STATUS #if defined SPORT_TELEMETRY #define FRSKY_SPORT_PACKET_SIZE 8 #define FX_BUFFERS 4 uint8_t RxBt = 0; uint8_t Sport_Data = 0; uint8_t pktx1[FRSKY_SPORT_PACKET_SIZE*FX_BUFFERS]; // Store for out of sequence packet uint8_t FrSkyX_RX_ValidSeq ; struct t_FrSkyX_RX_Frame { boolean valid; uint8_t count; uint8_t payload[6]; } ; // Store for FrskyX telemetry struct t_FrSkyX_RX_Frame FrSkyX_RX_Frames[4] ; uint8_t FrSkyX_RX_NextFrame=0; #endif // SPORT_TELEMETRY #if defined HUB_TELEMETRY #define USER_MAX_BYTES 6 uint8_t prev_index; #endif // HUB_TELEMETRY #define START_STOP 0x7e #define BYTESTUFF 0x7d #define STUFF_MASK 0x20 #define MAX_PKTX 10 uint8_t pktx[MAX_PKTX]; uint8_t frame[18]; #if ( defined(MULTI_TELEMETRY) || defined(MULTI_STATUS) ) static void multi_send_header(uint8_t type, uint8_t len) { Serial_write('M'); #ifdef MULTI_TELEMETRY Serial_write('P'); Serial_write(type); #else (void)type; #endif Serial_write(len); } #ifdef MULTI_SYNC static void telemetry_set_input_sync(uint16_t refreshRate) { #if defined(STM32_BOARD) && defined(DEBUG_PIN) static uint8_t c=0; if (c++%2==0) { DEBUG_PIN_on; } else { DEBUG_PIN_off; } #endif // Only record input Delay after a frame has really been received // Otherwise protocols with faster refresh rates then the TX sends (e.g. 3ms vs 6ms) will screw up the calcualtion inputRefreshRate = refreshRate; if (last_serial_input != 0) { cli(); // Disable global int due to RW of 16 bits registers inputDelay = TCNT1; sei(); // Enable global int //inputDelay = (inputDelay - last_serial_input)>>1; inputDelay -= last_serial_input; //if(inputDelay & 0x8000) // inputDelay = inputDelay - 0x8000; last_serial_input=0; } } #endif #ifdef MULTI_SYNC static void mult_send_inputsync() { multi_send_header(MULTI_TELEMETRY_SYNC, 6); Serial_write(inputRefreshRate >> 8); Serial_write(inputRefreshRate & 0xff); // Serial_write(inputDelay >> 8); // Serial_write(inputDelay & 0xff); Serial_write(inputDelay >> 9); Serial_write(inputDelay >> 1); Serial_write(INPUT_SYNC_TIME); Serial_write(INPUT_ADDITIONAL_DELAY); } #endif //MULTI_SYNC static void multi_send_status() { #ifdef MULTI_NAMES if(multi_protocols_index != 0xFF) multi_send_header(MULTI_TELEMETRY_STATUS, 24); else #endif multi_send_header(MULTI_TELEMETRY_STATUS, 6); // Build flags uint8_t flags=0; if (IS_INPUT_SIGNAL_on) flags |= 0x01; if (mode_select==MODE_SERIAL) flags |= 0x02; if (remote_callback != 0) { flags |= 0x04; #ifdef MULTI_NAMES if((sub_protocol&0x07) && multi_protocols_index != 0xFF) { uint8_t nbr=multi_protocols[multi_protocols_index].nbrSubProto; if((sub_protocol&0x07)>=nbr) flags &= ~0x04; //Invalid sub protocol } #endif if (IS_WAIT_BIND_on) flags |= 0x10; else if (IS_BIND_IN_PROGRESS) flags |= 0x08; if(IS_CHMAP_PROTOCOL) flags |= 0x40; //Disable_ch_mapping supported #ifdef FAILSAFE_ENABLE if(IS_FAILSAFE_PROTOCOL) flags |= 0x20; //Failsafe supported #endif if(IS_DATA_BUFFER_LOW_on) flags |= 0x80; } Serial_write(flags); // Version number example: Serial_write(VERSION_MAJOR); Serial_write(VERSION_MINOR); Serial_write(VERSION_REVISION); Serial_write(VERSION_PATCH_LEVEL); // Channel order Serial_write(RUDDER<<6|THROTTLE<<4|ELEVATOR<<2|AILERON); #ifdef MULTI_NAMES if(multi_protocols_index != 0xFF) { // Protocol next/prev if(multi_protocols[multi_protocols_index+1].protocol != 0) Serial_write(multi_protocols[multi_protocols_index+1].protocol); // next protocol number else Serial_write(protocol); // end of list if(multi_protocols_index>0) Serial_write(multi_protocols[multi_protocols_index-1].protocol); // prev protocol number else Serial_write(protocol); // begining of list // Protocol for(uint8_t i=0;i<7;i++) Serial_write(multi_protocols[multi_protocols_index].ProtoString[i]); // protocol name // Sub-protocol uint8_t nbr=multi_protocols[multi_protocols_index].nbrSubProto; Serial_write(nbr | (multi_protocols[multi_protocols_index].optionType<<4)); // number of sub protocols && option type uint8_t j=0; if(nbr && (sub_protocol&0x07)<nbr) { uint8_t len=multi_protocols[multi_protocols_index].SubProtoString[0]; uint8_t offset=len*(sub_protocol&0x07)+1; for(;j<len;j++) Serial_write(multi_protocols[multi_protocols_index].SubProtoString[j+offset]); // current sub protocol name } for(;j<8;j++) Serial_write(0x00); // Channels function //TODO } #endif } #endif #ifdef DSM_TELEMETRY #ifdef MULTI_TELEMETRY void DSM_frame() { if (packet_in[0] == 0x80) { multi_send_header(MULTI_TELEMETRY_DSMBIND, 10); for (uint8_t i = 1; i < 11; i++) // 10 bytes of DSM bind response Serial_write(packet_in[i]); } else { multi_send_header(MULTI_TELEMETRY_DSM, 17); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 17; i++) // RSSI value followed by 16 bytes of telemetry data Serial_write(packet_in[i]); } } #else void DSM_frame() { Serial_write(0xAA); // Telemetry packet for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 17; i++) // RSSI value followed by 16 bytes of telemetry data Serial_write(packet_in[i]); } #endif #endif #ifdef SCANNER_TELEMETRY void spectrum_scanner_frame() { #if defined MULTI_TELEMETRY multi_send_header(MULTI_TELEMETRY_SCANNER, SCAN_CHANS_PER_PACKET + 1); #else Serial_write(0xAA); // Telemetry packet #endif Serial_write(packet_in[0]); // start channel for(uint8_t ch = 0; ch < SCAN_CHANS_PER_PACKET; ch++) Serial_write(packet_in[ch+1]); // RSSI power levels } #endif #if defined (FRSKY_RX_TELEMETRY) || defined (AFHDS2A_RX_TELEMETRY) || defined (BAYANG_RX_TELEMETRY) void receiver_channels_frame() { uint16_t len = packet_in[3] * 11; // 11 bit per channel if (len % 8 == 0) len = 4 + (len / 8); else len = 5 + (len / 8); #if defined MULTI_TELEMETRY multi_send_header(MULTI_TELEMETRY_RX_CHANNELS, len); #else Serial_write(0xAA); // Telemetry packet #endif for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++) Serial_write(packet_in[i]); // pps, rssi, ch start, ch count, 16x ch data } #endif #ifdef AFHDS2A_FW_TELEMETRY void AFHDSA_short_frame() { #if defined MULTI_TELEMETRY multi_send_header(packet_in[29]==0xAA?MULTI_TELEMETRY_AFHDS2A:MULTI_TELEMETRY_AFHDS2A_AC, 29); #else Serial_write(packet_in[29]); // Telemetry packet 0xAA or 0xAC #endif for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 29; i++) // RSSI value followed by 4*7 bytes of telemetry data Serial_write(packet_in[i]); } #endif #ifdef HITEC_FW_TELEMETRY void HITEC_short_frame() { #if defined MULTI_TELEMETRY multi_send_header(MULTI_TELEMETRY_HITEC, 8); #else Serial_write(0xAA); // Telemetry packet #endif for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) // TX RSSI and TX LQI values followed by frame number and 5 bytes of telemetry data Serial_write(packet_in[i]); } #endif #ifdef HOTT_FW_TELEMETRY void HOTT_short_frame() { #if defined MULTI_TELEMETRY multi_send_header(MULTI_TELEMETRY_HOTT, 14); #else Serial_write(0xAA); // Telemetry packet #endif for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 14; i++) // TX RSSI and TX LQI values followed by frame number and telemetry data Serial_write(packet_in[i]); } #endif #ifdef MULTI_TELEMETRY static void multi_send_frskyhub() { multi_send_header(MULTI_TELEMETRY_HUB, 9); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; i++) Serial_write(frame[i]); } #endif void frskySendStuffed() { Serial_write(START_STOP); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if ((frame[i] == START_STOP) || (frame[i] == BYTESTUFF)) { Serial_write(BYTESTUFF); frame[i] ^= STUFF_MASK; } Serial_write(frame[i]); } Serial_write(START_STOP); } void frsky_check_telemetry(uint8_t *packet_in,uint8_t len) { if(packet_in[1] != rx_tx_addr[3] || packet_in[2] != rx_tx_addr[2] || len != packet_in[0] + 3 ) return; // Bad address or length... telemetry_link|=1; // Telemetry data is available // RSSI and LQI are the 2 last bytes TX_RSSI = packet_in[len-2]; if(TX_RSSI >=128) TX_RSSI -= 128; else TX_RSSI += 128; TX_LQI = packet_in[len-1]&0x7F; #if defined FRSKYD_CC2500_INO if (protocol==PROTO_FRSKYD) { //Save current buffer for (uint8_t i=3;i<len-2;i++) telemetry_in_buffer[i]=packet_in[i]; // Buffer telemetry values to be sent //Check incoming telemetry sequence if(telemetry_in_buffer[6]>0 && telemetry_in_buffer[6]<=10) { //Telemetry length ok if ( ( telemetry_in_buffer[7] & 0x1F ) == (telemetry_counter & 0x1F) ) {//Sequence is ok uint8_t topBit = 0 ; if ( telemetry_counter & 0x80 ) if ( ( telemetry_counter & 0x1F ) != RetrySequence ) topBit = 0x80 ; telemetry_counter = ( (telemetry_counter+1)%32 ) | topBit ; // Request next telemetry frame } else {//Incorrect sequence RetrySequence = telemetry_in_buffer[7] & 0x1F ; telemetry_counter |= 0x80 ; telemetry_in_buffer[6]=0 ; // Discard current packet and wait for retransmit } } else telemetry_in_buffer[6]=0; // Discard packet } #endif #if defined SPORT_TELEMETRY && defined FRSKYX_CC2500_INO if (protocol==PROTO_FRSKYX) { /*Telemetry frames(RF) SPORT info 15 bytes payload SPORT frame valid 6+3 bytes [00] PKLEN 0E 0E 0E 0E [01] TXID1 DD DD DD DD [02] TXID2 6D 6D 6D 6D [03] CONST 02 02 02 02 [04] RS/RB 2C D0 2C CE //D0;CE=2*RSSI;....2C = RX battery voltage(5V from Bec) [05] HD-SK 03 10 21 32 //TX/RX telemetry hand-shake bytes [06] NO.BT 00 00 06 03 //No.of valid SPORT frame bytes in the frame [07] STRM1 00 00 7E 00 [08] STRM2 00 00 1A 00 [09] STRM3 00 00 10 00 [10] STRM4 03 03 03 03 [11] STRM5 F1 F1 F1 F1 [12] STRM6 D1 D1 D0 D0 [13] CHKSUM1 --|2 CRC bytes sent by RX (calculated on RX side crc16/table) [14] CHKSUM2 --|*/ telemetry_lost=0; uint16_t lcrc = FrSkyX_crc(&packet_in[3], len-7 ) ; if ( ( (lcrc >> 8) != packet_in[len-4]) || ( (lcrc & 0x00FF ) != packet_in[len-3]) ) return; // Bad CRC if(packet_in[4] & 0x80) RX_RSSI=packet_in[4] & 0x7F ; else RxBt = (packet_in[4]<<1) + 1 ; #if defined(TELEMETRY_FRSKYX_TO_FRSKYD) && defined(ENABLE_PPM) if(mode_select != MODE_SERIAL) {//PPM v_lipo1=RxBt; return; } #endif //Save outgoing telemetry sequence FrSkyX_TX_IN_Seq=packet_in[5] >> 4; //Check incoming telemetry sequence uint8_t packet_seq=packet_in[5] & 0x03; if ( packet_in[5] & 0x08 ) {//Request init FrSkyX_RX_Seq = 0x08 ; FrSkyX_RX_NextFrame = 0x00 ; FrSkyX_RX_Frames[0].valid = false ; FrSkyX_RX_Frames[1].valid = false ; FrSkyX_RX_Frames[2].valid = false ; FrSkyX_RX_Frames[3].valid = false ; } else if ( packet_seq == (FrSkyX_RX_Seq & 0x03 ) ) {//In sequence struct t_FrSkyX_RX_Frame *p ; uint8_t count ; // packet_in[4] RSSI // packet_in[5] sequence control // packet_in[6] payload count // packet_in[7-12] payload p = &FrSkyX_RX_Frames[packet_seq] ; count = packet_in[6]; // Payload length if ( count <= 6 ) {//Store payload p->count = count ; for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) p->payload[i] = packet_in[i+7] ; } else p->count = 0 ; // Discard p->valid = true ; FrSkyX_RX_Seq = ( FrSkyX_RX_Seq + 1 ) & 0x03 ; // Move to next sequence if ( FrSkyX_RX_ValidSeq & 0x80 ) { FrSkyX_RX_Seq = ( FrSkyX_RX_ValidSeq + 1 ) & 3 ; FrSkyX_RX_ValidSeq &= 0x7F ; } } else {//Not in sequence struct t_FrSkyX_RX_Frame *q ; uint8_t count ; // packet_in[4] RSSI // packet_in[5] sequence control // packet_in[6] payload count // packet_in[7-12] payload if ( packet_seq == ( ( FrSkyX_RX_Seq +1 ) & 3 ) ) {//Received next sequence -> save it q = &FrSkyX_RX_Frames[packet_seq] ; count = packet_in[6]; // Payload length if ( count <= 6 ) {//Store payload q->count = count ; for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) q->payload[i] = packet_in[i+7] ; } else q->count = 0 ; q->valid = true ; FrSkyX_RX_ValidSeq = 0x80 | packet_seq ; } FrSkyX_RX_Seq = ( FrSkyX_RX_Seq & 0x03 ) | 0x04 ; // Request re-transmission of original sequence } } #endif } void init_frskyd_link_telemetry() { telemetry_link=0; telemetry_counter=0; telemetry_lost=1; v_lipo1=0; v_lipo2=0; RX_RSSI=0; TX_RSSI=0; RX_LQI=0; TX_LQI=0; } void frsky_link_frame() { frame[0] = 0xFE; // Link frame if (protocol==PROTO_FRSKYD) { frame[1] = telemetry_in_buffer[3]; // A1 frame[2] = telemetry_in_buffer[4]; // A2 frame[3] = telemetry_in_buffer[5]; // RX_RSSI telemetry_link &= ~1 ; // Sent telemetry_link |= 2 ; // Send hub if available } else {//PROTO_HUBSAN, PROTO_AFHDS2A, PROTO_BAYANG, PROTO_NCC1701, PROTO_CABELL, PROTO_HITEC, PROTO_BUGS, PROTO_BUGSMINI, PROTO_FRSKYX frame[1] = v_lipo1; frame[2] = v_lipo2; frame[3] = RX_RSSI; telemetry_link=0; } frame[4] = TX_RSSI; frame[5] = RX_LQI; frame[6] = TX_LQI; frame[7] = frame[8] = 0; #if defined MULTI_TELEMETRY multi_send_frskyhub(); #else frskySendStuffed(); #endif } #if defined HUB_TELEMETRY void frsky_user_frame() { if(telemetry_in_buffer[6]) {//only send valid hub frames frame[0] = 0xFD; // user frame if(telemetry_in_buffer[6]>USER_MAX_BYTES) { frame[1]=USER_MAX_BYTES; // packet size telemetry_in_buffer[6]-=USER_MAX_BYTES; telemetry_link |= 2 ; // 2 packets need to be sent } else { frame[1]=telemetry_in_buffer[6]; // packet size telemetry_link=0; // only 1 packet or processing second packet } frame[2] = telemetry_in_buffer[7]; for(uint8_t i=0;i<USER_MAX_BYTES;i++) frame[i+3]=telemetry_in_buffer[i+8]; if(telemetry_link & 2) // prepare the content of second packet for(uint8_t i=8;i<USER_MAX_BYTES+8;i++) telemetry_in_buffer[i]=telemetry_in_buffer[i+USER_MAX_BYTES]; #if defined MULTI_TELEMETRY multi_send_frskyhub(); #else frskySendStuffed(); #endif } else telemetry_link=0; } /* HuB RX packets. packet_in[6]|(counter++)|00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 %32 01 08 5E 28 12 00 5E 5E 3A 06 00 5E 0A 09 28 12 00 5E 5E 3A 06 00 5E 5E 09 0A 3B 09 00 5E 5E 06 36 7D 5E 5E 03 0B 5E 28 11 00 5E 5E 06 06 6C 5E 0A 0C 00 5E 5E 3A 06 00 5E 5E 3B 09 07 0D 00 5E 5E 06 06 6C 5E 16 72 5E 05 0E 5E 28 11 00 5E 5E 3A 06 00 5E 0A 0F 5E 3A 06 00 5E 5E 3B 09 00 5E 05 10 5E 06 16 72 5E 5E 3A 06 00 5E */ #endif #if defined SPORT_TELEMETRY /* SPORT details serial 100K 8E2 normal-multiprotocol -every 12ms-or multiple of 12; %36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CRC DESCR 7E 98 10 05 F1 20 23 0F 00 A6 SWR_ID 7E 98 10 01 F1 33 00 00 00 C9 RSSI_ID 7E 98 10 04 F1 58 00 00 00 A1 BATT_ID 7E BA 10 03 F1 E2 00 00 00 18 ADC2_ID 7E BA 10 03 F1 E2 00 00 00 18 ADC2_ID 7E BA 10 03 F1 E2 00 00 00 18 ADC2_ID 7E BA 10 03 F1 E2 00 00 00 18 ADC2_ID 7E BA 10 03 F1 E2 00 00 00 18 ADC2_ID 7E BA 10 03 F1 E2 00 00 00 18 ADC2_ID Telemetry frames(RF) SPORT info 15 bytes payload SPORT frame valid 6+3 bytes [00] PKLEN 0E 0E 0E 0E [01] TXID1 DD DD DD DD [02] TXID2 6D 6D 6D 6D [03] CONST 02 02 02 02 [04] RS/RB 2C D0 2C CE //D0;CE=2*RSSI;....2C = RX battery voltage(5V from Bec) [05] HD-SK 03 10 21 32 //TX/RX telemetry hand-shake bytes [06] NO.BT 00 00 06 03 //No.of valid SPORT frame bytes in the frame [07] STRM1 00 00 7E 00 [08] STRM2 00 00 1A 00 [09] STRM3 00 00 10 00 [10] STRM4 03 03 03 03 [11] STRM5 F1 F1 F1 F1 [12] STRM6 D1 D1 D0 D0 [13] CHKSUM1 --|2 CRC bytes sent by RX (calculated on RX side crc16/table) [14] CHKSUM2 --| +2 appended bytes automatically RSSI and LQI/CRC bytes(len=0x0E+3); 0x06 0x06 0x06 0x06 0x06 0x7E 0x00 0x03 0x7E 0x00 0x1A 0x00 0xF1 0x1A 0x00 0x10 0x00 0xD7 0x10 0x00 0x03 0x7E 0x00 0x03 0x7E 0xF1 0x1A 0x00 0xF1 0x1A 0xD7 0x10 0x00 0xD7 0x10 0xE1 0x1C 0xD0 0xEE 0x33 0x34 0x0A 0xC3 0x56 0xF3 */ #if defined MULTI_TELEMETRY const uint8_t PROGMEM Indices[] = { 0x00, 0xA1, 0x22, 0x83, 0xE4, 0x45, 0xC6, 0x67, 0x48, 0xE9, 0x6A, 0xCB, 0xAC, 0x0D, 0x8E, 0x2F, 0xD0, 0x71, 0xF2, 0x53, 0x34, 0x95, 0x16, 0xB7, 0x98, 0x39, 0xBA, 0x1B } ; #endif #ifdef MULTI_TELEMETRY void sportSend(uint8_t *p) { multi_send_header(MULTI_TELEMETRY_SPORT, 9); uint16_t crc_s = 0; uint8_t x = p[0] ; if ( x <= 0x1B ) x = pgm_read_byte_near( &Indices[x] ) ; Serial_write(x) ; for (uint8_t i = 1; i < 8; i++) { Serial_write(p[i]); crc_s += p[i]; //0-1FF crc_s += crc_s >> 8; //0-100 crc_s &= 0x00ff; } Serial_write(0xff - crc_s); } #else void sportSend(uint8_t *p) { uint16_t crc_s = 0; Serial_write(START_STOP);//+9 Serial_write(p[0]) ; for (uint8_t i = 1; i < 9; i++) { if (i == 8) p[i] = 0xff - crc_s; if ((p[i] == START_STOP) || (p[i] == BYTESTUFF)) { Serial_write(BYTESTUFF);//stuff again Serial_write(STUFF_MASK ^ p[i]); } else Serial_write(p[i]); crc_s += p[i]; //0-1FF crc_s += crc_s >> 8; //0-100 crc_s &= 0x00ff; } } #endif void sportIdle() { #if !defined MULTI_TELEMETRY Serial_write(START_STOP); #endif } void sportSendFrame() { static uint8_t sport_counter=0; uint8_t i; sport_counter = (sport_counter + 1) %36; if(telemetry_lost) { sportIdle(); return; } if(sport_counter<6) { frame[0] = 0x98; frame[1] = 0x10; for (i=5;i<8;i++) frame[i]=0; } switch (sport_counter) { case 0: frame[2] = 0x05; frame[3] = 0xf1; frame[4] = 0x02 ;//dummy values if swr 20230f00 frame[5] = 0x23; frame[6] = 0x0F; break; case 2: // RSSI frame[2] = 0x01; frame[3] = 0xf1; frame[4] = RX_RSSI; frame[5] = TX_RSSI; frame[6] = RX_LQI; frame[7] = TX_LQI; break; case 4: //BATT frame[2] = 0x04; frame[3] = 0xf1; frame[4] = RxBt;//a1; break; default: if(Sport_Data) { for (i=0;i<FRSKY_SPORT_PACKET_SIZE;i++) frame[i]=pktx1[i]; Sport_Data -- ; if ( Sport_Data ) { uint8_t j = Sport_Data * FRSKY_SPORT_PACKET_SIZE ; for (i=0;i<j;i++) pktx1[i] = pktx1[i+FRSKY_SPORT_PACKET_SIZE] ; } break; } else { sportIdle(); return; } } sportSend(frame); } void proces_sport_data(uint8_t data) { static uint8_t pass = 0, indx = 0; switch (pass) { case 0: if (data == START_STOP) {//waiting for 0x7e indx = 0; pass = 1; } break; case 1: if (data == START_STOP) // Happens if missed packet {//waiting for 0x7e indx = 0; pass = 1; break; } if(data == BYTESTUFF) //if they are stuffed pass=2; else if (indx < MAX_PKTX) pktx[indx++] = data; break; case 2: if (indx < MAX_PKTX) pktx[indx++] = data ^ STUFF_MASK; //unstuff bytes pass=1; break; } // end switch if (indx >= FRSKY_SPORT_PACKET_SIZE) {//8 bytes no crc if ( Sport_Data < FX_BUFFERS ) { uint8_t dest = Sport_Data * FRSKY_SPORT_PACKET_SIZE ; uint8_t i ; for ( i = 0 ; i < FRSKY_SPORT_PACKET_SIZE ; i++ ) pktx1[dest++] = pktx[i] ; // Triple buffer Sport_Data += 1 ;//ok to send } // else // { // // Overrun // } pass = 0;//reset } } #endif void TelemetryUpdate() { // check for space in tx buffer #ifdef BASH_SERIAL uint8_t h ; uint8_t t ; h = SerialControl.head ; t = SerialControl.tail ; if ( h >= t ) t += TXBUFFER_SIZE - h ; else t -= h ; if ( t < 64 ) { return ; } #else uint8_t h ; uint8_t t ; h = tx_head ; t = tx_tail ; if ( h >= t ) t += TXBUFFER_SIZE - h ; else t -= h ; if ( t < 32 ) { debugln("TEL_BUF_FULL %d",t); return ; } /* else if(t!=96) debugln("TEL_BUF %d",t); */ #endif #if defined(MULTI_TELEMETRY) || defined(MULTI_STATUS) uint32_t now = millis(); if ((IS_SEND_MULTI_STATUS_on || ((now - lastMulti) > MULTI_TIME))&& protocol != PROTO_SCANNER) { multi_send_status(); SEND_MULTI_STATUS_off; lastMulti = now; return; } #ifdef MULTI_SYNC if ( inputRefreshRate && (now - lastInputSync) > INPUT_SYNC_TIME ) { mult_send_inputsync(); lastInputSync = now; return; } #endif #endif #if defined SPORT_TELEMETRY if (protocol==PROTO_FRSKYX && telemetry_link #ifdef TELEMETRY_FRSKYX_TO_FRSKYD && mode_select==MODE_SERIAL #endif ) { // FrSkyX for(;;) { //Empty buffer struct t_FrSkyX_RX_Frame *p ; uint8_t count ; p = &FrSkyX_RX_Frames[FrSkyX_RX_NextFrame] ; if ( p->valid ) { count = p->count ; for (uint8_t i=0; i < count ; i++) proces_sport_data(p->payload[i]) ; p->valid = false ; // Sent FrSkyX_RX_NextFrame = ( FrSkyX_RX_NextFrame + 1 ) & 3 ; } else break ; } telemetry_link=0; sportSendFrame(); } #endif // SPORT_TELEMETRY #if defined DSM_TELEMETRY if(telemetry_link && protocol == PROTO_DSM) { // DSM DSM_frame(); telemetry_link=0; return; } #endif #if defined AFHDS2A_FW_TELEMETRY if(telemetry_link == 2 && protocol == PROTO_AFHDS2A) { AFHDSA_short_frame(); telemetry_link=0; return; } #endif #if defined HITEC_FW_TELEMETRY if(telemetry_link == 2 && protocol == PROTO_HITEC) { HITEC_short_frame(); telemetry_link=0; return; } #endif #if defined HOTT_FW_TELEMETRY if(telemetry_link == 2 && protocol == PROTO_HOTT) { HOTT_short_frame(); telemetry_link=0; return; } #endif #if defined SCANNER_TELEMETRY if (telemetry_link && protocol == PROTO_SCANNER) { spectrum_scanner_frame(); telemetry_link = 0; return; } #endif #if defined (FRSKY_RX_TELEMETRY) || defined(AFHDS2A_RX_TELEMETRY) || defined (BAYANG_RX_TELEMETRY) if ((telemetry_link & 1) && (protocol == PROTO_FRSKY_RX || protocol == PROTO_AFHDS2A_RX || protocol == PROTO_BAYANG_RX)) { receiver_channels_frame(); telemetry_link &= ~1; return; } #endif if( telemetry_link & 1 ) { // FrSkyD + Hubsan + AFHDS2A + Bayang + Cabell + Hitec + Bugs + BugsMini + NCC1701 // FrSkyX telemetry if in PPM frsky_link_frame(); return; } #if defined HUB_TELEMETRY if((telemetry_link & 2) && protocol == PROTO_FRSKYD) { // FrSkyD frsky_user_frame(); return; } #endif } /**************************/ /**************************/ /** Serial TX routines **/ /**************************/ /**************************/ #ifndef BASH_SERIAL // Routines for normal serial output void Serial_write(uint8_t data) { uint8_t nextHead ; nextHead = tx_head + 1 ; if ( nextHead >= TXBUFFER_SIZE ) nextHead = 0 ; tx_buff[nextHead]=data; tx_head = nextHead ; tx_resume(); } void initTXSerial( uint8_t speed) { #ifdef ENABLE_PPM if(speed==SPEED_9600) { // 9600 #ifdef ORANGE_TX USARTC0.BAUDCTRLA = 207 ; USARTC0.BAUDCTRLB = 0 ; USARTC0.CTRLB = 0x18 ; USARTC0.CTRLA = (USARTC0.CTRLA & 0xCF) | 0x10 ; USARTC0.CTRLC = 0x03 ; #else #ifdef STM32_BOARD usart3_begin(9600,SERIAL_8N1); //USART3 USART3_BASE->CR1 &= ~ USART_CR1_RE; //disable RX leave TX enabled #else UBRR0H = 0x00; UBRR0L = 0x67; UCSR0A = 0 ; // Clear X2 bit //Set frame format to 8 data bits, none, 1 stop bit UCSR0C = (1<<UCSZ01)|(1<<UCSZ00); #endif #endif } else if(speed==SPEED_57600) { // 57600 #ifdef ORANGE_TX /*USARTC0.BAUDCTRLA = 207 ; USARTC0.BAUDCTRLB = 0 ; USARTC0.CTRLB = 0x18 ; USARTC0.CTRLA = (USARTC0.CTRLA & 0xCF) | 0x10 ; USARTC0.CTRLC = 0x03 ;*/ #else #ifdef STM32_BOARD usart3_begin(57600,SERIAL_8N1); //USART3 USART3_BASE->CR1 &= ~ USART_CR1_RE; //disable RX leave TX enabled #else UBRR0H = 0x00; UBRR0L = 0x22; UCSR0A = 0x02 ; // Set X2 bit //Set frame format to 8 data bits, none, 1 stop bit UCSR0C = (1<<UCSZ01)|(1<<UCSZ00); #endif #endif } else if(speed==SPEED_125K) { // 125000 #ifdef ORANGE_TX /*USARTC0.BAUDCTRLA = 207 ; USARTC0.BAUDCTRLB = 0 ; USARTC0.CTRLB = 0x18 ; USARTC0.CTRLA = (USARTC0.CTRLA & 0xCF) | 0x10 ; USARTC0.CTRLC = 0x03 ;*/ #else #ifdef STM32_BOARD usart3_begin(125000,SERIAL_8N1); //USART3 USART3_BASE->CR1 &= ~ USART_CR1_RE; //disable RX leave TX enabled #else UBRR0H = 0x00; UBRR0L = 0x07; UCSR0A = 0x00 ; // Clear X2 bit //Set frame format to 8 data bits, none, 1 stop bit UCSR0C = (1<<UCSZ01)|(1<<UCSZ00); #endif #endif } #else (void)speed; #endif #ifndef ORANGE_TX #ifndef STM32_BOARD UCSR0B |= (1<<TXEN0);//tx enable #endif #endif } //Serial TX #ifdef ORANGE_TX ISR(USARTC0_DRE_vect) #else #ifdef STM32_BOARD void __irq_usart3() #else ISR(USART_UDRE_vect) #endif #endif { // Transmit interrupt #ifdef STM32_BOARD if(USART3_BASE->SR & USART_SR_TXE) { #endif if(tx_head!=tx_tail) { if(++tx_tail>=TXBUFFER_SIZE)//head tx_tail=0; #ifdef STM32_BOARD USART3_BASE->DR=tx_buff[tx_tail];//clears TXE bit #else UDR0=tx_buff[tx_tail]; #endif } if (tx_tail == tx_head) { tx_pause(); // Check if all data is transmitted. If yes disable transmitter UDRE interrupt. } #ifdef STM32_BOARD } #endif } #else //BASH_SERIAL // Routines for bit-bashed serial output // Speed is 0 for 100K and 1 for 9600 void initTXSerial( uint8_t speed) { TIMSK0 = 0 ; // Stop all timer 0 interrupts #ifdef INVERT_SERIAL SERIAL_TX_off; #else SERIAL_TX_on; #endif UCSR0B &= ~(1<<TXEN0) ; SerialControl.speed = speed ; if ( speed == SPEED_9600 ) { OCR0A = 207 ; // 104uS period TCCR0A = 3 ; TCCR0B = 0x0A ; // Fast PMM, 2MHz } else // 100K { TCCR0A = 0 ; TCCR0B = 2 ; // Clock/8 (0.5uS) } } void Serial_write( uint8_t byte ) { uint8_t temp ; uint8_t temp1 ; uint8_t byteLo ; #ifdef INVERT_SERIAL byte = ~byte ; #endif byteLo = byte ; byteLo >>= 7 ; // Top bit if ( SerialControl.speed == SPEED_100K ) { #ifdef INVERT_SERIAL byteLo |= 0x02 ; // Parity bit #else byteLo |= 0xFC ; // Stop bits #endif // calc parity temp = byte ; temp >>= 4 ; temp = byte ^ temp ; temp1 = temp ; temp1 >>= 2 ; temp = temp ^ temp1 ; temp1 = temp ; temp1 <<= 1 ; temp ^= temp1 ; temp &= 0x02 ; #ifdef INVERT_SERIAL byteLo ^= temp ; #else byteLo |= temp ; #endif } else { byteLo |= 0xFE ; // Stop bit } byte <<= 1 ; #ifdef INVERT_SERIAL byte |= 1 ; // Start bit #endif uint8_t next = SerialControl.head + 2; if(next>=TXBUFFER_SIZE) next=0; if ( next != SerialControl.tail ) { SerialControl.data[SerialControl.head] = byte ; SerialControl.data[SerialControl.head+1] = byteLo ; SerialControl.head = next ; } if(!IS_TX_PAUSE_on) tx_resume(); } void resumeBashSerial() { cli() ; if ( SerialControl.busy == 0 ) { sei() ; // Start the transmission here #ifdef INVERT_SERIAL GPIOR2 = 0 ; #else GPIOR2 = 0x01 ; #endif if ( SerialControl.speed == SPEED_100K ) { GPIOR1 = 1 ; OCR0B = TCNT0 + 40 ; OCR0A = OCR0B + 210 ; TIFR0 = (1<<OCF0A) | (1<<OCF0B) ; TIMSK0 |= (1<<OCIE0B) ; SerialControl.busy = 1 ; } else { GPIOR1 = 1 ; TIFR0 = (1<<TOV0) ; TIMSK0 |= (1<<TOIE0) ; SerialControl.busy = 1 ; } } else { sei() ; } } // Assume timer0 at 0.5uS clock ISR(TIMER0_COMPA_vect) { uint8_t byte ; byte = GPIOR0 ; if ( byte & 0x01 ) SERIAL_TX_on; else SERIAL_TX_off; byte /= 2 ; // Generates shorter code than byte >>= 1 GPIOR0 = byte ; if ( --GPIOR1 == 0 ) { TIMSK0 &= ~(1<<OCIE0A) ; GPIOR1 = 3 ; } else OCR0A += 20 ; } ISR(TIMER0_COMPB_vect) { uint8_t byte ; byte = GPIOR2 ; if ( byte & 0x01 ) SERIAL_TX_on; else SERIAL_TX_off; byte /= 2 ; // Generates shorter code than byte >>= 1 GPIOR2 = byte ; if ( --GPIOR1 == 0 ) { if ( IS_TX_PAUSE_on ) { SerialControl.busy = 0 ; TIMSK0 &= ~(1<<OCIE0B) ; } else { // prepare next byte and allow for 2 stop bits volatile struct t_serial_bash *ptr = &SerialControl ; if ( ptr->head != ptr->tail ) { GPIOR0 = ptr->data[ptr->tail] ; GPIOR2 = ptr->data[ptr->tail+1] ; uint8_t nextTail = ptr->tail + 2 ; if ( nextTail >= TXBUFFER_SIZE ) nextTail = 0 ; ptr->tail = nextTail ; GPIOR1 = 8 ; OCR0A = OCR0B + 40 ; OCR0B = OCR0A + 8 * 20 ; TIMSK0 |= (1<<OCIE0A) ; } else { SerialControl.busy = 0 ; TIMSK0 &= ~(1<<OCIE0B) ; } } } else OCR0B += 20 ; } ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect) { uint8_t byte ; if ( GPIOR1 > 2 ) byte = GPIOR0 ; else byte = GPIOR2 ; if ( byte & 0x01 ) SERIAL_TX_on; else SERIAL_TX_off; byte /= 2 ; // Generates shorter code than byte >>= 1 if ( GPIOR1 > 2 ) GPIOR0 = byte ; else GPIOR2 = byte ; if ( --GPIOR1 == 0 ) { // prepare next byte volatile struct t_serial_bash *ptr = &SerialControl ; if ( ptr->head != ptr->tail ) { GPIOR0 = ptr->data[ptr->tail] ; GPIOR2 = ptr->data[ptr->tail+1] ; uint8_t nextTail = ptr->tail + 2 ; if ( nextTail >= TXBUFFER_SIZE ) nextTail = 0 ; ptr->tail = nextTail ; GPIOR1 = 10 ; } else { SerialControl.busy = 0 ; TIMSK0 &= ~(1<<TOIE0) ; } } } #endif // BASH_SERIAL #endif // TELEMETRY