local toolName = "TNS|DSM AR636 Telemetry TextGen|TNE" ---- ######################################################################### # ---- # License GPLv2: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html # ---- # # ---- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # ---- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # ---- # published by the Free Software Foundation. # ---- # # ---- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful # ---- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # ---- # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # ---- # GNU General Public License for more details. # ---- # # ---- ######################################################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Developer: Francisco Arzu -- Original idea taken from DsmPID.lua.. don't know who is the author -- local DEBUG_ON = false -- local TEXT_SIZE = 0 -- NORMAL local X_COL1_HEADER = 6 local X_COL1_DATA = 80 local X_COL2_HEADER = 120 local X_COL2_DATA = 190 local Y_LINE_HEIGHT = 20 local Y_HEADER = 0 local Y_DATA = Y_HEADER + Y_LINE_HEIGHT local function getPage(iParam) -- get page from 0-based index -- {0,1,2,3}: cyclic (1), {4,5,6,7}: tail (2) local res = (math.floor(iParam/4)==0) and 0 or 1 return res end local function round(v) -- round float local factor = 100 return math.floor(v * factor + 0.5) / factor end local function readValue(sensor) -- read from sensor, round and return local v = getValue(sensor) --v = round(v) return v end local function readValueById(sensor) local i = getFieldInfo(sensor) if (i==nil) then return nil end local v = getValue(i.id) return v end local function readBatValue(sensor) -- read from sensor, round and return local v = getValue(sensor) if (v==nil) then return "-- V" end return string.format("%2.2f V",v) end local function readActiveParamValue(sensor) -- read and return a validated active parameter value local v = getValue(sensor) if (v<1 or v>8) then return -1 end return v end local function drawPIDScreen() -- draw labels and params on screen local pageId = getValue("FLss") lcd.clear() -- if active gain does not validate then assume -- Gain Adjustment Mode is disabled if not (pageId==4401 or pageId==4402) then lcd.drawText(0,0,"BLADE Gain Adjustment", TEXT_SIZE +INVERS) lcd.drawText(20,Y_LINE_HEIGHT*1,"Please enter Gain Adjustment Mode",TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText(20,Y_LINE_HEIGHT*2,"Stk: Low/Righ + Low/Right + Panic (3 sec)",TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText(20,Y_LINE_HEIGHT*4,"Op: Right Stk: Up/Down to select, Left/Right change value",TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText(20,Y_LINE_HEIGHT*5,"Panic to exit",TEXT_SIZE) return end local activePage = (pageId % 100)-1 --Last 2 digits, make it zero base lcd.drawText (X_COL1_HEADER, Y_HEADER, "Cyclic (0-200)", TEXT_SIZE + INVERS) lcd.drawText (X_COL2_HEADER, Y_HEADER, "Tail (0-200)", TEXT_SIZE + INVERS) local p = readValue("FdeA") local i = readValue("FdeB") local d = readValue("FdeL") local r = readValue("FdeR") local titles = {[0]="P:", "I:", "D:", "Response:", "P:","I:","D:", "Filtering:"} local values = {[0]=p,i,d,r,p,i,d,r} local activeParam = readActiveParamValue("Hold")-1 for iParam=0,7 do -- highlight selected parameter local attr = (activeParam==iParam) and INVERS or 0 -- circular index (per page) local perPageIndx = (iParam % 4) -- set y draw coord local y = (perPageIndx+1)*Y_LINE_HEIGHT+Y_DATA -- check if displaying cyclic params. local isCyclicPage = (getPage(iParam)==0) -- labels local x = isCyclicPage and X_COL1_HEADER or X_COL2_HEADER -- labels are P,I,D for both pages except for last param local val = titles[iParam] lcd.drawText (x, y, val, TEXT_SIZE) -- gains -- set all params for non-active page to '--' rather than 'last value' val = (getPage(iParam)==activePage) and values[iParam] or '--' x = isCyclicPage and X_COL1_DATA or X_COL2_DATA if (val~=16384) then -- Active value lcd.drawText (x, y, val, attr + TEXT_SIZE) end end end local function drawFlightLogScreen() -- draw labels and params on screen local h = getValue("Hold") local activeParam = h-1 -- H lcd.clear() lcd.drawText (X_COL1_HEADER, Y_HEADER, "Flight Log", TEXT_SIZE + INVERS) -- read and return parameters local a = getValue("FdeA") local b = getValue("FdeB") local l = getValue("FdeL") local r = getValue("FdeR") local f = getValue("FLss") local titles = {[0]="A:", "B:", "L:", "R:", "F:", "H:"} local values = {[0]=a,b,l,r,f,h} for iParam=0,3 do -- A,B,L,R -- highlight selected parameter (rund) local attr = ((activeParam%4)==iParam) and INVERS or 0 -- set y draw coord local y = iParam*Y_LINE_HEIGHT+Y_DATA -- labels local x = X_COL1_HEADER local val = titles[iParam] lcd.drawText (x, y, val, TEXT_SIZE) val = values[iParam] x = X_COL1_HEADER + 30 if (val~=16384) then -- Active value lcd.drawText (x, y, val, attr + TEXT_SIZE) end end for iParam=4,5 do -- F, H -- highlight selected parameter local attr = 0 -- set y draw coord local perPageIndx = iParam % 4 local y = perPageIndx*Y_LINE_HEIGHT+Y_DATA -- labels local x = X_COL2_HEADER local val = titles[iParam] lcd.drawText (x, y, val, TEXT_SIZE + BOLD) val = values[iParam] x = X_COL2_HEADER + 30 lcd.drawText (x, y, val, attr + TEXT_SIZE + BOLD) end -- Bat local bat = readBatValue("A2") local y = (4)*Y_LINE_HEIGHT+Y_HEADER lcd.drawText (X_COL2_HEADER, y, "Bat:", TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText (X_COL2_HEADER+30, y, bat, TEXT_SIZE) end local function servoAdjustScreen() -- draw labels and params on screen local pageId = getValue("FLss") -- FLss local activeParam = getValue("Hold")-1 -- Hold lcd.clear() lcd.drawText (X_COL1_HEADER, Y_HEADER, "BLADE Servo SubTrim", TEXT_SIZE + INVERS) if pageId~=1234 then lcd.drawText(20,Y_LINE_HEIGHT*1,"Please enter Servo Adjustment Mode",TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText(20,Y_LINE_HEIGHT*2,"Stk: Low/Left + Low/Right + Panic (3 sec)",TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText(20,Y_LINE_HEIGHT*4,"Op: R Stk: Up/Down to select, Left/Right change value",TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText(20,Y_LINE_HEIGHT*5,"Panic to exit",TEXT_SIZE) return end local a = getValue("FdeA") local b = getValue("FdeB") local l = getValue("FdeL") local titles = {[0]="Servo1:", "Servo2:", "Servo3:"} local values = {[0]=a,b,l} for iParam=0,#values do -- S1,S2,S3 -- highlight selected parameter local attr = (activeParam==iParam) and INVERS or 0 -- set y draw coord local y = (iParam+1)*Y_LINE_HEIGHT+Y_HEADER -- labels local x = X_COL1_HEADER local val = titles[iParam] lcd.drawText (x, y, val, TEXT_SIZE) val = values[iParam] x = X_COL1_DATA if (val~=16384) then -- Active value lcd.drawText (x, y, val, attr + TEXT_SIZE) end end end local function Unsigned_to_SInt16(value) if value >= 0x8000 then -- Negative value?? return value - 0x10000 end return value end local function getDegreesValue(sensor) local i = getFieldInfo(sensor) if (i==nil) then return "-unk-" end local v = getValue(i.id) if v==nil then return "---" end local vs = Unsigned_to_SInt16(v) return string.format("%0.1f o",vs/10) end local function getDecHexValue(sensor) local i = getFieldInfo(sensor) if (i==nil) then return "-unk-" end local v = getValue(i.id) if v==nil then return "---" end local vs = Unsigned_to_SInt16(v) return string.format("%d (0x%04X)",vs,v) end local function drawVersionScreen() local paramV = getValue("FdeA") local B = getValue("FdeB") local rxId = getValue("FdeL") local firmware = getValue("FLss") local prodId = getValue("Hold") local bat = readBatValue("A2") lcd.clear() lcd.drawText (X_COL1_HEADER, Y_HEADER, "BLADE Version", TEXT_SIZE + INVERS) lcd.drawText(20,Y_LINE_HEIGHT*7,"Please Press Panic for 3s",TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText(20,Y_LINE_HEIGHT*8,"Usually Panic is Ch7 on a switch and Revesed",TEXT_SIZE) --Product ID local val = "ID_".. prodId if (prodId==243) then val = "Blade 230 V1" elseif (prodId==250) then val = "Blade 230 V2 (not Smart)" elseif (prodId==149) then val = "Blade 250 CFX" end local y = Y_LINE_HEIGHT*1+Y_HEADER lcd.drawText (X_COL1_HEADER, y, "Prod:", TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText (X_COL1_DATA, y, val, TEXT_SIZE) -- RX val = "ID_"..rxId if (rxId==1) then val = "AR636" end local y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT lcd.drawText (X_COL1_HEADER, y, "RX:", TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText (X_COL1_DATA, y, val, TEXT_SIZE) -- Firmware val = string.format("%0.2f",firmware/100) local y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT lcd.drawText (X_COL1_HEADER, y, "Firmware:", TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText (X_COL1_DATA, y, val, TEXT_SIZE) -- ParamV local y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT lcd.drawText (X_COL1_HEADER, y, "Params:", TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText (X_COL1_DATA, y, paramV, TEXT_SIZE) -- Vat local y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT lcd.drawText (X_COL1_HEADER, y, "Bat:", TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText (X_COL1_DATA, y, bat, TEXT_SIZE) end local function parseFlightMode(v) -- FlightMode (Hex: MMSGG) MM=Flight Mode, S=Status (0= off, 1=init, 2=Hold, 3=Running) GG=??? if v==nil then return "---" end local fm = bit32.rshift(v, 12) local status = bit32.band(bit32.rshift(v, 8),0xF) local res = " "..fm.." " if (fm==0) then res = res .. " NORMAL" elseif (fm==1) then res = res .. " INTERMEDIATE" elseif (fm==2) then res = res .. " ADVANCED" elseif (fm==5) then res = res .. " PANIC" end if (status==2) then res=res .. " HOLD" end if (DEBUG_ON) then res = res .. string.format(" (0x%04X)",v) end return res end local function drawAlpha6Monitor() lcd.clear() local RxStatus = readValueById("2402") -- FlightMode (Hex: MMSGG) MM=Flight Mode, S=Status (0=init, 2=Ready, 3=Sensor Fault) GG=??? local ARoll = getDegreesValue("2406") --Att Roll local APitch = getDegreesValue("2408") --Att Pitch local AYaw = getDegreesValue("240B") --Att Yaw lcd.drawText (0,0, "BLADE AS3X/SAFE Monitor", TEXT_SIZE+INVERS) local y = Y_LINE_HEIGHT+Y_HEADER -- Flight Mode lcd.drawText (0,y, "F-Mode:"..parseFlightMode(RxStatus), TEXT_SIZE) y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT lcd.drawText (100+5,y, "Attitude", TEXT_SIZE+BOLD + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (150,y, "Gyro", TEXT_SIZE+BOLD + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (200,y, "Gain", TEXT_SIZE+BOLD + RIGHT) y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT lcd.drawText (5,y, "Rol:", TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText (100-5,y, ARoll, TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (150-5,y, "-", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (200-5,y, "-", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT lcd.drawText (5,y, "Pitch:", TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText (100-5,y, APitch, TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (150-5,y, "-", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (200-5,y, "-", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT lcd.drawText (5,y, "Yaw:", TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText (100-5,y, AYaw, TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (150-5,y, "-", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (200-5,y, "-", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT + Y_LINE_HEIGHT lcd.drawText (0,y, "Bat: "..readBatValue("A2"), TEXT_SIZE) -- Debug Values if (DEBUG_ON) then local s2400 = getDecHexValue("2400") local s2402 = getDecHexValue("2402") local s2404 = getDecHexValue("2404") local s240D = getDecHexValue("240D") local s1G00 = getDecHexValue("1G00") local s1G02 = getDecHexValue("1G02") local s1G04 = getDecHexValue("1G04") local s1G06 = getDecHexValue("1G06") local s1G08 = getDecHexValue("1G08") local s1G0B = getDecHexValue("1G0B") local s1G0D = getDecHexValue("1G0D") local titles = {[0]= "2400","2402/FM-S-?", "2404","240D", "1G00","1G02","1G04", "1G06","1G08","1G0B","1G0D"} local values = {[0]= s2400,s2402,s2404,s240D, s1G00,s1G02,s1G04, s1G06,s1G08,s1G0B,s1G0D} -- draw labels and params on screen y = Y_LINE_HEIGHT*2 + Y_HEADER for iParam=0,#titles do -- ?? -- labels local x = X_COL1_HEADER+220 local val = titles[iParam] lcd.drawText (x, y, val, TEXT_SIZE) val = values[iParam] x = X_COL1_DATA+250 lcd.drawText (x, y, val, TEXT_SIZE) y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT end end end local function readAlpha3arameters() end local function drawAS3XMonitor() lcd.clear() local s1G00 = getDecHexValue("1G00") local s1G02 = getDecHexValue("1G02") local s1G04 = getDecHexValue("1G04") local s1G06 = getDecHexValue("1G06") local s1G08 = getDecHexValue("1G08") local s1G0B = getDecHexValue("1G0B") local s1G0D = getDecHexValue("1G0D") local s6C00 = getDecHexValue("6C00") local s6C02 = getDecHexValue("6C02") local s6C04 = getDecHexValue("6C04") local RRoll = bit32.rshift(getValue("1G00") or 0,8) local RPitch = bit32.band(getValue("1G00") or 0,0xFF) local RYaw = bit32.rshift(getValue("1G02") or 0,8) local HRoll = bit32.band(getValue("1G02") or 0,0xFF) local HPitch = bit32.rshift(getValue("1G04") or 0,8) local HYaw = bit32.band(getValue("1G04") or 0,0xFF) local ARoll = bit32.rshift(getValue("1G06") or 0,8) local APitch = bit32.band(getValue("1G06") or 0,0xFF) local AYaw = bit32.rshift(getValue("1G08") or 0,8) lcd.drawText (0,0, "Plane AR636 AS3X Gains", TEXT_SIZE+INVERS) local y = Y_LINE_HEIGHT+Y_HEADER -- Flight Mode --lcd.drawText (0,y, "F-Mode: "..(nil or "--"), TEXT_SIZE) y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT lcd.drawText (100-15,y, "Rate", TEXT_SIZE+BOLD + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (150,y, "Heading", TEXT_SIZE+BOLD + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (200,y, "Actual", TEXT_SIZE+BOLD + RIGHT) y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT lcd.drawText (5,y, "Roll:", TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText (100-5,y, RRoll.."%", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (150-5,y, HRoll.."%", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (200-5,y, ARoll.."%", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT lcd.drawText (5,y, "Pitch:", TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText (100-5,y, RPitch.."%", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (150-5,y, HPitch.."%", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (200-5,y, APitch.."%", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT lcd.drawText (5,y, "Yaw:", TEXT_SIZE) lcd.drawText (100-5,y, RYaw.."%", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (150-5,y, HYaw.."%", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) lcd.drawText (200-5,y, AYaw.."%", TEXT_SIZE + RIGHT) -- Debug Values if (DEBUG_ON) then local Alpha3Tags = {[0]= "1G00/RA+RE","1G02/RY+HA","1G04R HP+HY","1G06/AR+AP","1G08/AY+?","1G0B","1G0D","6C00","6C02","6C04"} local params = {[0]= s1G00,s1G02,s1G04,s1G06,s1G08,s1G0B,s1G0D,s6C00,s6C02,s6C04 } y = Y_LINE_HEIGHT*2 + Y_HEADER for iParam=0,#Alpha3Tags do -- ?? -- labels local x = X_COL1_HEADER+220 local val = Alpha3Tags[iParam] lcd.drawText (x, y, val, TEXT_SIZE) val = params[iParam] x = X_COL1_DATA+250 lcd.drawText (x, y, val, TEXT_SIZE) y = y + Y_LINE_HEIGHT end end end local telPage = 1 local telPageSelected = 0 local pageTitle = {[0]="Main", "Blade Version", "Blade Servo Adjust","Blade Gyro Adjust", "Blade AS3X Monitor", "Plane AS3X Monitor", "Flight Log"} local function drawMainScreen(event) lcd.clear() lcd.drawText (X_COL1_HEADER, Y_HEADER, "Main Telemetry TextGen (AR636)", TEXT_SIZE + INVERS) for iParam=1,#pageTitle do -- highlight selected parameter local attr = (telPage==iParam) and INVERS or 0 -- set y draw coord local y = (iParam)*Y_LINE_HEIGHT+Y_DATA -- labels local x = X_COL1_HEADER local val = pageTitle[iParam] lcd.drawText (x, y, val, attr + TEXT_SIZE) end if event == EVT_VIRTUAL_PREV then if (telPage>1) then telPage = telPage - 1 end elseif event == EVT_VIRTUAL_NEXT then if (telPage<#pageTitle) then telPage = telPage + 1 end elseif event == EVT_VIRTUAL_ENTER then telPageSelected = telPage end end local pageDraw = {[0]=drawMainScreen, drawVersionScreen, servoAdjustScreen,drawPIDScreen, drawAlpha6Monitor, drawAS3XMonitor, drawFlightLogScreen} local function run_func(event) if event == nil then error("Cannot be run as a model script!") return 2 end if event == EVT_VIRTUAL_EXIT then if (telPageSelected==0) then return 1 end -- on Main?? Exit Script telPageSelected = 0 -- any page, return to Main end -- draw specific page pageDraw[telPageSelected](event) return 0 end local function init_func() --if (LCD_W <= 128 or LCD_H <=64) then -- TEXT_SIZE = SMLSIZE -- X_COL1_HEADER = 6 -- X_COL1_DATA = 70 -- X_COL2_HEADER = 120 -- X_COL2_DATA = 180 -- Y_LINE_HEIGHT = 10 --end end return { run=run_func, init=init_func }