 This project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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// Last sync with main deviation/sfhss_cc2500.c dated 2016-03-23

#if defined(SFHSS_CC2500_INO)

#include "iface_cc2500.h"

#define SFHSS_COARSE	0

#define SFHSS_TX_ID_LEN   2

uint8_t	fhss_code; // 0-27

enum {
    SFHSS_START = 0x00,
    SFHSS_CAL   = 0x01,
    SFHSS_DATA1 = 0x02,	// do not change this value
    SFHSS_DATA2 = 0x0B,	// do not change this value
    SFHSS_TUNE  = 0x0F

#define SFHSS_FREQ0_VAL 0xC4

// Some important initialization parameters, all others are either default,
// or not important in the context of transmitter
// IOCFG2   2F - GDO2_INV=0 GDO2_CFG=2F - HW0
// IOCFG1   2E - GDO1_INV=0 GDO1_CFG=2E - High Impedance
// IOCFG0   2F - GDO0 same as GDO2, TEMP_SENSOR_ENABLE=off
// FIFOTHR  07 - 33 decimal TX threshold
// SYNC1    D3
// SYNC0    91
// PKTLEN   0D - Packet length, 0D bytes
// PKTCTRL1 04 - APPEND_STATUS on, all other are receive parameters - irrelevant
// PKTCTRL0 0C - No whitening, use FIFO, CC2400 compatibility on, use CRC, fixed packet length
// ADDR     29
// CHANNR   10
// FSCTRL1  06 - IF 152343.75Hz, see page 65
// FSCTRL0  00 - zero freq offset
// FREQ2    5C - synthesizer frequency 2399999633Hz for 26MHz crystal, ibid
// FREQ1    4E
// FREQ0    C4
// MDMCFG4  7C - CHANBW_E - 01, CHANBW_M - 03, DRATE_E - 0C. Filter bandwidth = 232142Hz
// MDMCFG3  43 - DRATE_M - 43. Data rate = 128143bps
// MDMCFG2  83 - disable DC blocking, 2-FSK, no Manchester code, 15/16 sync bits detected (irrelevant for TX)
// MDMCFG1  23 - no FEC, 4 preamble bytes, CHANSPC_E - 03
// MDMCFG0  3B - CHANSPC_M - 3B. Channel spacing = 249938Hz (each 6th channel used, resulting in spacing of 1499628Hz)
// DEVIATN  44 - DEVIATION_E - 04, DEVIATION_M - 04. Deviation = 38085.9Hz
// MCSM2    07 - receive parameters, default, irrelevant
// MCSM1    0C - no CCA (transmit always), when packet received stay in RX, when sent go to IDLE
// MCSM0    08 - no autocalibration, PO_TIMEOUT - 64, no pin radio control, no forcing XTAL to stay in SLEEP
// FOCCFG   1D - not interesting, Frequency Offset Compensation
// FREND0   10 - PA_POWER = 0
const PROGMEM uint8_t SFHSS_init_values[] = {
  /* 00 */ 0x2F, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0x07, 0xD3, 0x91, 0x0D, 0x04,
  /* 08 */ 0x0C, 0x29, 0x10, 0x06, 0x00, 0x5C, 0x4E, SFHSS_FREQ0_VAL + SFHSS_COARSE,
  /* 10 */ 0x7C, 0x43, 0x83, 0x23, 0x3B, 0x44, 0x07, 0x0C,
  /* 18 */ 0x08, 0x1D, 0x1C, 0x43, 0x40, 0x91, 0x57, 0x6B,
  /* 20 */ 0xF8, 0xB6, 0x10, 0xEA, 0x0A, 0x11, 0x11

static void __attribute__((unused)) SFHSS_rf_init()

	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 39; ++i)
		CC2500_WriteReg(i, pgm_read_byte_near(&SFHSS_init_values[i]));

	prev_option = option;
	CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_0C_FSCTRL0, option);

static void __attribute__((unused)) SFHSS_tune_chan()
	CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_0A_CHANNR, rf_ch_num*6+16);

static void __attribute__((unused)) SFHSS_tune_chan_fast()
	CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_0A_CHANNR, rf_ch_num*6+16);
	CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_25_FSCAL1, calData[rf_ch_num]);

static void __attribute__((unused)) SFHSS_tune_freq()
	if ( prev_option != option )
		CC2500_WriteReg(CC2500_0C_FSCTRL0, option);
		prev_option = option ;
		phase = SFHSS_START;	// Restart the tune process if option is changed to get good tuned values

static void __attribute__((unused)) SFHSS_calc_next_chan()
    rf_ch_num += fhss_code + 2;
    if (rf_ch_num > 29)
        if (rf_ch_num < 31)
			rf_ch_num += fhss_code + 2;
        rf_ch_num -= 31;

/*// Channel values are 10-bit values between 86 and 906, 496 is the middle.
// Values grow down and to the right.
static void __attribute__((unused)) SFHSS_build_data_packet()
#define spacer1 0x02
#define spacer2 (spacer1 << 4)
    uint8_t ch_offset = phase == SFHSS_DATA1 ? 0 : 4;
    uint16_t ch1 = convert_channel_16b_nolim(CH_AETR[ch_offset+0],86,906);
    uint16_t ch2 = convert_channel_16b_nolim(CH_AETR[ch_offset+1],86,906);
    uint16_t ch3 = convert_channel_16b_nolim(CH_AETR[ch_offset+2],86,906);
    uint16_t ch4 = convert_channel_16b_nolim(CH_AETR[ch_offset+3],86,906);
    packet[0]  = 0x81; // can be 80 or 81 for Orange, only 81 for XK
    packet[1]  = rx_tx_addr[0];
    packet[2]  = rx_tx_addr[1];
    packet[3]  = 0;
    packet[4]  = 0;
    packet[5]  = (rf_ch_num << 3) | spacer1 | ((ch1 >> 9) & 0x01);
    packet[6]  = (ch1 >> 1);
    packet[7]  = (ch1 << 7) | spacer2 | ((ch2 >> 5) & 0x1F);
    packet[8]  = (ch2 << 3) | spacer1  | ((ch3 >> 9) & 0x01);
    packet[9]  = (ch3 >> 1);
    packet[10] = (ch3 << 7) | spacer2  | ((ch4 >> 5) & 0x1F);
    packet[11] = (ch4 << 3) | ((fhss_code >> 2) & 0x07);
    packet[12] = (fhss_code << 6) | phase;

// Channel values are 12-bit values between 1020 and 2020, 1520 is the middle.
// Futaba @140% is 2070...1520...970
// Values grow down and to the right.
static void __attribute__((unused)) SFHSS_build_data_packet()
	uint8_t ch_offset = phase == SFHSS_DATA1 ? 0 : 4;
	uint16_t ch1 = convert_channel_16b_nolim(CH_AETR[ch_offset+0],2020,1020);
	uint16_t ch2 = convert_channel_16b_nolim(CH_AETR[ch_offset+1],2020,1020);
	uint16_t ch3 = convert_channel_16b_nolim(CH_AETR[ch_offset+2],2020,1020);
	uint16_t ch4 = convert_channel_16b_nolim(CH_AETR[ch_offset+3],2020,1020);

	packet[0] = 0x81; // can be 80 or 81 for Orange, only 81 for XK
	packet[1] = rx_tx_addr[0];
	packet[2] = rx_tx_addr[1];
	packet[3] = 0x0f; //10J
	packet[4] = 0x09; //10J
	packet[5] = (rf_ch_num << 3) | ((ch1 >> 9) & 0x07);
	packet[6] = (ch1 >> 1);
	packet[7] = (ch1 << 7) | ((ch2 >> 5) & 0x7F );
	packet[8] = (ch2 << 3) | ((ch3 >> 9) & 0x07);
	packet[9] = (ch3 >> 1);
	packet[10] = (ch3 << 7) | ((ch4 >> 5) & 0x7F );
	packet[11] = (ch4 << 3) | ((fhss_code >> 2) & 0x07 );
	packet[12] = (fhss_code << 6) | phase;

static void __attribute__((unused)) SFHSS_send_packet()
    CC2500_WriteData(packet, SFHSS_PACKET_LEN);

uint16_t ReadSFHSS()
			rf_ch_num = 0;
			phase = SFHSS_CAL;
			return 2000;
		case SFHSS_CAL:
			if (++rf_ch_num < 30)
				rf_ch_num = 0;
				phase = SFHSS_DATA1;
			return 2000;

		/* Work cycle, 6.8ms, second packet 1.65ms after first */
		case SFHSS_DATA1:
			phase = SFHSS_DATA2;
			return 1650;
		case SFHSS_DATA2:
			phase = SFHSS_TUNE;
			return 2000;
		case SFHSS_TUNE:
			phase = SFHSS_DATA1;
			return 3150;
	return 0;

// Generate internal id
static void __attribute__((unused)) SFHSS_get_tx_id()
	uint32_t fixed_id;
	// Some receivers (Orange) behaves better if they tuned to id that has
	//  no more than 6 consecutive zeros and ones
	uint8_t run_count = 0;
	// add guard for bit count
	fixed_id = 1 ^ (MProtocol_id & 1);
	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
		fixed_id = (fixed_id << 1) | (MProtocol_id & 1);
		MProtocol_id >>= 1;
		// If two LS bits are the same
		if ((fixed_id & 3) == 0 || (fixed_id & 3) == 3)
			if (++run_count > 6)
				fixed_id ^= 1;
				run_count = 0;
			run_count = 0;
	//    fixed_id = 0xBC11;
	rx_tx_addr[0] = fixed_id >> 8;
	rx_tx_addr[1] = fixed_id;

uint16_t initSFHSS()
	BIND_DONE;	// Not a TX bind protocol

	fhss_code=rx_tx_addr[2]%28; // Initialize it to random 0-27 inclusive

	phase = SFHSS_START;

	return 10000;
