/* This project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Multiprotocol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Multiprotocol. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "iface_cyrf6936.h" static void cyrf_spi_write(uint8_t command) { uint8_t n=8; SCK_off;//SCK start low SDI_off; while(n--) { if(command&0x80) SDI_on; else SDI_off; SCK_on; NOP(); SCK_off; command = command << 1; } SDI_on; } static uint8_t cyrf_spi_read() { uint8_t result; uint8_t i; result=0; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { if(SDO_1) /// result=(result<<1)|0x01; else result=result<<1; SCK_on; NOP(); SCK_off; NOP(); } return result; } void CYRF_WriteRegister(uint8_t address, uint8_t data) { CYRF_CSN_off; cyrf_spi_write(0x80 | address); cyrf_spi_write(data); CYRF_CSN_on; } static void CYRF_WriteRegisterMulti(uint8_t address, const uint8_t data[], uint8_t length) { uint8_t i; CYRF_CSN_off; cyrf_spi_write(0x80 | address); for(i = 0; i < length; i++) cyrf_spi_write(data[i]); CYRF_CSN_on; } static void CYRF_ReadRegisterMulti(uint8_t address, uint8_t data[], uint8_t length) { uint8_t i; CYRF_CSN_off; cyrf_spi_write(address); for(i = 0; i < length; i++) data[i] = cyrf_spi_read(); CYRF_CSN_on; } uint8_t CYRF_ReadRegister(uint8_t address) { uint8_t data; CYRF_CSN_off; cyrf_spi_write(address); data = cyrf_spi_read(); CYRF_CSN_on; return data; } // uint8_t CYRF_Reset() { CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_1D_MODE_OVERRIDE, 0x01);//software reset _delay_us(200);// // RS_HI; // _delay_us(100); // RS_LO; // _delay_us(100); CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_0C_XTAL_CTRL, 0xC0); //Enable XOUT as GPIO CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_0D_IO_CFG, 0x04); //Enable PACTL as GPIO CYRF_SetTxRxMode(TXRX_OFF); //Verify the CYRD chip is responding return (CYRF_ReadRegister(CYRF_10_FRAMING_CFG) == 0xa5);//return if reset } /* * */ void CYRF_GetMfgData(uint8_t data[]) { /* Fuses power on */ CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_25_MFG_ID, 0xFF); CYRF_ReadRegisterMulti(CYRF_25_MFG_ID, data, 6); /* Fuses power off */ CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_25_MFG_ID, 0x00); } /* * 1 - Tx else Rx */ void CYRF_SetTxRxMode(uint8_t mode) { if(mode==TXRX_OFF) { CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_0F_XACT_CFG, 0x24); // 4=IDLE, 8=TX, C=RX CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_0E_GPIO_CTRL,0x00); // XOUT=0 PACTL=0 } else { //Set the post tx/rx state CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_0F_XACT_CFG, mode == TX_EN ? 0x28 : 0x2C); // 4=IDLE, 8=TX, C=RX if(mode == TX_EN) CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_0E_GPIO_CTRL,0x80); // XOUT=1, PACTL=0 else CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_0E_GPIO_CTRL,0x20); // XOUT=0, PACTL=1 } } /* * */ void CYRF_ConfigRFChannel(uint8_t ch) { CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_00_CHANNEL,ch); } /* static void CYRF_SetPower_Value(uint8_t power) { uint8_t val = CYRF_ReadRegister(CYRF_03_TX_CFG) & 0xF8; CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_03_TX_CFG, val | (power & 0x07)); } */ void CYRF_SetPower(uint8_t val) { uint8_t power=CYRF_BIND_POWER; if(IS_BIND_DONE_on) power=IS_POWER_FLAG_on?CYRF_HIGH_POWER:CYRF_LOW_POWER; if(IS_RANGE_FLAG_on) power=CYRF_RANGE_POWER; CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_03_TX_CFG, val | power); } /* * */ void CYRF_ConfigCRCSeed(uint16_t crc) { CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_15_CRC_SEED_LSB,crc & 0xff); CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_16_CRC_SEED_MSB,crc >> 8); } /* * these are the recommended sop codes from Cyrpress * See "WirelessUSB LP/LPstar and PRoC LP/LPstar Technical Reference Manual" */ void CYRF_ConfigSOPCode(const uint8_t *sopcodes) { //NOTE: This can also be implemented as: //for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) WriteRegister)0x23, sopcodes[i]; CYRF_WriteRegisterMulti(CYRF_22_SOP_CODE, sopcodes, 8); } void CYRF_ConfigDataCode(const uint8_t *datacodes, uint8_t len) { //NOTE: This can also be implemented as: //for(i = 0; i < len; i++) WriteRegister)0x23, datacodes[i]; CYRF_WriteRegisterMulti(CYRF_23_DATA_CODE, datacodes, len); } void CYRF_WritePreamble(uint32_t preamble) { CYRF_CSN_off; cyrf_spi_write(0x80 | 0x24); cyrf_spi_write(preamble & 0xff); cyrf_spi_write((preamble >> 8) & 0xff); cyrf_spi_write((preamble >> 16) & 0xff); CYRF_CSN_on; } /* * */ static void CYRF_StartReceive() { CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_05_RX_CTRL,0x87); } /*static void CYRF_ReadDataPacket(uint8_t dpbuffer[]) { CYRF_ReadRegisterMulti(CYRF_21_RX_BUFFER, dpbuffer, 0x10); } */ /*static void CYRF_ReadDataPacketLen(uint8_t dpbuffer[], uint8_t length) { ReadRegisterMulti(CYRF_21_RX_BUFFER, dpbuffer, length); } */ static void CYRF_WriteDataPacketLen(const uint8_t dpbuffer[], uint8_t len) { CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_01_TX_LENGTH, len); CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_02_TX_CTRL, 0x40); CYRF_WriteRegisterMulti(CYRF_20_TX_BUFFER, dpbuffer, len); CYRF_WriteRegister(CYRF_02_TX_CTRL, 0xBF); } void CYRF_WriteDataPacket(const uint8_t dpbuffer[]) { CYRF_WriteDataPacketLen(dpbuffer, 16); } /*static uint8_t CYRF_ReadRSSI(uint8_t dodummyread) { uint8_t result; if(dodummyread) CYRF_ReadRegister(CYRF_13_RSSI); result = CYRF_ReadRegister(CYRF_13_RSSI); if(result & 0x80) result = CYRF_ReadRegister(CYRF_13_RSSI); return (result & 0x0F); } */ //NOTE: This routine will reset the CRC Seed void CYRF_FindBestChannels(uint8_t *channels, uint8_t len, uint8_t minspace, uint8_t min, uint8_t max) { #define NUM_FREQ 80 #define FREQ_OFFSET 4 uint8_t rssi[NUM_FREQ]; if (min < FREQ_OFFSET) min = FREQ_OFFSET; if (max > NUM_FREQ) max = NUM_FREQ; uint8_t i; int8_t j; memset(channels, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * len); CYRF_ConfigCRCSeed(0x0000); CYRF_SetTxRxMode(RX_EN); //Wait for pre-amp to switch from send to receive _delay_us(1000); for(i = 0; i < NUM_FREQ; i++) { CYRF_ConfigRFChannel(i); CYRF_ReadRegister(CYRF_13_RSSI); CYRF_StartReceive(); _delay_us(10); rssi[i] = CYRF_ReadRegister(CYRF_13_RSSI); } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { channels[i] = min; for (j = min; j < max; j++) if (rssi[j] < rssi[channels[i]]) channels[i] = j; for (j = channels[i] - minspace; j < channels[i] + minspace; j++) { //Ensure we don't reuse any channels within minspace of the selected channel again if (j < 0 || j >= NUM_FREQ) continue; rssi[j] = 0xff; } } CYRF_SetTxRxMode(TX_EN); }