# Multiprotocol TX Module OpenTX LUA scripts
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## MultiChannelsUpdater.lua
Automatically name the channels based on the loaded Multi protocol and sub protocol including the module channel order convention.
Need OpenTX 2.3.9 or above. Located on the radio SD card under \SCRIPTS\TOOLS. This script needs MultiChan.txt to be present in the same folder.
## DSM Forward Programming
This is a work in progress. It's only available for color screens (Horus, TX16S, T16, T18...).
If some text appears as Unknown_xxx, please report xxx and what the exact text display should be.
Need OpenTX 2.3.10 nightly or above. Located on the radio SD card under \SCRIPTS\TOOLS.
## Graupner HoTT.ua
Enable text configuration of the HoTT RX and sensors: Vario, GPS, ESC, GAM and EAM.
Need OpenTX 2.3.9 or above. Located on the radio SD card under \SCRIPTS\TOOLS.
- Menu/MDL/Model is used to cycle through the detected sensors.
- It's normal to lose the telemetry feed while using the text mode configuration. Telemetry will resume properly if the script is exited by doing a short press on the exit button.