/* HardwareSerial.h - Hardware serial library for Wiring Copyright (c) 2006 Nicholas Zambetti. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Modified 28 September 2010 by Mark Sproul Modified 14 August 2012 by Alarus Updated for 'xmega' core by bob frazier, S.F.T. Inc. - http://mrp3.com/ In some cases, the xmega updates make assumptions about the pin assignments. See 'pins_arduino.h' for more detail. */ #ifndef HardwareSerial_h #define HardwareSerial_h #include #include "Stream.h" struct ring_buffer; class HardwareSerial : public Stream { protected: // NEVER 'private' // NOTE: xmega uses a structure pointer rather than individual pointers // and the bit flags are consistent for all USART devices ring_buffer *_rx_buffer; ring_buffer *_tx_buffer; volatile USART_t *_usart; bool transmitting; public: HardwareSerial(ring_buffer *rx_buffer, ring_buffer *tx_buffer, uint16_t usart) __attribute__ ((noinline)); void init(ring_buffer *rx_buffer, ring_buffer *tx_buffer, uint16_t usart) __attribute__ ((noinline)); void begin(unsigned long); void begin(unsigned long, uint8_t); void end(); virtual int available(void); virtual int peek(void); virtual int read(void); virtual void flush(void); virtual size_t write(uint8_t); inline size_t write(unsigned long n) { return write((uint8_t)n); } inline size_t write(long n) { return write((uint8_t)n); } inline size_t write(unsigned int n) { return write((uint8_t)n); } inline size_t write(int n) { return write((uint8_t)n); } using Print::write; // pull in write(str) and write(buf, size) from Print operator bool(); }; // Define config for Serial.begin(baud, config); // PMODE 5:4 00=none 10=even 11=odd // SBMODE 3 0=1 stop 1=2 stop // CHSIZE 2:0 000=5 bit 001=6 bit 010=7 bit 011=8 bit 111=9 bit #define SERIAL_TWO_STOP _BV(USART_SBMODE_bp) #define SERIAL_EVEN_PARITY _BV(USART_PMODE1_bp) #define SERIAL_ODD_PARITY (_BV(USART_PMODE1_bp) | _BV(USART_PMODE0_bp)) #define SERIAL_5N1 0x00 #define SERIAL_6N1 0x01 #define SERIAL_7N1 0x02 #define SERIAL_8N1 0x03 #define SERIAL_5N2 (SERIAL_5N1 | SERIAL_TWO_STOP) #define SERIAL_6N2 (SERIAL_6N1 | SERIAL_TWO_STOP) #define SERIAL_7N2 (SERIAL_7N1 | SERIAL_TWO_STOP) #define SERIAL_8N2 (SERIAL_8N1 | SERIAL_TWO_STOP) #define SERIAL_5E1 (SERIAL_5N1 | SERIAL_EVEN_PARITY) #define SERIAL_6E1 (SERIAL_6N1 | SERIAL_EVEN_PARITY) #define SERIAL_7E1 (SERIAL_7N1 | SERIAL_EVEN_PARITY) #define SERIAL_8E1 (SERIAL_8N1 | SERIAL_EVEN_PARITY) #define SERIAL_5E2 (SERIAL_5N2 | SERIAL_EVEN_PARITY) #define SERIAL_6E2 (SERIAL_6N2 | SERIAL_EVEN_PARITY) #define SERIAL_7E2 (SERIAL_7N2 | SERIAL_EVEN_PARITY) #define SERIAL_8E2 (SERIAL_8N2 | SERIAL_EVEN_PARITY) #define SERIAL_5O1 (SERIAL_5N1 | SERIAL_ODD_PARITY) #define SERIAL_6O1 (SERIAL_6N1 | SERIAL_ODD_PARITY) #define SERIAL_7O1 (SERIAL_7N1 | SERIAL_ODD_PARITY) #define SERIAL_8O1 (SERIAL_8N1 | SERIAL_ODD_PARITY) #define SERIAL_5O2 (SERIAL_5N2 | SERIAL_ODD_PARITY) #define SERIAL_6O2 (SERIAL_6N2 | SERIAL_ODD_PARITY) #define SERIAL_7O2 (SERIAL_7N2 | SERIAL_ODD_PARITY) #define SERIAL_8O2 (SERIAL_8N2 | SERIAL_ODD_PARITY) // this is where I must include 'pins_arduino.h' to get the 'USBCON' definition #include "pins_arduino.h" // DEFAULT SERIAL or 'SERIAL 1' #if defined(USBCON) // NOTE: 'Serial1' will be the hardware serial and 'Serial' the USB serial // whenever 'USBCON' is defined in pins_arduino.h #include extern HardwareSerial Serial1; #else // normal hardware serial extern HardwareSerial Serial; #define Serial1 Serial /* define as 'Serial' so compatible code won't break */ #endif extern HardwareSerial Serial2; // this is the same regardless of USBCON (there will always be at least 2) #ifdef SERIAL_2_PORT_NAME /* note these names are off by 1 with the 'Serial_N_' definitions */ extern HardwareSerial Serial3; #endif // SERIAL_2_PORT_NAME #ifdef SERIAL_3_PORT_NAME extern HardwareSerial Serial4; #endif // SERIAL_3_PORT_NAME #ifdef SERIAL_4_PORT_NAME extern HardwareSerial Serial5; #endif // SERIAL_4_PORT_NAME #ifdef SERIAL_5_PORT_NAME extern HardwareSerial Serial6; #endif // SERIAL_5_PORT_NAME #ifdef SERIAL_6_PORT_NAME extern HardwareSerial Serial7; #endif // SERIAL_6_PORT_NAME #ifdef SERIAL_7_PORT_NAME extern HardwareSerial Serial8; #endif // SERIAL_7_PORT_NAME // this function calls the serial event handlers. you can override them (hence 'weak') // the default implementation checks for data available and executes the callback if so extern void serialEventRun(void) __attribute__((weak)); #endif // HardwareSerial_h