---- ######################################################################### ---- # # ---- # Copyright (C) OpenTX # -----# # ---- # License GPLv2: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html # ---- # # ---- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # ---- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # ---- # published by the Free Software Foundation. # ---- # # ---- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful # ---- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # ---- # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # ---- # GNU General Public License for more details. # ---- # # ---- ######################################################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This script library is a rewrite of the original DSM forward programming Lua -- Script. The goal is to make it easier to understand, mantain, and to -- separate the GUI from the DSM Forward programming engine/logic -- in this way, GUIs can evolve independent. OpenTX Gui, EdgeTx GUI, Small Radios, etc. -- Code is based on the code/work by: Pascal Langer (Author of the Multi-Module) -- Rewrite/Enhancements By: Francisco Arzu -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --############################################################################### -- Multi buffer for DSM description -- Multi_Buffer[0..2]=="DSM" -> Lua script is running -- Multi_Buffer[3]==0x70+len -> TX to RX data ready to be sent -- Multi_Buffer[4..9]=6 bytes of TX to RX data -- Multi_Buffer[10..25]=16 bytes of RX to TX data -- -- To start operation: -- Write 0x00 at address 3 -- Write 0x00 at address 10 -- Write "DSM" at address 0..2 --############################################################################### local DEBUG_ON = ... -- Get Debug_ON from parameters. -- 0=NO DEBUG, 1=HIGH LEVEL 2=MORE DETAILS local LIB_VERSION = "0.5" local FORCED_HACK = false local Lib = { Init_Text = function (rxId) end } --RX IDs-- local RX = { AR636B = 0x0001, SPM4651T = 0x0014, AR637T = 0x0015, AR637TA = 0x0016, FC6250HX = 0x0018, AR630 = 0x0019, AR8360T = 0x001A, AR10360T = 0x001C, AR631 = 0x001E } local RX_HACK_TESTED = { RX.AR630, RX.AR631, RX.AR637T, RX.AR637TA, RX.AR8360T, RX.AR10360T } local PHASE = { RX_VERSION = 0, WAIT_CMD = 1, MENU_TITLE = 2, MENU_REQ_TX_INFO = 3, MENU_LINES = 4, MENU_VALUES = 5, VALUE_CHANGING = 6, VALUE_CHANGING_WAIT = 7, VALUE_CHANGE_END = 8, EXIT = 9, EXIT_DONE = 10 } local LINE_TYPE = { MENU = 0x1C, LIST_MENU = 0x0C, -- List: TODO: Investigate why the Min/Max on some lines comes with a wide range (0..244) when non-contiguos values. example Valid (3,176,177) LIST_MENU_NC = 0x6C, -- List: No Incremental Change LIST_MENU_TOG = 0x4C, -- List: Seems like a bolean/Toggle menu, just 2 values 0->1 (off/on, ihn/Act) VALUE_NUM_I8_NC = 0x60, -- 8 bit number, no incremental change VALUE_PERCENT = 0xC0, -- 8 bit number, Signed, percent VALUE_DEGREES = 0xE0, -- 8 bit number, Signed, Degress VALUE_NUM_I8 = 0x40, -- 8 bit number VALUE_NUM_I16 = 0x41, -- 16 Bit number VALUE_NUM_SI16 = 0xC1, -- 16 bit number, Signed LT_EMPTY = 0x00 } local DISP_ATTR = { BOLD = 0x01, RIGHT=0x02, CENTER=0x04, PERCENT = 0x10, DEGREES=0x20, FORCED_MENU = 0x40 } local DSM_Context = { Phase = PHASE.RX_VERSION, Menu = { MenuId = 0, Text = "", TextId = 0, PrevId = 0, NextId = 0, BackId = 0 }, MenuLines = {}, RX = { Id=0, Name = "", Version = "" }, Refresh_Display = true, SelLine = 0, -- Current Selected Line EditLine = nil, -- Current Editing Line CurLine = -1, -- Current Line Requested/Parsed via h message protocol isReset = false -- false when starting from scracts, true when starting from Reset } local MAX_MENU_LINES = 6 local BACK_BUTTON = -1 -- Tread it as a display line #-1 local NEXT_BUTTON = MAX_MENU_LINES + 1 -- Tread it as a display line #7 local PREV_BUTTON = MAX_MENU_LINES + 2 -- Tread it as a display line #7 local SEND_TIMEOUT = 2000 / 10 -- Home many 10ms intervals to wait on sending data to tx to keep connection open (2s) local InactivityTime = 0 -- Next time to do heartbeat after inactivity local StartTime = 0 -- Start time since the start of the script local Waiting_RX = 0 -- 1 if Waiting for an RX response, 0 if transmiting local Value_Change_Step = 0 -- 2 Steps to update. 0=Send update value, 1=Send Verificatin request -- Text Arrays for Display Text and Debuging local PhaseText = {} local LineTypeText = {} local RxName = {} local Text = {} -- Text for Menu and Menu Lines (Headers only) local List_Text = {} -- Messages for List Options (values only) local List_Text_Img = {} -- If the Text has Attached Images local List_Values = {} -- Additiona restrictions on List Values when non contiguos (L_M1 lines has this problem) local LOG_FILE = "/LOGS/dsm_log.txt" local logFile = nil function DSM_Context.isEditing() return DSM_Context.EditLine~=nil end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local logCount=0 local function LOG_open() logFile = io.open(LOG_FILE, "w") -- Truncate Log File end local function LOG_write(...) if (logFile==nil) then LOG_open() end local str = string.format(...) io.write(logFile, str) print(str) if (logCount > 10) then -- Close an re-open the file io.close(logFile) logFile = io.open(LOG_FILE, "a") logCount =0 end end local function LOG_close() if (logFile~=nil) then io.close(logFile) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Get Elapsed Time since we started running the Script. Return a float in format: Seconds.Milliseconds local function getElapsedTime() local t = getTime() if (StartTime == 0) then StartTime = t end return ((t - StartTime) * 10) / 1000 end ------------- Line Type helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Check if the text are Flight modes, who will be treated different for Display local function isFlightModeLine(line) return (line.TextId >= 0x8000 and line.TextId <= 0x8003) end local function isSelectableLine(line) -- is the display line Selectable?? -- values who are not selectable if (line.Type == 0) then return false end -- Empty Line if (line.Type == LINE_TYPE.MENU and line.ValId == line.MenuId and bit32.band(line.TextAttr, DISP_ATTR.FORCED_MENU)==0) then return false end -- Menu that navigates to Itself? if (line.Min==0 and line.Max==0 and line.Def==0) then return false end -- Values with no Range are only for display if (line.Type == LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_I8_NC and isFlightModeLine(line)) then return false end -- Flight mode is not Selectable return true end local function isEditableLine(line) -- is the display line editable?? -- values who are not editable if (line.Type == 0 or line.Type == LINE_TYPE.MENU) then return false end -- Menus are not editable if (line.Min==0 and line.Max==0 and line.Def==0) then return false end -- Values with no Range are only for display if (line.Type == LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_I8_NC and isFlightModeLine(line)) then return false end -- Flight mode is not Editable -- any other is Editable return true end local function isListLine(line) -- is it a List of options?? if (line.Type == LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU_NC or line.Type == LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU or line.Type == LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU_TOG) then return true end return false end local function isPercentValueLineByMinMax(line) return (line.Min == 0 and line.Max == 100) or ( line.Min == -100 and line.Max == 100) or ( line.Min == 0 and line.Max == 150) or ( line.Min == -150 and line.Max == 150) end local function isPercentValueLine(line) -- is it a Percent value?? if (line.Type == LINE_TYPE.VALUE_PERCENT) then return true end return false end local function isNumberValueLine(line) -- is it a number ?? if (isListLine(line) or line.Type == LINE_TYPE.MENU or line.Type == 0) then return false else return true end end local function isIncrementalValueUpdate(line) if (line.Type == LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU_NC or line.Type == LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_I8_NC or line.Type == LINE_TYPE.VALUE_DEGREES) then return false end return true end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local function Get_Text(index) local out = Text[index] -- Find in regular header first if out== nil then out = List_Text[index] -- Try list values, don't think is necesary, but just playing Safe end if out == nil then -- unknown... out = "Unknown_" .. string.format("%X", index) end return out end local function Get_List_Text(index) local out = List_Text[index] -- Try to find the message in List_Text if out == nil then out = Text[index] -- Try list headers, don't think is necesary, but just playing Safe end if out == nil then -- unknown... out = "UnknownLT_" .. string.format("%X", index) end return out end local function Get_List_Text_Img(index) local out = List_Text_Img[index] return out end local function Get_List_Values(index) local out = List_Values[index] return out end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local function Get_RxName(index) local out = RxName[index] return out or ("Unknown_" .. string.format("%X", index)) end ----------- Debugging 2-String functions ------------------------------------------------------------------- local function phase2String(index) local out = PhaseText[index] return out or ("Phase_" .. string.format("%X", index)) end local function lineType2String(index) local out = LineTypeText[index] return out or ("LT_" .. string.format("%X", index or 0xFF)) end local function lineValue2String(l) if (DEBUG_ON == 0) then return "" end if (l ~= nil and l.Val ~= nil) then local value = l.Val if isListLine(l) then value = value .. "|\"" .. Get_List_Text(l.Val + l.TextStart) .. "\"" else value = value..(l.Format or "") end return value end return "nil" end local function menu2String(m) local txt = "Menu[]" if (m ~= nil) then txt = string.format("M[Id=0x%X P=0x%X N=0x%X B=0x%X Text=\"%s\"[0x%X]]", m.MenuId, m.PrevId, m.NextId, m.BackId, m.Text, m.TextId) end return txt end local function menuLine2String(l) local txt = "Line[]" if (l ~= nil) then local value = "" local range = "" if l.Type~=LINE_TYPE.MENU then value = "Val="..lineValue2String(l) if isListLine(l) then range = string.format("NL=(%s->%s,%s,S=%s) ",l.Min, l.Max, l.Def, l.TextStart ) range = range .. (l.MinMaxOrig or "") else range = string.format("[%s->%s,%s]",l.Min, l.Max, l.Def) end end txt = string.format("L[#%s T=%s VId=0x%X Text=\"%s\"[0x%X] %s %s MId=0x%X ]", l.lineNum, lineType2String(l.Type), l.ValId, l.Text, l.TextId, value, range, l.MenuId ) end return txt end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local function multiBuffer2String() -- used for debug local i local rxAnswer = "RX:" for i = 10, 25 do rxAnswer = rxAnswer .. string.format(" %02X", multiBuffer(i)) end return rxAnswer end ---------------- DSM Values <-> Int16 Manipulation -------------------------------------------------------- local function int16_LSB(number) -- Less Significat byte local r,x = bit32.band(number, 0xFF) return r end local function int16_MSB(number) -- Most signifcant byte return bit32.rshift(number, 8) end local function Dsm_to_Int16(lsb, msb) -- Componse an Int16 value return bit32.lshift(msb, 8) + lsb end local function Dsm_to_SInt16(lsb,msb) -- Componse a SIGNED Int16 value local value = bit32.lshift(msb, 8) + lsb if value >= 0x8000 then -- Negative value?? return value - 0x10000 end return value end local function sInt16ToDsm(value) -- Convent to SIGNED DSM Value if value < 0 then value = 0x10000 + value end return value end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Post Procssing Line from Raw values receive by RX or Simulation local function isDisplayAttr(attr, bit) return (bit32.band(attr,bit)>0) end local function ExtractDisplayAttr(text1, attr) local text, pos = string.gsub(text1, "/c", "") if (pos>0) then -- CENTER attr = bit32.bor(attr, DISP_ATTR.CENTER) end text, pos = string.gsub(text, "/r", "") if (pos>0) then -- RIGHT attr = bit32.bor(attr, DISP_ATTR.RIGHT) end text, pos = string.gsub(text, "/p", "") if (pos>0) then -- Percent TEXT attr = bit32.bor(attr, DISP_ATTR.PERCENT) end text, pos = string.gsub(text, "/b", "") if (pos>0) then -- BOLD TEXT attr = bit32.bor(attr, DISP_ATTR.BOLD) end text, pos = string.gsub(text, "/M", "") if (pos>0) then -- FORCED MENU Button attr = bit32.bor(attr, DISP_ATTR.FORCED_MENU) end return text, attr end local function DSM_MenuPostProcessing(menu) menu.Text, menu.TextAttr = ExtractDisplayAttr(menu.Text,menu.TextAttr or 0) end local function DSM_MenuLinePostProcessing(line) if (line.Text==nil) then line.Text = Get_Text(line.TextId) -- Get Textual Line headeing text end -- Text formatting options line.Text, line.TextAttr = ExtractDisplayAttr(line.Text,line.TextAttr or 0) if line.Type == LINE_TYPE.MENU then -- nothing to do on menu entries line.Val=nil elseif isListLine(line) then -- Original Range for Debugging line.MinMaxOrig = "[" .. line.Min .. "->" .. line.Max .. "," .. line.Def .. "]" -- Normalize Min/Max to be relative to Zero line.TextStart = line.Min line.Def = line.Def - line.Min -- normalize default value line.Max = line.Max - line.Min -- normalize max index line.Min = 0 -- min index else -- default to numerical value if isPercentValueLine(line) or isPercentValueLineByMinMax(line) then -- either explicit Percent or NO-Change value, but range is %Percent line.Format ="%" line.TextAttr = bit32.bor(line.TextAttr,DISP_ATTR.PERCENT) elseif (line.Type == LINE_TYPE.VALUE_DEGREES) then line.Format ="o" line.TextAttr = bit32.bor(line.TextAttr,DISP_ATTR.DEGREES) end end line.MinMaxDebug = lineType2String(line.Type).." "..(line.MinMaxOrig or "") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local function DSM_send(...) local arg = { ... } for i = 1, #arg do multiBuffer(3 + i, arg[i]) end multiBuffer(3, 0x70 + #arg) if (DEBUG_ON > 1) then local str = "" for i = 1, #arg do str = str .. string.format("%02X ", arg[i]) end LOG_write("DSM_SEND: [%s]\n", str) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local function DSM_StartConnection() if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("DSM_StartConnection()\n") end --Set protocol to talk to multiBuffer( 0, string.byte('D') ) --test if value has been written if multiBuffer( 0 ) ~= string.byte('D') then if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("Not Enouth memory\n") end error("Not enough memory!") return 2 end --Init TX buffer multiBuffer( 3, 0x00 ) --Init RX buffer multiBuffer( 10, 0x00 ) --Init telemetry multiBuffer( 0, string.byte('D') ) multiBuffer( 1, string.byte('S') ) multiBuffer( 2, string.byte('M') ) return 0 end local function DSM_ReleaseConnection() if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("DSM_ReleaseConnection()\n") end multiBuffer(0, 0) DSM_Context.Phase = PHASE.EXIT_DONE end local function DSM_ChangePhase(newPhase) DSM_Context.Phase = newPhase Waiting_RX = 0 end local function DSM_Value_Add(line, inc) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("%3.3f %s: DSM_Value_Add(%s,%s)\n", getElapsedTime(), phase2String(DSM_Context.Phase), inc, menuLine2String(line)) end local skipIncrement = false local values = nil local origVal = line.Val -- Use local validation for LIST_MENU1 when the range is wide open -- Also use if for some LIST_MENU0 that the Range seems incorrect if (isListLine(line)) then -- and line.Type==LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU1 and line.Min==0 and line.Max==244) then values = Get_List_Values(line.TextId) end if (values~=nil) then -- Inc/Dec based on a list of predefined Values Local to Script (values not contiguous), -- locate current value in values array -- Values are Zero normalized to the Start of the List (line.TextStart) for i = 1, #values do if ((values[i]-line.TextStart)==origVal) then skipIncrement = true if (inc==-1 and i > 1) then -- PREV line.Val = values[i-1]-line.TextStart elseif (inc==1 and i < #values) then -- NEXT line.Val = values[i+1]-line.TextStart end break end end end if not skipIncrement then -- Do it Sequentially line.Val = line.Val + inc if line.Val > line.Max then line.Val = line.Max elseif line.Val < line.Min then line.Val = line.Min end end if (origVal~=line.Val and isIncrementalValueUpdate(line)) then -- Update RX value on every change DSM_ChangePhase(PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING) end end local function DSM_Value_Default(line) local origVal = line.Val if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("%3.3f %s: DSM_Value_Default(%s)\n", getElapsedTime(), phase2String(DSM_Context.Phase), menuLine2String(line)) end line.Val = line.Def if (origVal~=line.Val and isIncrementalValueUpdate(line)) then -- Update RX value on every change DSM_ChangePhase(PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING) end end local function DSM_Value_Write_Validate(line) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("%3.3f %s: DSM_Value_Write_Validate(%s)\n", getElapsedTime(), phase2String(DSM_Context.Phase), menuLine2String(line)) end DSM_ChangePhase(PHASE.VALUE_CHANGE_END) -- Update + Validate value in RX DSM_Context.EditLine = nil -- Exit Edit Mode (By clearing the line editing) end local function DSM_GotoMenu(menuId, lastSelectedLine) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("%3.3f %s: DSM_GotoMenu(0x%X,LastSelectedLine=%d)\n", getElapsedTime(), phase2String(DSM_Context.Phase), menuId, lastSelectedLine) end DSM_Context.Menu.MenuId = menuId DSM_Context.SelLine = lastSelectedLine -- Request to load the menu Again DSM_ChangePhase(PHASE.MENU_TITLE) end local function DSM_MoveSelectionLine(dir) local ctx = DSM_Context local menu = ctx.Menu local menuLines = ctx.MenuLines if (dir == 1) then -- NEXT if ctx.SelLine <= MAX_MENU_LINES then local num = ctx.SelLine for i = ctx.SelLine + 1, MAX_MENU_LINES, 1 do if isSelectableLine(menuLines[i]) then ctx.SelLine = i break end end if num == ctx.SelLine then if menu.NextId ~= 0 then -- Next ctx.SelLine = NEXT_BUTTON elseif menu.PrevId ~= 0 then -- Prev ctx.SelLine = PREV_BUTTON end end elseif menu.PrevId ~= 0 then -- Prev ctx.SelLine = PREV_BUTTON end return end if (dir == -1) then -- PREV if ctx.SelLine == PREV_BUTTON and menu.NextId ~= 0 then ctx.SelLine = NEXT_BUTTON elseif ctx.SelLine > 0 then if ctx.SelLine > MAX_MENU_LINES then ctx.SelLine = NEXT_BUTTON end local num = ctx.SelLine for i = ctx.SelLine - 1, 0, -1 do if isSelectableLine(menuLines[i]) then ctx.SelLine = i break end end if num == ctx.SelLine then -- can't find previous selectable line, then SELECT Back if (menu.BackId ~= 0) then ctx.SelLine = BACK_BUTTON end end else if (menu.BackId ~= 0) then ctx.SelLine = BACK_BUTTON end -- Back end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- REEQUEST Messages to RX local function DSM_sendHeartbeat() -- keep connection open if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("SEND DSM_sendHeartbeat()\n") end DSM_send(0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00) end local function DSM_getRxVerson() if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("SEND DSM_getRxVersion()\n") end DSM_send(0x11, 0x06, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00) end local function DSM_getMainMenu() if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("SEND DSM_getMainMenu()\n") end DSM_send(0x12, 0x06, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00) -- first menu only end local function DSM_getMenu(menuId, latSelLine) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("SEND DSM_getMenu(MenuId=0x%X LastSelectedLine=%s)\n", menuId, latSelLine) end DSM_send(0x16, 0x06, int16_MSB(menuId), int16_LSB(menuId), 0x00, latSelLine) end local function DSM_getFirstMenuLine(menuId) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("SEND DSM_getFirstMenuLine(MenuId=0x%X)\n", menuId) end DSM_send(0x13, 0x04, int16_MSB(menuId), int16_LSB(menuId)) -- line 0 end local function DSM_getNextMenuLine(menuId, curLine) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("SEND DSM_getNextLine(MenuId=0x%X,LastLine=%s)\n", menuId, curLine) end DSM_send(0x14, 0x06, int16_MSB(menuId), int16_LSB(menuId), 0x00, curLine) -- line X end local function DSM_getNextMenuValue(menuId, valId, text) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("SEND DSM_getNextMenuValue(MenuId=0x%X, LastValueId=0x%X) Extra: Text=\"%s\"\n", menuId, valId, text) end DSM_send(0x15, 0x06, int16_MSB(menuId), int16_LSB(menuId), int16_MSB(valId), int16_LSB(valId)) -- line X end local function DSM_updateMenuValue(valId, val, text, line) local value = sInt16ToDsm(val) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("SEND DSM_updateMenuValue(ValueId=0x%X,val=%d) Extra: Text=\"%s\" Value=%s\n", valId, val, text, lineValue2String(line)) end DSM_send(0x18, 0x06, int16_MSB(valId), int16_LSB(valId), int16_MSB(value), int16_LSB(value)) -- send current value end local function DSM_validateMenuValue(valId, text, line) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("SEND DSM_validateMenuValue(ValueId=0x%X) Extra: Text=\"%s\" Value=%s\n", valId, text, lineValue2String(line)) end DSM_send(0x19, 0x06, int16_MSB(valId), int16_LSB(valId)) -- Pascal: i think the 2nd byte is the leghts of the entire message in bytes, so instead of 0x06, should be 0x04 for here.. work both ways end local function DSM_menuValueChangingWait(valId, text, line) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("SEND DSM_menuValueChangingWait(ValueId=0x%X) Extra: Text=\"%s\" Value=%s\n", valId, text, lineValue2String(line)) end DSM_send(0x1A, 0x06, int16_MSB(valId), int16_LSB(valId)) -- Pascal: i think the 2nd byte is the leghts of the entire message in bytes, so instead of 0x06, should be 0x04 for here.. work both ways end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function DSM_RX_Match(RxId, List) for i = 1, #List do if List[i] == RxId then return true end end return false end local function DSM_SelLine_HACK() -- This hack was to be able to access some menus, that with using the default ctx.SelLine as it was, -- the menu start returning weird 0x05 Unknow lines, by overriding the ctx.SelLine to Zero or other value -- they started to work. -- Tested to work on the RX: AR631, AR637T, AR637TA local ctx = DSM_Context -- AR631/AR637 Family: Hack for "First time Setup" or "First Time AS3X Setup", use 0 instead of the ctx.SelLine if (ctx.Menu.MenuId == 0x104F or ctx.Menu.MenuId==0x1055) and (FORCED_HACK or DSM_RX_Match(ctx.RX.Id,RX_HACK_TESTED)) then if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("First time Setup Menu HACK: Overrideing LastSelectedLine to ZERO\n") end if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("%3.3f %s: ", getElapsedTime(), phase2String(ctx.Phase)) end ctx.SelLine = 0 end -- AR631/AR637 Hack for "Relearn Servo Settings", use 1 instead of the ctx.SelLine=0 -- REMOVE THE FIX FOR NOW.. Locks the Servos --if (ctx.Menu.MenuId == 0x1023 and -- (FORCED_HACK or DSM_RX_Match(ctx.RX.Id,RX_HACK_TESTED))) then -- if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("Relearn Servo Settings HACK: Overrideing LastSelectedLine to 1\n") end -- if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("%3.3f %s: ", getElapsedTime(), phase2String(ctx.Phase)) end -- ctx.SelLine = 1 --end end local function DSM_sendRequest() -- Send the proper Request message depending on the Phase local ctx = DSM_Context if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("%3.3f %s: ", getElapsedTime(), phase2String(ctx.Phase)) end if ctx.Phase == PHASE.RX_VERSION then -- request RX version DSM_getRxVerson() elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.WAIT_CMD then -- keep connection open DSM_sendHeartbeat() elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.MENU_TITLE then -- request menu title if ctx.Menu.MenuId == 0 then -- First time loading a menu ? DSM_getMainMenu() else DSM_SelLine_HACK() DSM_getMenu(ctx.Menu.MenuId, ctx.SelLine) if (ctx.Menu.MenuId == 0x0001) then -- Executed the Reset Menu?? if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("RX Reset!!!\n") end -- Start again retriving RX info ctx.Menu.MenuId = 0 ctx.isReset = true ctx.Phase = PHASE.RX_VERSION end end elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.MENU_REQ_TX_INFO then -- Guessing: Trying to Request TX info: Model Type, Wing Type, Tail (normal/V), Aileron Sevos (1/2), etc local curLine = ctx.CurLine if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("CALL DSM_getNextUknownLine_0x05: LastLine=%s ", curLine) end local last_byte = { 0x40, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00 } -- unknown. DSM_send(0x20, 0x06, curLine, curLine, 0x00, last_byte[curLine + 1]) -- line X if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("DATA=TX: 20 06 %02X %02X %02X %02X\n", curLine, curLine, 0, last_byte[curLine + 1]) end elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.MENU_LINES then -- request next menu lines if ctx.CurLine == -1 then -- No previous menu line loaded ? DSM_getFirstMenuLine(ctx.Menu.MenuId) else DSM_getNextMenuLine(ctx.Menu.MenuId, ctx.CurLine) end elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.MENU_VALUES then -- request menu values local line = ctx.MenuLines[ctx.CurLine] DSM_getNextMenuValue(ctx.Menu.MenuId, line.ValId, line.Text) elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING then -- send value local line = ctx.MenuLines[ctx.SelLine] -- Updated Value of SELECTED line DSM_updateMenuValue(line.ValId, line.Val, line.Text, line) ctx.Phase = PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING_WAIT elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING_WAIT then local line = ctx.MenuLines[ctx.SelLine] DSM_menuValueChangingWait(line.ValId, line.Text, line) elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.VALUE_CHANGE_END then -- send value -- This is a 2 step operation.. Send the value first, then send the Verification.. Value_Changed_Step used for that -- on the validation, the RX will set a valid value if the value is invalid. A Menu_Value Message will come from the RX local line = ctx.MenuLines[ctx.SelLine] -- Updat Value of SELECTED line if Value_Change_Step == 0 then DSM_updateMenuValue(line.ValId, line.Val, line.Text, line) Value_Change_Step = 1 Waiting_RX = 0 -- Keep on Transmitin State, since we want to send a ValidateMenuValue inmediatly after else -- Validate the value DSM_validateMenuValue(line.ValId, line.Text, line) Value_Change_Step = 0 end elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.EXIT then if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("CALL DSM_exitRequest()\n") end DSM_send(0x1F, 0x02, 0xAA) end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parsing Responses local function DSM_parseRxVersion() --ex: 0x09 0x01 0x00 0x15 0x02 0x22 0x01 0x00 0x14 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 local rxId = multiBuffer(13) DSM_Context.RX.Id = rxId DSM_Context.RX.Name = Get_RxName(rxId) DSM_Context.RX.Version = multiBuffer(14) .. "." .. multiBuffer(15) .. "." .. multiBuffer(16) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("RESPONSE Receiver=%s Version %s\n", DSM_Context.RX.Name, DSM_Context.RX.Version) end end local function DSM_parseMenu() --ex: 0x09 0x02 0x4F 0x10 0xA5 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x50 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 -- MenuID TextID PrevID NextID BackID local ctx = DSM_Context local menu = ctx.Menu menu.MenuId = Dsm_to_Int16(multiBuffer(12), multiBuffer(13)) menu.TextId = Dsm_to_Int16(multiBuffer(14), multiBuffer(15)) menu.Text = Get_Text(menu.TextId) menu.PrevId = Dsm_to_Int16(multiBuffer(16), multiBuffer(17)) menu.NextId = Dsm_to_Int16(multiBuffer(18), multiBuffer(19)) menu.BackId = Dsm_to_Int16(multiBuffer(20), multiBuffer(21)) for i = 0, MAX_MENU_LINES do -- clear menu ctx.MenuLines[i] = { MenuId = 0, lineNum = 0, Type = 0, Text = "", TextId = 0, ValId = 0, Min=0, Max=0, Def=0, Val=nil } end ctx.CurLine = -1 DSM_MenuPostProcessing(menu) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("RESPONSE Menu: %s\n", menu2String(menu)) end return menu end local function DSM_parseMenuLine() --ex: 0x09 0x03 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x1C 0xF9 0x00 0x10 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x03 0x00 --ex: 0x09 0x03 0x61 0x10 0x00 0x6C 0x50 0x00 0x00 0x10 0x36 0x00 0x49 0x00 0x36 0x00 --ex: 0x09 0x03 0x65 0x10 0x00 0x0C 0x51 0x00 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x00 0xF4 0x00 0x2E 0x00 -- MenuLSB MenuMSB line Type TextID NextLSB NextMSB Val_Min Val_Max Val_Def local ctx = DSM_Context local i = multiBuffer(14) local type = multiBuffer(15) local line = ctx.MenuLines[i] -- are we trying to override existing line if (line.Type > 0 and type == 0) then if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("RESPONSE MenuLine: ERROR. Trying to Override: %s\n", menuLine2String(line)) end return line end ctx.CurLine = i line.lineNum = i line.MenuId = Dsm_to_Int16(multiBuffer(12), multiBuffer(13)) line.Type = type line.TextId = Dsm_to_Int16(multiBuffer(16), multiBuffer(17)) line.Text = nil -- Fill at Post processing line.ValId = Dsm_to_Int16(multiBuffer(18), multiBuffer(19)) -- Singed int values line.Min = Dsm_to_SInt16(multiBuffer(20), multiBuffer(21)) line.Max = Dsm_to_SInt16(multiBuffer(22), multiBuffer(23)) line.Def = Dsm_to_SInt16(multiBuffer(24), multiBuffer(25)) DSM_MenuLinePostProcessing(line) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("RESPONSE MenuLine: %s\n", menuLine2String(line)) end return line end local function DSM_parseMenuValue() --ex: 0x09 0x04 0x53 0x10 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 --ex: 0x09 0x04 0x61 0x10 0x02 0x10 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 -- MenuLSB MenuMSB ValLSB ValMSB V_LSB V_MSB -- Identify the line and update the value local ctx = DSM_Context local valId = Dsm_to_Int16(multiBuffer(14), multiBuffer(15)) local value = Dsm_to_SInt16(multiBuffer(16), multiBuffer(17)) --Signed int local updatedLine = nil for i = 0, MAX_MENU_LINES do -- Find the menu line for this value local line = ctx.MenuLines[i] if line ~= nil and line.Type ~= 0 then if line.Type ~= LINE_TYPE.MENU and line.ValId == valId then -- identifier of ValueId stored in the line line.Val = value ctx.CurLine = i updatedLine = line break end end end if (updatedLine == nil) then if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("ERROR, Cant find Menu Line with ValID=%X to update\n", valId) end else if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("RESPONSE MenuValue: UPDATED: %s\n", menuLine2String(updatedLine)) end end end -- Creates a fake line do display an error in the GUI local function DSM_Add_Error_Menu_Line(i, text) local ctx = DSM_Context local line = ctx.MenuLines[i] ctx.CurLine = i line.lineNum = i line.MenuId = ctx.Menu.MenuId line.Type = LINE_TYPE.MENU line.TextId = 0 line.Text = text line.ValId = ctx.Menu.MenuId -- Singed int values line.Min =0 line.Max = 0 line.Def = 0 line.MinMaxOrig = "" line.Val = nil DSM_MenuLinePostProcessing(line) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local function DSM_processResponse() local ctx = DSM_Context local cmd = multiBuffer(11) -- Response Command if (DEBUG_ON > 1) then LOG_write("%s: RESPONSE %s \n", phase2String(ctx.Phase), multiBuffer2String()) end if (DEBUG_ON and cmd > 0x00) then LOG_write("%3.3f %s: ", getElapsedTime(), phase2String(ctx.Phase)) end if cmd == 0x01 then -- read version DSM_parseRxVersion() Lib.Init_Text(DSM_Context.RX.Id) ctx.isReset = false -- no longer resetting ctx.Phase = PHASE.MENU_TITLE elseif cmd == 0x02 then -- read menu title local menu = DSM_parseMenu() -- Update Selected Line navigation if menu.NextId ~= 0 then ctx.SelLine = NEXT_BUTTON -- highlight Next else ctx.SelLine = BACK_BUTTON -- highlight Back end if (ctx.Menu.MenuId == 0x0001) then -- Still in RESETTING MENU??? -- Star from Start if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("RX Reset: Still not done, restart again!!!\n") end ctx.Menu.MenuId = 0 ctx.Phase = PHASE.RX_VERSION else ctx.Phase = PHASE.MENU_LINES end elseif cmd == 0x03 then -- menu lines local line = DSM_parseMenuLine() -- Update Selected line navigation if (ctx.SelLine == BACK_BUTTON or ctx.SelLine == NEXT_BUTTON or ctx.SelLine == PREV_BUTTON) and isSelectableLine(line) then -- Auto select the current line ctx.SelLine = line.lineNum end ctx.Phase = PHASE.MENU_LINES elseif cmd == 0x04 then -- read menu values DSM_parseMenuValue() ctx.Phase = PHASE.MENU_VALUES elseif cmd == 0x05 then -- unknown... I think is trying to request info about TX (Wing type, etc) -- 0x09 0x05 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x07 -- Line MenuId ???? local curLine = multiBuffer(12) if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("RESPONSE MenuUknownLine_0x05: LineNum=%s DATA=%s\n", curLine, multiBuffer2String()) end if (curLine==ctx.CurLine) then -- WEIRD BEHAVIOR -- We got the same line we already got. thi will continue -- on a loop and disconnect RX DSM_Add_Error_Menu_Line(0,"\bError: Cannot Load Menu Lines from RX") if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("ERROR: Received Same menu line\n") end end -- Got the next line.. keep requesting more ctx.CurLine = curLine ctx.Phase = PHASE.MENU_REQ_TX_INFO elseif cmd == 0xA7 then -- answer to EXIT command if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("RESPONSE Exit Confirm\n") end DSM_ReleaseConnection() elseif cmd == 0x00 then -- NULL response (or RX heartbeat) if (ctx.Phase == PHASE.WAIT_CMD) then -- Dont show null while waiting for command to no fill the logs if (DEBUG_ON > 1) then LOG_write("%3.3f %s: RESPONSE NULL\n", getElapsedTime(), phase2String(ctx.Phase)) end else if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("%3.3f %s: RESPONSE NULL\n", getElapsedTime(), phase2String(ctx.Phase)) end end if (ctx.Phase == PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING) then ctx.Phase = PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING_WAIT end else if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("RESPONSE Unknown Command (0x%X) DATA=%s\n", cmd, multiBuffer2String()) end end return cmd end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local function DSM_Send_Receive() local context = DSM_Context if Waiting_RX == 0 then -- Need to send a request Waiting_RX = 1 DSM_sendRequest() multiBuffer(10, 0x00) -- Clear Response Buffer InactivityTime = getTime() + SEND_TIMEOUT -- Reset Inactivity timeout elseif multiBuffer(10) == 0x09 then -- RX data available local cmd = DSM_processResponse() multiBuffer(10, 0x00) -- Clear Response Buffer to know that we are done with the response if (cmd > 0x00) then -- Any non NULL response -- Only change to SEND mode if we received a valid response (Ignore NULL Responses, that are really heartbeat i most cases) Waiting_RX = 0 InactivityTime = getTime() + SEND_TIMEOUT -- Reset Inactivity timeout context.Refresh_Display = true end else -- Check if enouth time has passed from last transmit/receive activity if getTime() > InactivityTime then if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("%3.3f %s: INACTIVITY TIMEOUT\n", getElapsedTime(), phase2String(context.Phase)) end InactivityTime = getTime() + SEND_TIMEOUT Waiting_RX = 0 -- Switch to Send mode to send heartbeat if context.Phase == PHASE.EXIT then -- Did not receive response to Exit_Request DSM_ReleaseConnection() end if context.Phase ~= PHASE.RX_VERSION and context.Phase ~= PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING_WAIT and context.Phase ~= PHASE.WAIT_CMD then -- Only change to WAIT_CMD if we are NOT already waiting for Data context.Phase = PHASE.WAIT_CMD context.Refresh_Display = true end if context.Phase == PHASE.RX_VERSION then -- Refresh screen again context.Refresh_Display = true end end end end -- Init local function DSM_Init(toolName) local dateTime = getDateTime() local dateStr = dateTime.year.."-"..dateTime.mon.."-"..dateTime.day.." "..dateTime.hour..":"..dateTime.min local ver, radio, maj, minor, rev, osname = getVersion() if (DEBUG_ON) then LOG_write("---------------DSM New Session %s ----------------\n", toolName, dateStr) LOG_write("Radio Info: %s\n", radio .. " " .. (osname or "OpenTx") .. " " .. ver) LOG_write("Date : %s\n", dateStr) LOG_write("DsmLib Version : %s\n", LIB_VERSION) end DSM_Context.Phase = PHASE.RX_VERSION -- Phase Names PhaseText[PHASE.RX_VERSION] = "RX_VERSION" PhaseText[PHASE.WAIT_CMD] = "WAIT_CMD" PhaseText[PHASE.MENU_TITLE] = "MENU_TITLE" PhaseText[PHASE.MENU_REQ_TX_INFO] = "MENU_REQ_TX_INFO" PhaseText[PHASE.MENU_LINES] = "MENU_LINES" PhaseText[PHASE.MENU_VALUES] = "MENU_VALUES" PhaseText[PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING] = "VALUE_CHANGING" PhaseText[PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING_WAIT] = "VALUE_CHANGING_WAIT" PhaseText[PHASE.VALUE_CHANGE_END] = "VALUE_CHANGE_END" PhaseText[PHASE.EXIT] = "EXIT" PhaseText[PHASE.EXIT_DONE] = "EXIT_DONE" -- Line Types LineTypeText[LINE_TYPE.MENU] = "M" LineTypeText[LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU_NC] = "LM_nc" LineTypeText[LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU] = "LM" LineTypeText[LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU_TOG] = "LM_tog" LineTypeText[LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_I8_NC] = "V_nc" LineTypeText[LINE_TYPE.VALUE_PERCENT] = "V_%" LineTypeText[LINE_TYPE.VALUE_DEGREES] = "V_de" LineTypeText[LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_I8] = "V_i8" LineTypeText[LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_I16] = "V_i16" LineTypeText[LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_SI16] = "V_s16" LineTypeText[LINE_TYPE.LT_EMPTY] = "Z" --RX names-- RxName[RX.AR636B] = "AR636B" RxName[RX.SPM4651T] = "SPM4651T" RxName[RX.AR637T] = "AR637T" RxName[RX.AR637TA] = "AR637TA" RxName[RX.FC6250HX] = "FC6250HX" RxName[RX.AR630] = "AR630" RxName[RX.AR8360T] = "AR8360T" RxName[RX.AR10360T] = "AR10360T" RxName[RX.AR631] = "AR631" end local function DSM_Init_Text(rxId) --Text to be displayed -- For menu lines who are not navigation to other menus (SubHeders or Plain text) -- you can use some formatting options: -- Text allightment: /c = CENTER, /r = RIGHT -- Text effects: /b = BOLD -- Text formatting: /p = PERCENT numbers (forced if not in Line Type=PERCENT) -- Navigaton: /M = Force to be a Menu button, when a menu navigates to itself, -- is usually a message line.. but sometimes, we want to navigate to the same page to refresh values -- array List_Values: -- For some Menu LIST VALUES, special Lines of type:LIST_MENU1, the valod options seems not -- to be contiguos, the array "Menu_List_Values" can help narrow down the -- valid menu options. I think this should come from the RX, but cant find where. -- Most of the times, Limes of type LIST_MENU1 comes with a 0->244 value range that is not correct -- usually is Ihnibit + range of contiguos values, but cant seems to find in the RX data receive the values -- to do it automatically List_Text[0x0001] = "Off" List_Text[0x0002] = "On" -- Ihn/Act List Options List_Text[0x0003] = "Inh" List_Text[0x0004] = "Act" -- Channel selection for SAFE MODE and GAINS on FC6250HX List_Text[0x000C] = "Inhibit?" --? List_Text[0x000D] = "Ch5 (Gear)" for i = 1, 7 do List_Text[0x000D + i] = "Ch"..(i+5) .. " (Aux" .. i .. ")" end -- Aux channels -- Servo Output values.. local servoOutputValues = {0x0003,0x002D,0x002E,0x002F} --Inh (GAP), 5.5ms, 11ms, 22ms. Fixing L_m1 with 0..244 range! List_Text[0x002D] = "5.5ms" List_Text[0x002E] = "11ms" List_Text[0x002F] = "22ms" -- Gain Values local gainValues = {0x0032,0x0033,0x0034} -- 1X, 2X, 4X -- Fixing L_m1 with 0..244 range! List_Text[0x0032] = "1 X" List_Text[0x0033] = "2 X" List_Text[0x0034] = "4 X" -- List of Channels for Safe, Gains, Panic, except FC6250HX that uses other range (0x00C..0x015) -- the valid range Starts with GEAR if enabled (Thr,Ail,Ele,Rud are not valid, the RX reject them ) -- Valid Values: Inhibit? (GAP), Gear,Aux1..Aux7,X-Plus-1..XPlus-8 local channelValues = {0x0035,0x003A,0x003B,0x003C,0x003D,0x003E,0x003F,0x0040,0x0041,0x0042,0x0043,0x0044,0x0045,0x0046,0x0047,0x0048,0x0049} List_Text[0x0035] = "Inhibit?" List_Text[0x0036] = "Throttle" List_Text[0x0037] = "Aileron" List_Text[0x0038] = "Elevator" List_Text[0x0039] = "Rudder" List_Text[0x003A] = "Ch5 (Gear)" for i = 1, 7 do List_Text[0x003A + i] = "Ch"..(i+5) .. " (Aux" .. i .. ")" end -- Aux channels on AR637T for i = 1, 8 do -- 41..49 List_Text[0x0041 + i] = "Ch"..(i+13) .." (XPlus-" .. i .. ")" end -- ****No longer overrides of previous XPlus values, since using different array -- for List_Text values Text[0x0040] = "Roll" Text[0x0041] = "Pitch" Text[0x0042] = "Yaw" Text[0x0043] = "Gain /c/b" -- FC6250HX, AR631 Text[0x0045] = "Differential" Text[0x0046] = "Priority" Text[0x0049] = "Output Setup" -- FC6250HX, AR631 --****** Text[0x004A] = "Failsafe" Text[0x004B] = "Main Menu" Text[0x004E] = "Position" Text[0x0050] = "Outputs"; Text[0x0051] = "Output Channel 1" Text[0x0052] = "Output Channel 2" Text[0x0053] = "Output Channel 3" Text[0x0054] = "Output Channel 4" Text[0x0055] = "Output Channel 5" Text[0x0056] = "Output Channel 6" if (rxId ~= RX.FC6250HX) then -- Restrictions for non FC6250HX List_Values[0x0051]=servoOutputValues List_Values[0x0052]=servoOutputValues List_Values[0x0053]=servoOutputValues List_Values[0x0054]=servoOutputValues List_Values[0x0055]=servoOutputValues List_Values[0x0056]=servoOutputValues end -- FailSafe Options --Text[0x005E]="Inhibit" List_Text[0x005F] = "Hold Last" List_Text[0x0060] = "Preset" --Text[0x0061]="Custom" --FC6250HX Text[0x0071] = "Proportional" Text[0x0072] = "Integral" Text[0x0073] = "Derivate" -- Flight mode channel selection Text[0x0078] = "FM Channel" if (rxId ~= RX.FC6250HX) then List_Values[0x0078]=channelValues end --FC6250HX uses other range Text[0x0080] = "Orientation" Text[0x0082] = "Heading" Text[0x0085] = "Frame Rate" Text[0x0086] = "System Setup" Text[0x0087] = "F-Mode Setup" Text[0x0088] = "Enabled F-Modes" -- Gain channel selection Text[0x0089] = "Gain Channel" if (rxId ~= RX.FC6250HX) then List_Values[0x0089]=channelValues end --FC6250HX uses other range -- Gain Sensitivity selection Text[0x008A] = "Gain Sensitivity/r"; List_Values[0x008A]=gainValues -- Right Alight, (L_M1 was wide open range 0->244) Text[0x008B] = "Panic" Text[0x008E] = "Panic Delay" Text[0x0090] = "Apply" Text[0x0091] = "Begin" -- FC6250HX: Callibration Menu -> Begin..Start, Complete, Done Text[0x0092] = "Start" Text[0x0093] = "Complete" Text[0x0094] = "Done" Text[0x0097] = "Factory Reset" Text[0x0098] = "Factory Reset" -- FC6250HX: Title Text[0x0099] = "Advanced Setup" Text[0x009A] = "Capture Failsafe Positions" Text[0x009C] = "Custom Failsafe" Text[0x009F] = "Save Settings " -- Save & Reboot RX Text[0x00A5] = "First Time Setup" Text[0x00AA] = "Capture Gyro Gains" Text[0x00AD] = "Gain Channel Select" -- Safe mode options, Ihnibit + this values local safeModeOptions = {0x0003,0x00B0,0x00B1} -- inh (gap), "Self-Level/Angle Dem, Envelope List_Text[0x00B0] = "Self-Level/Angle Dem" List_Text[0x00B1] = "Envelope" -- Flight Modes List Options List_Text[0x00B5] = "Inhibit" for i = 1, 10 do List_Text[0x00B5 + i] = "Flight Mode " .. i end Text[0x00BE] = "Unknown_BE" -- Used in Reset menu (0x0001) while the RX is rebooting Text[0x00C7] = "Calibrate Sensor" Text[0x00C8] = "Complete" -- FC6250HX calibration complete Text[0x00CA] = "SAFE/Panic Mode Setup" Text[0x00CD] = "Level model and capture attiude/M"; -- Different from List_Text , and force it to be a menu button -- RX Orientations for AR631/AR637, Optionally attach an Image + Alt Text to display List_Text[0x00CB] = "Position 1"; List_Text_Img[0x00CB] = "rx_pos_1.png|Pilot View: RX Label Up, Pins Back" List_Text[0x00CC] = "Position 2"; List_Text_Img[0x00CC] = "rx_pos_2.png|Pilot View: RX Label Left, Pins Back" List_Text[0x00CD] = "Position 3"; List_Text_Img[0x00CD] = "rx_pos_3.png|Pilot View: RX Label Down, Pins Back" List_Text[0x00CE] = "Position 4"; List_Text_Img[0x00CE] = "rx_pos_4.png|Pilot View: RX Label Right, Pins Back" List_Text[0x00CF] = "Position 5"; List_Text_Img[0x00CF] = "rx_pos_5.png|Pilot View: RX Label UP, Pins to Front" List_Text[0x00D0] = "Position 6"; List_Text_Img[0x00D0] = "rx_pos_6.png|Pilot View: RX Label Left, Pins Front" List_Text[0x00D1] = "Position 7"; List_Text_Img[0x00D1] = "rx_pos_7.png|Pilot View: RX Label Down, Pins Front" List_Text[0x00D2] = "Position 8"; List_Text_Img[0x00D2] = "rx_pos_8.png|Pilot View: RX Label Right, Pins Front" List_Text[0x00D3] = "Position 9"; List_Text_Img[0x00D3] = "rx_pos_9.png|Pilot View: RX Label Up, Pins Left" List_Text[0x00D4] = "Position 10"; List_Text_Img[0x00D4] = "rx_pos_10.png|Pilot View: RX Label Back, Pins Left" List_Text[0x00D5] = "Position 11"; List_Text_Img[0x00D5] = "rx_pos_11.png|Pilot View: RX Label Down, Pins Left" List_Text[0x00D6] = "Position 12"; List_Text_Img[0x00D6] = "rx_pos_12.png|Pilot View: RX Label Front, Pins Left" List_Text[0x00D7] = "Position 13"; List_Text_Img[0x00D7] = "rx_pos_13.png|Pilot View: RX Label Up, Pins Right" List_Text[0x00D8] = "Position 14"; List_Text_Img[0x00D8] = "rx_pos_14.png|Pilot View: RX Label Back, Pins Right" List_Text[0x00D9] = "Position 15"; List_Text_Img[0x00D9] = "rx_pos_15.png|Pilot View: RX Label Down, Pins Right" List_Text[0x00DA] = "Position 16"; List_Text_Img[0x00DA] = "rx_pos_16.png|Pilot View: RX Label Front, Pins Right" List_Text[0x00DB] = "Position 17"; List_Text_Img[0x00DB] = "rx_pos_17.png|Pilot View: RX Label Back, Pins Down" List_Text[0x00DC] = "Position 18"; List_Text_Img[0x00DC] = "rx_pos_18.png|Pilot View: RX Label Left, Pins Down" List_Text[0x00DD] = "Position 19"; List_Text_Img[0x00DD] = "rx_pos_19.png|Pilot View: RX Label Front, Pins Down" List_Text[0x00DE] = "Position 20"; List_Text_Img[0x00DE] = "rx_pos_20.png|Pilot View: RX Label Right, Pins Down" List_Text[0x00DF] = "Position 21"; List_Text_Img[0x00DF] = "rx_pos_21.png|Pilot View: RX Label Back, Pins Up" List_Text[0x00E0] = "Position 22"; List_Text_Img[0x00E0] = "rx_pos_22.png|Pilot View: RX Label Left, Pins Up" List_Text[0x00E1] = "Position 23"; List_Text_Img[0x00E1] = "rx_pos_23.png|Pilot View: RX Label Front, Pins Up" List_Text[0x00E2] = "Position 24"; List_Text_Img[0x00E2] = "rx_pos_24.png|Pilot View: RX Label Right, Pins Up" List_Text[0x00E3] = "Position Invalid"; List_Text_Img[0x00E3] = "rx_pos_25.png|Cannot detect orientation of RX" Text[0x00D1] = "Receiver will Reboot/b" --FC6250HX Text[0x00D2] = "Panic Channel" if (rxId ~= RX.FC6250HX) then List_Values[0x00D2]=channelValues end --FC6250HX uses other range Text[0x00D3] = "Swashplate" Text[0x00D5] = "Agility" Text[0x00D8] = "Stop" Text[0x00DA] = "SAFE/c/b" --SubTitle Text[0x00DB] = "Stability" Text[0x00DC] = "Deg. per sec" Text[0x00DD] = "Tail rotor" Text[0x00DE] = "Setup" Text[0x00DF] = "AFR" Text[0x00E0] = "Collective" Text[0x00E1] = "Subtrim" Text[0x00E2] = "Phasing" Text[0x00E4] = "E-Ring" Text[0x00E7] = "Left" Text[0x00E8] = "Right" -- Gain Capture options List_Text[0x00F2] = "Fixed" List_Text[0x00F3] = "Adjustable" Text[0x00F9] = "Gyro settings" Text[0x00FE] = "Stick Priority/c/b " --SubTitle Text[0x0100] = "Make sure the model has been" Text[0x0101] = "configured, including wing type," Text[0x0102] = "reversing, travel, trimmed, etc." Text[0x0103] = "before continuing setup." Text[0x0104] = "" -- empty?? Text[0x0105] = "" -- empty?? Text[0x0106] = "Any wing type, channel assignment," Text[0x0107] = "subtrim, or servo reversing changes" Text[0x0108] = "require running through initial" Text[0x0109] = "setup again." Text[0x010A] = "" -- empty?? Text[0x010B] = "" -- empty?? Text[0x0190] = "DONT USE! Relearn Servo Settings" Text[0x019C] = "Enter Receiver Bind Mode" Text[0x01D7] = "SAFE Select Channel" Text[0x01DC] = "AS3X/c/b" -- Subtitle, Center+bold Text[0x01DD] = "AS3X Settings" Text[0x01DE] = "AS3X Gains" Text[0x01E0] = "Rate Gains/c/b" -- SubTitle, Center+bold Text[0x01E2] = "SAFE Settings" Text[0x01E3] = "SAFE Gains" Text[0x01E6] = "Attitude Trim/c/b" -- SubTitle, Center+bold Text[0x01E7] = "Envelope" Text[0x01E9] = "Roll Right" Text[0x01EA] = "Roll Left" Text[0x01EB] = "Pitch Down" Text[0x01EC] = "Pitch Up" Text[0x01EE] = "Throttle to Pitch" Text[0x01EF] = "Low Thr to Pitch/c/b" -- SubTitle, Center+bold Text[0x01F0] = "High Thr to Pitch/c/b" -- SubTitle, Center+bold Text[0x01F3] = "Threshold" Text[0x01F4] = "Angle" Text[0x01F6] = "Failsafe Angles/c/b" -- SubTitle, Center+bold --Inh, Self-Level/Angle Dem, Envelope -- (L_M was wide open range 0->244) Text[0x01F8] = "Safe Mode"; List_Values[0x01F8]=safeModeOptions Text[0x01F9] = "SAFE Select/c/b " -- SubTitle Text[0x01FC] = "Panic Flight Mode" Text[0x01FD] = "SAFE Failsafe FMode" Text[0x0208] = "Decay" Text[0x0209] = "Save to Backup" Text[0x020A] = "Restore from Backup" Text[0x020D] = "First Time SAFE Setup" -- First time safe setup Page 3 : Text[0x020E] = "AS3X gains must be tuned" Text[0x020F] = "and active in SAFE Flight Modes" Text[0x0210] = "to help reduce wobble." Text[0x0211] = "" -- empty Text[0x0212] = "" -- empty Text[0x0213] = "" -- empty -- AS3X orientation Setting menu (Level) Text[0x021A] = "Set the model level," Text[0x021B] = "and press Continue." Text[0x021C] = "" -- empty?? Text[0x021D] = "" -- empty?? -- AS3X orientation Setting menu (Nose down) Text[0x021F] = "Set the model on its nose," Text[0x0220] = "and press Continue. If the" Text[0x0221] = "orientation on the next" Text[0x0222] = "screen is wrong go back" Text[0x0223] = "and try again." Text[0x0224] = "Continue" Text[0x0226] = "Angle Limits/c/b " Text[0x0227] = "Other settings" Text[0x0229] = "Set Orientation Manually" -- Factory Default Warning Text[0x022B] = "WARNING!" Text[0x022C] = "This will reset the" Text[0x022D] = "configuration to factory" Text[0x022E] = "defaults. This does not" Text[0x022F] = "affect the backup config." Text[0x0230] = "" -- empty?? -- Backup Warning Text[0x0231] = "This will overwrite the" Text[0x0232] = "backup memory with your" Text[0x0233] = "current configuartion." Text[0x0234] = "" -- blank line Text[0x0235] = "" -- blank line -- Restore from Backup Warning Text[0x0236] = "This will overwrite the" Text[0x0237] = "current config with" Text[0x0238] = "that which is in" Text[0x0239] = "the backup memory." Text[0x023A] = "" -- blank line -- Utilities Copy flight modes Text[0x023D] = "Copy Flight Mode Settings" Text[0x023E] = "Source Flight Mode" Text[0x023F] = "Target Flight Mode" Text[0x0240] = "Utilities" -- Gain Capture Page Text[0x024C] = "Gains will be captured on" Text[0x024D] = "Captured gains will be" Text[0x024E] = "Gains on" Text[0x024F] = "were captured and changed" Text[0x0250] = "from Adjustable to Fixed" Text[0x0254] = "Postive = Up, Negative = Down" --Utilities, Copy flight mode (Copy Confirmation, oveerriding FM) Text[0x0251] = "Are you sure you want to ovewrite the \"Target\"" Text[0x0252] = "with the \"Source\" ? " Text[0x0253] = "" -- Blank -- First time safe setup Page 1 (maybe ask to select Flight Mode cannel) Text[0x0255] = "Before setting up SAFE" Text[0x0256] = "a Flight Mode channel" Text[0x0257] = "most be configured." --First time safe setup Page 2 (something related for flight mode) Text[0x025A] = "Select the desired flight mode" Text[0x025B] = "switch position to adjust settings" Text[0x025C] = "for each flight mode" Text[0x025D] = "" -- Blank Text[0x025E] = "" -- Blank --Utilities, Copy flight mode (Confirm) Text[0x0259] = "YES" Text[0x0260] = "WARNING: \"Target\"" Text[0x0261] = "flight mode will be overwritten" Text[0x0262] = "by \"Source\"" Text[0x0263] = "Fixed/Adjustable Gains /c/b" Text[0x0266] = "Heading Gain/c/b" Text[0x0267] = "Positive = Nose Up/Roll Right" Text[0x0268] = "Negative = Nose Down/Roll Left" Text[0x0269] = "SAFE - Throttle to Pitch" Text[0x026A] = "Use CAUTION for Yaw gain!/b" -- SubTitle Text[0x8000] = "Flight Mode/c/b" --FC6250HX: 1=NORMAL 2= Stunt-1, 3=Stunt-2, 4=Hold Text[0x8001] = "Flight Mode/c/b" -- WAS "Flight Mode 1".. This usually is a Flight Mode w value relative to 0 (AR631/AR637) Text[0x8002] = "Flight Mode 2/c/b" -- what RX does this show up?? Text[0x8003] = "Flight Mode 3/c/b" end -- Adjust the displayed value for Flight mode line as needed local function GetFlightModeValue(line) local value = line.Val or 0 -- protect when in the middle of changing FM can be nil local textId = line.TextId local header = line.Text local out = value .. "" if (textId == 0x8000) then -- FC6250HX if (DSM_Context.RX.Id == RX.FC6250HX) then -- Helicopter Flights modes if (value==0) then out = header .. " 1 / Normal 1" elseif (value==1) then out = header .. " 2 / Normal 2" elseif (value==2) then out = header .. " 3 / Stunt 1" elseif (value==3) then out = header .. " 4 / Stunt 2" elseif (value==4) then out = header .. " 5 / Hold" else out = header .. " " .. value end else -- No adjustment needed out = header .. " " .. value end elseif (textId == 0x8001) then -- AR630-637, AR8360T, AR10360T -- Seems that we really have to add +1 to the value, so Flight Mode 0 is Really Flight Mode 1 out = header .. " " .. (value + 1) else -- Default, return the value as we Have it out = header .. " " .. value end return out end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Lib EXPORTS -- Export Constants Lib.PHASE = PHASE Lib.LINE_TYPE = LINE_TYPE Lib.RX = RX Lib.DISP_ATTR = DISP_ATTR Lib.BACK_BUTTON = BACK_BUTTON Lib.NEXT_BUTTON = NEXT_BUTTON Lib.PREV_BUTTON = PREV_BUTTON Lib.MAX_MENU_LINES = MAX_MENU_LINES -- Export Shared Context Variables Lib.DSM_Context = DSM_Context -- Export Functions Lib.LOG_write = LOG_write Lib.LOG_close = LOG_close Lib.getElapsedTime = getElapsedTime Lib.Get_Text = Get_Text Lib.Get_List_Text = Get_List_Text Lib.Get_List_Text_Img = Get_List_Text_Img Lib.phase2String = phase2String Lib.lineValue2String = lineValue2String Lib.menu2String = menu2String Lib.menuLine2String = menuLine2String Lib.isSelectableLine = isSelectableLine Lib.isEditableLine = isEditableLine Lib.isListLine = isListLine Lib.isPercentValueLine = isPercentValueLine Lib.isPercentValueLineByMinMax = isPercentValueLineByMinMax Lib.isNumberValueLine = isNumberValueLine Lib.isDisplayAttr = isDisplayAttr Lib.isFlightModeLine = isFlightModeLine Lib.GetFlightModeValue = GetFlightModeValue Lib.StartConnection = DSM_StartConnection Lib.ReleaseConnection = DSM_ReleaseConnection Lib.ChangePhase = DSM_ChangePhase Lib.MenuPostProcessing = DSM_MenuPostProcessing Lib.MenuLinePostProcessing = DSM_MenuLinePostProcessing Lib.Value_Add = DSM_Value_Add Lib.Value_Default = DSM_Value_Default Lib.Value_Write_Validate = DSM_Value_Write_Validate Lib.GotoMenu = DSM_GotoMenu Lib.MoveSelectionLine = DSM_MoveSelectionLine Lib.Send_Receive = DSM_Send_Receive Lib.Init = DSM_Init Lib.Init_Text = DSM_Init_Text return Lib