Reversing 'Off' and 'On' text values in lines #555 and #556. They are used in the SAFE and AS3X menu items in the DSM Forward Programming section, and they are functioning backwards. This will correct the issue. This is the fix for Issue #728
Reasoning: The OpenTX sensor "RSSI" is populated by the individual OpenTX telemetry protocol implementations and returns a value from 0..100 (percent) originating from the early FrSky implementation. It turns out that FrSky did not really provide a genuine signal strength indicator in units of dbm but a link quality indicator in 0..100%. With Graupner HoTT the link quality indicator is not a good basis for the model locator as it is very non-linear and doesn't change much with distance. Using the Graupner HoTT telemetry sensor "Rssi" which is a true signal strength indicator serves the purpose of locating a model much better as it varies much more with distance.
Loads of protocols have been touched by this change. Some testing has been done but please test on all your models.
The XN297 emulation selects in this order:
- the CC2500 if it is available and bitrate=250K. Configure the option field automatically for RF tune.
- the NRF for all bitrates if it is available
- if NRF is not available and bitrate=1M then an invalid protocol is sent automatically to the radio.
CC2500 @250K can now receive normal and enhanced payloads.
OMP protocol supports telemetry on CC2500 and is also for NRF only modules including telemetry.
Separation of E016H (new protocol) from E01X due to different structure.
MJXQ, MT99XX, Q303 and XK: some sub protocols available on CC2500 only.