diff --git a/docs/Compiling_STM32.md b/docs/Compiling_STM32.md index d75621f..5299a81 100644 --- a/docs/Compiling_STM32.md +++ b/docs/Compiling_STM32.md @@ -30,14 +30,13 @@ Flashing precompiled **binaries** is done very simple with the cable setup prese 1. In order to compile successfully you need also to modify a maple library file. In ```....\hardware\Arduino_STM32\STM32F1\cores\maple\libmaple\usart_f1.c``` comment out the 2 functions as shown below. This is required to have low-level access to the USART interrupt.
``` - /* - void __irq_usart2(void){ - usart_irq(&usart2_rb, USART2_BASE); - } - - void __irq_usart3(void) { - usart_irq(&usart3_rb, USART3_BASE); - } */ + //void __irq_usart2(void) { + // usart_irq(&usart2_rb, &usart2_wb, USART2_BASE); + //} + + //void __irq_usart3(void) { + // usart_irq(&usart3_rb, &usart3_wb, USART3_BASE); + //} ``` 1. Run the IDE, and on the **Tools** menu, select **Board** and then **Boards manager**.
Click on the Arduino DUE (32 Bits ARM-Cortex M3) from the list of available boards. You must do this step, it installs the arm-none-eabi-g++ toolchain! 1. Close and reopen the Arduino IDE and load the Multiprotocol project.