Hitec full telemetry description

This commit is contained in:
Pascal Langer 2018-08-07 19:35:31 +02:00
parent 5345ece322
commit 9ab5353122
2 changed files with 91 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -312,23 +312,47 @@ uint16_t ReadHITEC()
if(len==15) // Telemetry packets have a length of 15
{ // telem packet: 0C, 00, 6A, 03, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 8E, 00, 5E, 94
//Not fully handled since the RX I have only send 1 frame where from what I've been reading on Hitec telemetry should have at least 4 frames...
if( len==15 && pkt[4]==0 && pkt[12]==0 )
{ // Valid telemetry packets
// no station:
// 0C,1C,A1,2B,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,8D,00,64,8E -> 00 8D=>RX battery voltage 0x008D/28=5.03V
// with HTS-SS:
// 0C,1C,A1,2B,00,11,AF,00,2D,00,8D,11,00,4D,96 -> 00 8D=>RX battery voltage 0x008D/28=5.03V
// 0C,1C,A1,2B,00,12,00,00,00,00,00,12,00,52,93
// 0C,1C,A1,2B,00,13,00,00,00,00,46,13,00,52,8B -> 46=>temperature2 0x46-0x28=30°C
// 0C,1C,A1,2B,00,14,00,00,00,00,41,14,00,2C,93 -> 41=>temperature1 0x41-0x28=25°C
// 0C,1C,A1,2B,00,15,00,2A,00,0E,00,15,00,44,96 -> 2A 00=>rpm1=420, 0E 00=>rpm2=140
// 0C,1C,A1,2B,00,16,00,00,00,00,00,16,00,2C,8E
// 0C,1C,A1,2B,00,17,00,00,00,42,44,17,00,48,8D -> 42=>temperature3 0x42-0x28=26°C,44=>temperature4 0x44-0x28=28°C
// 0C,1C,A1,2B,00,18,00,00,00,00,00,18,00,50,92
TX_RSSI = pkt[len-2];
switch(pkt[5]) // telemetry frame number
case 0:
v_lipo1 = (pkt[12])<<5 | (pkt[11])>>3; // calculation in decimal is volt=(pkt[12]<<8+pkt[11])/28
case 11:
v_lipo1 = (pkt[11])<<5 | (pkt[10])>>3; // calculation in decimal is volt=(pkt[11]<<8+pkt[10])/28
case 18:
v_lipo2 = (pkt[6])<<5 | (pkt[7])>>3; // calculation in decimal is volt=(pkt[6]<<8+pkt[7])/10
TX_RSSI = pkt[13];
if(TX_RSSI >=128)
TX_RSSI -= 128;
TX_RSSI += 128;
TX_LQI = pkt[len-1]&0x7F;
//TODO: where is the frame number...
v_lipo1 = (pkt[len-3])<<5 | (pkt[len-4])>>3; // calculation in decimal is volt=(pkt[len-3]<<8+pkt[len-4])/28
TX_LQI = pkt[14]&0x7F;
telemetry_link=1; // telemetry hub available
#elif defined(HITEC_FW_TELEMETRY)
for(uint8_t i=4;i < len; i++)
pkt[i-4]=pkt[i]; // remove header, 11 bytes of data
// 8 bytes telemetry packets => see at the end of this file how to fully decode it
uint8_t offset=pkt[5]==0?1:0;
for(uint8_t i=5;i < 11; i++)
pkt[i-5]=pkt[i+offset]; // frame number followed by 5 bytes of data
pkt[6]=pkt[13]; // TX RSSI
pkt[7]=pkt[14]&0x7F; // LQI
telemetry_link=2; // telemetry forward available
@ -364,4 +388,61 @@ uint16_t initHITEC()
return 10000;
/* Full telemetry
1st byte is the frame number 0x00, 0x11, 0x12, ..., 0x18 followed by 5 bytes of data.
The frames can be present or not, they do not have to follow each others.
- frame 0x00
data byte 0 -> 0x00 unknown
data byte 1 -> 0x00 unknown
data byte 2 -> 0x00 unknown
data byte 3 -> RX Batt Volt_H
data byte 4 -> RX Batt Volt_L => RX Batt=(Volt_H*256+Volt_L)/28
- frame 0x11
data byte 0 -> 0xAF start of frame
data byte 1 -> 0x00 unknown
data byte 2 -> 0x2D frame type but constant here
data byte 3 -> Volt1_H
data byte 4 -> Volt1_L RX Batt=(Volt1_H*256+Volt1_L)/28 V
- frame 0x12
data byte 0 -> Lat_sec_H GPS : latitude second
data byte 1 -> Lat_sec_L signed int : 1/100 of second
data byte 2 -> Lat_deg_min_H GPS : latitude degree.minute
data byte 3 -> Lat_deg_min_L signed int : +=North, - = south
data byte 4 -> Time_second GPS Time
- frame 0x13
data byte 0 -> GPS Longitude second
data byte 1 -> signed int : 1/100 of second
data byte 2 -> GPS Longitude degree.minute
data byte 3 -> signed int : +=Est, - = west
data byte 4 -> Temp2 Temperature2=Temp2-40°C
- frame 0x14
data byte 0 -> Speed_H
data byte 1 -> Speed_L Speed=Speed_H*256+Speed_L km/h
data byte 2 -> Alti_sea_H
data byte 3 -> Alti_sea_L Altitude sea=Alti_sea_H*256+Alti_sea_L m
data byte 4 -> Temp1 Temperature1=Temp1-40°C
- frame 0x15
data byte 0 -> FUEL
data byte 1 -> RPM1_L
data byte 2 -> RPM1_H RPM1=RPM1_H*256+RPM1_L
data byte 3 -> RPM2_L
data byte 4 -> RPM2_H RPM2=RPM2_H*256+RPM2_L
- frame 0x16
data byte 0 -> Date_year GPS Date
data byte 1 -> Date_month
data byte 2 -> Date_day
data byte 3 -> Time_hour GPS Time
data byte 4 -> Time_min
- frame 0x17
data byte 0 -> 0x00 COURSEH
data byte 1 -> 0x00 COURSEL GPS Course = COURSEH*256+COURSEL
data byte 2 -> 0x00 GPS count
data byte 3 -> Temp3 Temperature3=Temp2-40°C
data byte 4 -> Temp4 Temperature4=Temp3-40°C
- frame 0x18
data byte 1 -> Volt2_H
data byte 2 -> Volt2_L Volt2=(Volt2_H*256+Volt2_L)/10 V
data byte 3 -> AMP1_L
data byte 4 -> AMP1_H Amp=(AMP1_H*256+AMP1_L -180)/14 in signed A

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// Protocols