diff --git a/Protocols_Details.md b/Protocols_Details.md index 9a4e8f4..ce1ce38 100644 --- a/Protocols_Details.md +++ b/Protocols_Details.md @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ Notes: - model/type/number of channels indicated on the RX can be different from what the RX is in fact wanting to see. So don't hesitate to test different combinations until you have something working. Using Auto is the best way to find these settings. - RX output will match the Spektrum standard TAER independently of the input configuration AETR, RETA... - RX output will match the Spektrum standard throw (1500µs +/- 400µs -> 1100..1900µs) for a 100% input. This is true for both Serial and PPM input. For PPM, make sure the end points PPM_MIN_100 and PPM_MAX_100 in _config.h are matching your TX ouput. The maximum ouput is 1000..2000µs based on an input of 125%. - - If you want to override the above and get maximum throw (old way) uncomment in _config.h the line #define DSM_FULL_THROW . In this mode to achieve standard throw use a channel weight of 84%. + - If you want to override the above and get maximum throw (old way) uncomment in _config.h the line #define DSM_MAX_THROW . In this mode to achieve standard throw use a channel weight of 84%. ### Sub_protocol DSM2_22 - *0* DSM2, Resolution 1024, refresh rate 22ms