The Deviation project (on which this project was based) have a useful list of models and protocols [here](
- **Surface and air protocols** - As the list of supported protocols grows even the STM32 ARM microcontroller cannot hold all of the protocols. Firmware available from the [Multi-Module]( website has been split into two groups, surface "SFC" and air "AIR". You can check which protocols are included in each of these groups in the [Validate.h](Multiprotocol/Validate.h) source file.
- **Channel Order** - The channel order assumed in all the documentation is AETR. You can change this in the compilation settings or by using a precompiled firmware. The module will take whatever input channel order you have choosen and will rearrange them to match the output channel order required by the selected protocol.
- **Channel ranges** - A radio output of -100%..0%..+100% will match on the selected protocol -100%,0%,+100%. No convertion needs to be done.
- **Extended limits supported** - A channel range of -125%..+125% will be transmitted. Otherwise it will be truncated to -100%..+100%.
- **Italic numbers** are referring to protocol/sub_protocol numbers that you should use if the radio (serial mode only) is not displaying (yet) the protocol you want to access.
- **Autobind protocol** - The transmitter will automatically initiate a bind sequence on power up or model/protocol selection. This is for models where the receiver expects to rebind every time it is powered up. In these protocols you do not need to press the bind button at power up to bind, it will be done automatically. In case a protocol is not autobind but you want to enable it, change the "Autobind" or "Bind on channel" on OpenTX setting to Y for the specific model/entry.
* Bind on channel can be globally enabled/disabled in _config.h using ENABLE_BIND_CH. Any channel between 5 and 16 can be used by configuring BIND_CH in _config.h. Default is 16.
* Bind on channel can be locally enabled/disabled by setting "Bind on channel" or "Autobind" per model for serial or per dial switch number for ppm.
* Once activated, any bind will only happen if all these elements are happening at the same time:
- Bind channel (16 by default) is going from -100% to +100%
- **It's recommended to combine the bind switch with Throttle cut or throttle at -100% to drive the bind channel. This will prevent to launch a bind while flying** and enable you to use the bind switch for something else.
* banks are used to increase the amount of accessible protocols by the switch. There are up to 5 banks giving acces to up to 70 protocol entries (5 * 14). To modify or verify which bank is currenlty active do the following:
- turn on the module with the switch on position 15
- the number of LED flash indicates the bank number (1 to 5 flash)
- Place the file [Multi.txt]( (which is part of the MPM source files) on the root of your SD card.
- If the entry still does not appear or is broken, [upgrade]( to version R222d2 or newer.
* OpenTX:
- Upgrade to the latest version of OpenTX.
- If still not listed, use the Custom entry along with the protocol and sub_protocol values indicated by the italic numbers under each protocol. You'll find a summary of the protocols and numbers to use in table below.
* "*" Sub Protocols designated by * suffix are using a XN297L@250kbps which will be emulated by default with the NRF24L01. If option (freq tune) is diffrent from 0, the CC2500 module (if installed) will be used instead. Each specific sub protocol has a more detailed explanation.
If USE_A7105_CH15_TUNING is enabled, the value of channel 15 is used by all A7105 protocols for tuning the frequency. This is required in rare cases where some A7105 modules and/or RXs have an inaccurate crystal oscillator.
RX output will match the Flysky standard AETR independently of the input configuration AETR, RETA... unless on OpenTX 2.3.3+ you use the "Disable channel mapping" feature on the GUI.
- by defaut using FrSky Hub protocol (for example er9x): A1=RX voltage (set the ratio to 12.7 and adjust with offset), A2=battery voltage FS-CVT01 (set the ratio to 12.7 and adjust with offset) and RX&TX RSSI
- if telemetry is incomplete (missing RX RSSI for example), it means that you have to upgrade your RX firmware to version 1.6 or later. You can do it from an original Flysky TX or using a STLink like explained in [this tutorial](
Option is used to change the servo refresh rate. A value of 0 gives 50Hz (min), 70 gives 400Hz (max). Specific refresh rate value can be calculated like this option=(refresh_rate-50)/5.
AFHDS2A_LQI_CH is a feature which is disabled by defaut in the _config.h file. When enabled, it makes LQI (Link Quality Indicator) available on one of the RX ouput channel (5-14).
RX output will match the Flysky standard AETR independently of the input configuration AETR, RETA... unless on OpenTX 2.3.3+ you use the "Disable channel mapping" feature on the GUI.
Use the telemetry to send the trainer information to the radio.
Available in OpenTX 2.3.3, Trainer Mode Master/Multi
### Sub_protocol CPPM - *1*
Sending trainer channels to FrSky radios through telemetry does not work since the telemetry lines of the internal and external modules are shared (hardware limitation).
On a STM32 module and with a simple hardware modification, you can go around this limitation using CPPM to send the trainer information to the radio.
Once your **setup** is **complete** and before enabling the internal module, you **must check the "Disable Telemetry" box** to stop the Multi module from sending any data to the radio and therfore freeing up the line for the internal module.
RX output will match the Hype standard AETR independently of the input configuration AETR, RETA... unless on OpenTX 2.3.3+ you use the "Disable channel mapping" feature on the GUI.
RX output will match the Pelikan standard AETR independently of the input configuration AETR, RETA... unless on OpenTX 2.3.3+ you use the "Disable channel mapping" feature on the GUI.
If USE_CYRF6936_CH15_TUNING is enabled, the value of channel 15 is used by all CYRF6936 protocols for tuning the frequency. This is required in rare cases where some CYRF6936 modules and/or RXs have an inaccurate crystal oscillator.
RX output will match the Devo standard EATR independently of the input configuration AETR, RETA... unless on OpenTX 2.3.3+ you use the "Disable channel mapping" feature on the GUI.
Full telemetry is available if the RX supports it: TX_RSSI, A1 (set the ratio to 12.7) and A2 (set the ratio to 12.7), VFAS, RPM, temperature 1&2, GPS position/speed/altitude/time. The GPS coordinates come in two flavors which can't be distinguished programmatically, to switch from one to the other add 2 to the Option/FixedID setting value (0->2, 1->3).
- With the TX off, put the binding plug in and power on the RX (RX LED slow blink), then power it down and remove the binding plug. Receiver should now be in autobind mode.
- With the TX off, put the binding plug in and power on the RX (RX LED slow blink), then power it down and remove the binding plug. Receiver should now be in autobind mode.
- Turn on RX (RX LED fast blink).
- Turn the dial to the model number running protocol DEVO on the module.
- Press the bind button and turn on the TX. TX is now in autobind mode.
- Release bind button after 1 second: RX LED solid, TX LED fast blink.
- Wait for bind on the TX to complete (TX LED solid).
- Press the bind button for 1 second. TX/RX is now in fixed ID mode.
- To verify that the TX is in fixed mode: power cycle the TX, the module LED should be solid ON (no blink).
- Note: Autobind/fixed ID mode is linked to the RX_Num number. Which means that you can have multiple dial numbers set to the same protocol DEVO with different RX_Num and have different bind modes at the same time. It enables PPM users to get model match under DEVO.
### Sub_protocol 8CH - *0*
### Sub_protocol 10CH - *1*
### Sub_protocol 12CH - *2*
### Sub_protocol 6CH - *3*
### Sub_protocol 7CH - *4*
## WK2X01 - *30*
Extended limits supported
Autobind protocol
Note: RX ouput will always be AETR independently of the input AETR, RETA...
### Sub_protocol WK2801 - *0*
Failsafe supported.
This roughly corresponds to the number of channels supported, but many of the newer 6-channel receivers actually support the WK2801 protocol. It is recommended to try the WK2801 protocol 1st when working with older Walkera models before attempting the WK2601 or WK2401 mode, as the WK2801 is a superior protocol. The WK2801 protocol supports up to 8 channels.
Bind procedure using serial:
- With the TX off, put the binding plug in and power on the RX (RX LED slow blink), then power it down and remove the binding plug. Receiver should now be in autobind mode.
- Turn on the TX, set protocol = WK2X01, sub_protocol = WK2801 with option=0, turn off the TX (TX is now in autobind mode).
- Turn on RX (RX LED fast blink).
- Turn on TX (RX LED solid, TX LED fast blink).
- Wait for bind on the TX to complete (TX LED solid).
- Make sure to set a uniq RX_Num value for model match.
- Change option to 1 to use the global ID.
- Do not touch option/RX_Num anymore.
Bind procedure using PPM:
- With the TX off, put the binding plug in and power on the RX (RX LED slow blink), then power it down and remove the binding plug. Receiver should now be in autobind mode.
- Turn on RX (RX LED fast blink).
- Turn the dial to the model number running protocol protocol WK2X01 and sub_protocol WK2801 on the module.
- Press the bind button and turn on the TX. TX is now in autobind mode.
- Release bind button after 1 second: RX LED solid, TX LED fast blink.
- Wait for bind on the TX to complete (TX LED solid).
- Press the bind button for 1 second. TX/RX is now in fixed ID mode.
- To verify that the TX is in fixed mode: power cycle the TX, the module LED should be solid ON (no blink).
- Note: Autobind/fixed ID mode is linked to the RX_Num number. Which means that you can have multiple dial numbers set to the same protocol DEVO with different RX_Num and have different bind modes at the same time. It enables PPM users to get model match under DEVO.
### Sub_protocol WK2401 - *1*
The WK2401 protocol is used to control older Walkera models.
### Sub_protocol W6_5_1 - *2*
WK2601 5+1: AIL, ELE, THR, RUD, GYRO (ch 7) are proportional. Gear (ch 5) is binary. Ch 6 is disabled
### Sub_protocol W6_6_1 - *3*
WK2601 6+1: AIL, ELE, THR, RUD, COL (ch 6), GYRO (ch 7) are proportional. Gear (ch 5) is binary. **This mode is highly experimental.**
### Sub_protocol W6_HEL - *4* and W6HEL_I - *5*
WK2601 Heli: AIL, ELE, THR, RUD, GYRO are proportional. Gear (ch 5) is binary. COL (ch 6) is linked to Thr. If Ch6 >= 0, the receiver will apply a 3D curve to the Thr. If Ch6 <0,thereceiverwillapplynormalcurvestotheThr.ThevalueofCh6definestheratioofCOLtoTHR.
- The "AUTO" sub protocol is recommended to automatically select the best settings for your DSM RX. If the RX doesn't bind or work properly after bind, don't hesitate to test different combinations of sub protocol and number of channels until you have something working.
- Servo refresh rate is 22ms unless you select 11ms available in OpenTX 2.3.10+
- RX output will match the Spektrum standard TAER independently of the input configuration AETR, RETA... unless on OpenTX 2.3.3+ you use the "Disable channel mapping" feature on the GUI.
- RX output will match the Spektrum standard throw (1500µs +/- 400µs -> 1100..1900µs) for a 100% input. This is true for both Serial and PPM input. For PPM, make sure the end points PPM_MIN_100 and PPM_MAX_100 in _config.h are matching your TX ouput. The maximum ouput is 1000..2000µs based on an input of 125%.
- If you want to override the above and get maximum throw either uncomment in _config.h the line #define DSM_MAX_THROW or on OpenTX 2.3.3+ use the "Enable max throw" feature on the GUI (0=No,1=Yes). In this mode to achieve standard throw use a channel weight of 84%.
- TH_KILL is a feature which is enabled on channel 14 by default (can be disabled/changed) in the _config.h file. Some models (X-Vert, Blade 230S...) require a special position to instant stop the motor(s). If the channel 14 is above -50% the throttle is untouched but if it is between -50% and -100%, the throttle output will be forced between -100% and -150%. For example, a value of -80% applied on channel 14 will instantly kill the motors on the X-Vert.
- To allow SAFE to be ON with a switch assignment you must remove the bind plug after powering up the RX but before turning on the TX to bind. If you select Autodetect to bind, The MPM will choose DSMX 11ms and Channels 1-7 ( Change to 1-9 if you wish to assign switch above channel 7 ). Then in order to use the manuals diagram of both sticks "Down-Inside" to set a SAFE Select Switch Designation, you must have Throttle and Elevator channels set to Normal direction but the Aileron and Rudder set to Reverse direction. If setting up a new model with all channels set to Normal you can hold both sticks "Down- OUTSIDE" to assign the switch with 5x flips. Tested on a Mode2 radio.
Option=number of channels from 3 to 12. Option|0x80 enables Max Throw. Option|0x40 enables a servo refresh rate of 11ms.
Use the telemetry to send the trainer information to the radio.
### Sub_protocol CPPM - *1*
Sending trainer channels to FrSky radios through telemetry does not work since the telemetry lines of the internal and external modules are shared (hardware limitation).
On a STM32 module and with a simple hardware modification, you can go around this limitation using CPPM to send the trainer information to the radio.
Once your **setup** is **complete** and before enabling the internal module, you **must check the "Disable Telemetry" box** to stop the Multi module from sending any data to the radio and therfore freeing up the line for the internal module.
A|E|T|R|Take off/Land|Emergency|Trim A|Trim E|Trim R
Trims can be done to some extent on the AETR channels directly but if you push them too far you won't be able to arm like explained below. In this case use the associated trim TrimA/E/R instead.
Take off with a none spring throttle is easier by putting both sticks down outwards (like on the original radio) in Mode 1/2, not sure about other modes.
Calib is the same as the original radio with both sticks down and to the left in Mode 1/2, not sure about other modes.
The FC of the heli store the trims Trim A/E/R=CH7..9. If you use these trims, make sure to reset them to 0 after powering off the heli or they will be added to the previous trims therefore over correctting.
Debug: you must know what you are doing!!! The new values are stored at power off. The rudder trim is used to change the pitch value (relative to the previously stored value). Ail end Ele trims are used to better trim the FC.
**Failsafe MUST be configured once with the desired channel values (hold or no pulses are not supported) while the RX is up (wait 10+sec for the RX to learn the config) and then failsafe MUST be set to RX/Receiver otherwise the servos will jitter!!!**
Telemetry: the 2 RXs I have are sending different information in different format
- RX-5: RX_RSSI=RSSI=sort of RSSI or link quality, RX_LQI=number of connection lost, TX_RSSI=RSSI from the TX perspective, TX_LQI=percentage of received telemetry packets
- RX-9-DR: A1=RX Batt (Ratio=12.7), **RX_RSSI=TX_LQI**=percentage of received telemetry packets **from the TX** perspective **not RX**, TX_RSSI=RSSI from the TX perspective, TX_LQI=percentage of received telemetry packets
Option for this protocol corresponds to fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each Module and **must** be accurate otherwise the link will not be stable.
Check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/ to determine it.
### Sub_protocol COR_V1 - *0*
Corona FSS V1 RXs
### Sub_protocol COR_V2 - *1*
Corona DSSS V2 RXs: CR8D, CR6D and CR4D
To bind V2 RXs you must follow the below procedure (original):
- press the bind button and power on the RX
- launch a bind from Multi -> the RX will blink 2 times
- turn off the RX **and** TX(=Multi)
- turn on the RX **first**
- turn on the TX(=Multi) **second**
- wait for the bind to complete -> the RX will flash, stop and finally fix
- wait some time (more than 30 sec) before turning off the RX
- turn off/on the RX and test that it can reconnect instantly, if not repeat the bind procedure
Option for this protocol corresponds to fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each Module and **must** be accurate otherwise the link will not be stable or bind won't even work.
TAKE_OFF/LANDING: this is a momentary switch to arm the motors or land the quad. This switch is not really needed as you can start the quad with throttle low then increase throttle until the motor arms, move throttle to mid-stick and then increase it quickly to lift off; To land just bring throttle all the way down, the quad will just stops when touching the ground.
ESky protocol for small models: 150 V2, F150 V2, Blade 70s
- RX output will match the eSky standard TAER independently of the input configuration AETR, RETA... unless on OpenTX 2.3.3+ you use the "Disable channel mapping" feature on the GUI.
- To run this protocol you need both CC2500 and NRF24L01 to be enabled for code reasons, only the CC2500 is really used.
Option for this protocol corresponds to fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each Module and **must** be accurate otherwise the link will not be stable.
Check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/ to determine it.
Telemetry enabled for A0, A1, RSSI, TX_RSSI, TX_LQI and Hub. Lowest the TX_LQI value is best the quality link is, it's a good indicator of how well the module is tuned.
Option for this protocol corresponds to fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each Module and **must** be accurate otherwise the link will not be stable.
Check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/ to determine it.
Option for this protocol corresponds to fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each Module and **must** be accurate otherwise the link will not be stable.
Check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/ to determine it.
Telemetry enabled for A1 (RxBatt), A2, RSSI, TX_RSSI, TX_LQI and Hub. Lowest the TX_LQI value is best the quality link is, it's a good indicator of how well the module is tuned.
Option for this protocol corresponds to fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each Module and **must** be accurate otherwise the link will not be stable.
Check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/ to determine it.
Sending trainer channels to FrSky radios through telemetry does not work since the telemetry lines of the internal and external modules are shared (hardware limitation).
Once your **setup** is **complete** and before enabling the internal module, you **must check the "Disable Telemetry" box** to stop the Multi module from sending any data to the radio and therfore freeing up the line for the internal module.
If you launch the FrSky_RX/CloneTX protocol and do a bind with a TX transmitting with the D8 protocol, it will be saved in the slot D8. Same for D16v1 and D16v2.1 .
Then the system will alow you to enable cloning as you wish for each model using the FrSkyD/X/X2 "Cloned" subprotocol. This way you can have models working with the original MPM indentifier and models which are shared by both the cloned TX and MPM.
- Select the FrSky_RX protocol, subprotocol CloneTX
- Select on the TX to be cloned the protocol you want to clone the identifier from: FrSkyD/D8 or FrSkyX/D16 FCC/LBT or FrSkyX/D16 v2.1.0 FCC/LBT
- OpenTX 2.3.8 N184 (nightly) or later is needed to have access to the "D8Cloned" and "D16Cloned" subprotocols, D16v2.1 "Cloned" is available under FrSkyX2/Cloned.
Option for this protocol corresponds to fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each Module and **must** be accurate otherwise the link will not be stable.
Check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/ to determine it.
Full telemetry available on OpenTX 2.3.3+, still in progress for erskyTx. Lowest the TX_LQI value is best the quality link is, it's a good indicator of how well the module is tuned.
Basic telemetry using FrSky Hub on er9x, erskyTX, OpenTX and any radio with FrSky telemetry support with RX voltage, VOLT2 voltage, TX_RSSI and TX_LQI. Lowest the TX_LQI value is best the quality link is, it's a good indicator of how well the module is tuned.
**Failsafe MUST be configured once with the desired channel values (hold or position) while the RX is up (wait 10+sec for the RX to learn the config) and then failsafe MUST be set to RX/Receiver otherwise the servos will jitter!!!**
Option for this protocol corresponds to fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each Module and **must** be accurate otherwise the link will not be stable.
Check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/ to determine it.
Telemetry compatibility mode when Sync does not work due to an old firmware on the RX.
You should definitively upgrade your receivers/sensors to the latest firmware versions:
Option for this protocol corresponds to fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each Module and **must** be accurate otherwise the link will not be stable.
Check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/ to determine it.
Telemetry: RX_RSSI (for the original value add -256), TX_RSSI, TX_QLY (0..100%), A1=RX_Batt (set the ratio to 12.7 and adjust with offset), A2=Batt (set the ratio to 25.5 and adjust with offset)
RX output will match the Futaba standard servo throw, mid point and the channel order AETR independently of the input configuration AETR, RETA... unless if on OpenTX 2.3.3+ you use the "Disable channel mapping" feature on the GUI.
Option for this protocol corresponds to fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each Module and **must** be accurate otherwise the link will not be stable.
Check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/ to determine it.
Option for this protocol corresponds to fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each Module and **must** be accurate otherwise the link will not be stable.
Check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/ to determine it.
If a CC2500 is installed it will be used for all the below protocols. Option in this case is used for fine frequency tuning like any CC2500 protocols so check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/
If only a NRF24L01 is installed then these protocols might be problematic because they are using the XN297L emulation with a transmission speed of 250kbps which doesn't work very well with every NRF24L01, this is an hardware issue with the authenticity and accuracy of the components.
RATE: -100%(default)=>higher rates by enabling dynamic trims (except for Headless), 100%=>disable dynamic trims
CC2500: only E010 and PHOENIX are supported.
### Sub_protocol WLH08 - *0*
### Sub_protocol X600 - *1*
Only 3 TX IDs available, change RX_Num value 0..2 to cycle through them
### Sub_protocol X800 - *2*
Only 3 TX IDs available, change RX_Num value 0..2 to cycle through them
### Sub_protocol H26D - *3*
Only 3 TX IDs available, change RX_Num value 0..2 to cycle through them
### Sub_protocol E010 - *4*
15 TX IDs available, change RX_Num value 0..14 to cycle through them
If a CC2500 is installed it will be used for this sub protocol. Option in this case is used for fine frequency tuning like any CC2500 protocols so check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/
If only a NRF24L01 is installed then this sub protocol might be problematic because it is using the xn297L emulation with a transmission speed of 250kbps which doesn't work very well with every NRF24L01, this is an hardware issue with the authenticity and accuracy of the components.
### Sub_protocol H26WH - *5*
Only 1 TX ID available
### Sub_protocol PHOENIX - *6*
If a CC2500 is installed it will be used for this sub protocol. Option in this case is used for fine frequency tuning like any CC2500 protocols so check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/
If only a NRF24L01 is installed then this sub protocol might be problematic because it is using the xn297L emulation with a transmission speed of 250kbps which doesn't work very well with every NRF24L01, this is an hardware issue with the authenticity and accuracy of the components.
Only one model can be flown at the same time since the ID is hardcoded.
If a CC2500 is installed it will be used for this sub protocol. Option in this case is used for fine frequency tuning like any CC2500 protocols so check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/
If only a NRF24L01 is installed then this sub protocol might be problematic because it is using the xn297L emulation with a transmission speed of 250kbps which doesn't work very well with every NRF24L01, this is an hardware issue with the authenticity and accuracy of the components.
If a CC2500 is installed it will be used for this sub protocol. Option in this case is used for fine frequency tuning like any CC2500 protocols so check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/
If only a NRF24L01 is installed then this sub protocol might be problematic because it is using the xn297L emulation with a transmission speed of 250kbps which doesn't work very well with every NRF24L01, this is an hardware issue with the authenticity and accuracy of the components.
If a CC2500 is installed it will be used for this sub protocol. Option in this case is used for fine frequency tuning like any CC2500 protocols so check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/
If only a NRF24L01 is installed then this sub protocol might be problematic because it is using the xn297L emulation with a transmission speed of 250kbps which doesn't work very well with every NRF24L01, this is an hardware issue with the authenticity and accuracy of the components.
Telemetry is supported:
- A1 = battery voltage including "recovered" battery voltage from corrupted telemetry packets
- A2 = battery voltage from only good telemetry packets
- How to calculate accurately the OpenTX Ratio and Offset:
Set the Ratio to 12.7 and Offset to 0, plug 2 batteries with extreme voltage values, write down the values Batt1=12.5V & Telem1=12.2V, Batt2=7V & Telem2=6.6V then calculate/set Ratio=12.7*[(12.5-7)/(12.2-6.6)]=12.47 => 12.5 and Offset=12.5-12.2*[(12.5-7)/(12.2-6.6)]=0.517 => 0.5
- RX_RSSI = TQly = percentage of received telemetry packets (good and corrupted) from the model which has nothing to do with how well the RX is receiving the TX
Option for this protocol corresponds to the CC2500 fine frequency tuning. This value is different for each Module and **must** be accurate otherwise the link will not be stable.
Check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/ to determine it.
From the TX manual: MODE= 3 pos switch -100% Attitude, 0% Attitude(?), +100% 3D
For M2: MODE= 3 pos switch -100% 6G, 0% 3D, +100% 3D
## Q303 - *31*
Autobind protocol
CC2500: only Q303 is supported.
### Sub_protocol Q303 - *0*
If a CC2500 is installed it will be used for this sub protocol. Option in this case is used for fine frequency tuning like any CC2500 protocols so check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/
If only a NRF24L01 is installed then this sub protocol might be problematic because it is using the xn297L emulation with a transmission speed of 250kbps which doesn't work very well with every NRF24L01, this is an hardware issue with the authenticity and accuracy of the components.
GIMBAL needs 3 position -100%/0%/100%
### Sub_protocol CX35 - *1*
ARM is 2 positions: land / take off
Each toggle of VTX will increment the channel.
Gimbal is full range.
### Sub_protocol CX10D - *2*
Models CX10D and CX33W
ARM is 3 positions: -100%=land / 0%=manual / +100%=take off
### Sub_protocol CX10WD - *3*
ARM is 3 positions: -100%=land / 0%=manual / +100%=take off
Output 10 channels to use with RealFlight simulator.
The RealFlight "reset" button found on the RealFlight USB-transmitter, can now be CH9 or CH10.
RealFlight 8 crashes when trying to save file with reset-button defined.
Please save radio-profile with a new name without setting reset-button in RF8. Then edit the radio-profile definition in ~\Documents\RealFlight8\RadioProfiles\ in an ordinary fileeditor.
Find the [Reset21] section and change Input=INT:-1 to Input=INT:9
A280 -> 6GSENIOR: -100% - 6G, +100% - Senior mode (turn off gyro), LIGHT: cycle the light through on-flash-off when the CH9 value is changed from -100% to 100%
If a CC2500 is installed it will be used for this sub protocol. Option in this case is used for fine frequency tuning like any CC2500 protocols so check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/
If only a NRF24L01 is installed then this sub protocol might be problematic because it is using the xn297L emulation with a transmission speed of 250kbps which doesn't work very well with every NRF24L01, this is an hardware issue with the authenticity and accuracy of the components.
If a CC2500 is installed it will be used for this sub protocol. Option in this case is used for fine frequency tuning like any CC2500 protocols so check the [Frequency Tuning page](/docs/
If only a NRF24L01 is installed then this sub protocol might be problematic because it is using the xn297L emulation with a transmission speed of 250kbps which doesn't work very well with every NRF24L01, this is an hardware issue with the authenticity and accuracy of the components.
Option=1 or Telemetry = On -> enable telemetry with [Silverxxx firmware]( Value returned to the TX using FrSkyD Hub are RX RSSI, TX RSSI, A1=uncompensated battery voltage (set the ratio to 5.0 and adjust with offset), A2=compensated battery voltage (set the ratio to 5.0 and adjust with offset) and if supported AccX=P, AccY=I, ACCZ=D (which you can rename after the sensors discovery)
Option=2 or Telemetry = Off+AUX -> enable analog aux channels with [NFE Silverware firmware]( Two otherwise static bytes in the protocol overridden to add two 'analog' (non-binary) auxiliary channels.
Sending trainer channels to FrSky radios through telemetry does not work since the telemetry lines of the internal and external modules are shared (hardware limitation).
On a STM32 module and with a simple hardware modification, you can go around this limitation using CPPM to send the trainer information to the radio.
Once your **setup** is **complete** and before enabling the internal module, you **must check the "Disable Telemetry" box** to stop the Multi module from sending any data to the radio and therfore freeing up the line for the internal module.
It is a FHSS protocol developed by Dennis Cabell (KE8FZX) using the NRF24L01+ 2.4 GHz transceiver. 45 channels are used frequency hop from 2.403 through 2.447 GHz. The reason for using 45 channels is to keep operation within the overlap area between the 2.4 GHz ISM band (governed in the USA by FCC part 15) and the HAM portion of the band (governed in the USA by FCC part 97). This allows part 15 compliant use of the protocol, while allowing licensed amateur radio operators to operate under the less restrictive part 97 rules if desired.
4 to 16 channels with telemetry (RSSI, V1, V2). V1 & V2 can be used to return any analog voltage between 0 and 5 volts, so can be used for battery voltage or any other sensor that provides an analog voltage.
Stores failsafe values in the RX. The channel values are set when the sub-protocol is changed to 6, so hold sticks in place as the sub-protocol is changed.
There are 3 versions of this small quad, this protocol is for the one with a XNS104 IC in the stock Tx and PAN159CY IC in the quad. The xn297 version is compatible with the CX10 protocol (green pcb). The LT8910 version is not supported yet.
- ST_TRIM: momentary switch, -100% Trim left, 0% Idle, +100% Trim right. Configure the radio steering trim has buttons (ST- and ST+) and assign them to that channel. Don't forget to disable the steering trim in the driving modes.
Failsafe supported. Once failsafe values for the 8 channels have been configured in Custom mode, wait for the RX to learn them, then set Failsafe to Receiver.
RX features can be configured using the [multiLOLI LUA script]( on OpenTX or manually using the table below:
To associate a brick to a RX number (RX_num above), set this RX number under the protocol, set option to 1, launch a bind and power on the brick you want to control. Repeat this for every brick using a different RX number each time and then indicate the number of bricks to be controlled using the Option field.
Example: I want to control 2 bricks. I select RX number 1, set option to 1 and launch a bind on the first brick. I select RX number 2, set option to 1 and launch a bind on the second brick. Now to control both bricks I set RX number to 1 and option to 2. Therefore brick1 will react to channels CH1 to CH4 and brick2 to channel CH5 to CH8.
On another model I can control 4 other bricks, bind each brick to RX number 3 to 6 and then finaly set RX number to 3 and option to 4 to contol the 4 bricks with CH1 to CH16.
Up to 4 bricks can be controlled at the same time.
Option field | Value
0|The module will act like the original radio which will bind every time and attach to the first brick in bind mode
1|The module will control the brick number RX_num
2|The module will control the brick number RX_num and RX_num+1
3|The module will control the brick number RX_num, RX_num+1 and RX_num+2
4|The module will control the brick number RX_num, RX_num+1, RX_num+2 and RX_num+3
To associate a brick to a RX number (RX_num above), set this RX number under the protocol, set option to 1, launch a bind and power on the brick you want to control. Repeat this for every brick using a different RX number each time and then indicate the number of bricks to be controlled using the Option field.
Example: I want to control 2 bricks. I select RX number 1, set option to 1 and launch a bind on the first brick. I select RX number 2, set option to 1 and launch a bind on the second brick. Now to control both bricks I set RX number to 1 and option to 2. Therefore brick1 will react to channels CH1 to CH4 and brick2 to channel CH5 to CH8.
On another model I can control 4 other bricks, bind each brick to RX number 3 to 6 and then finaly set RX number to 3 and option to 4 to contol the 4 bricks with CH1 to CH16.
Up to 3 bricks can be controlled at the same time. The bricks can be either 4 or 6 ports but only the 2 first bricks will be sent 6 channels, the last brick will only be sent 4 channels.
Option field | Value
0|The module will act like the original radio which will bind every time and attach to the first brick in bind mode
1|The module will control the brick number RX_num
2|The module will control the brick number RX_num and RX_num+1
3|The module will control the brick number RX_num, RX_num+1 and RX_num+2
To associate a brick to a RX number (RX_num above), set this RX number under the protocol, set option to 1, launch a bind and power on the brick you want to control. Repeat this for every brick using a different RX number each time and then indicate the number of bricks to be controlled using the Option field.
Example: I want to control 2 bricks. I select RX number 1, set option to 1 and launch a bind on the first brick. I select RX number 2, set option to 1 and launch a bind on the second brick. Now to control both bricks I set RX number to 1 and option to 2. Therefore brick1 will react to channels CH1 to CH4 and brick2 to channel CH5 to CH8.
On another model I can control 3 other bricks, bind each brick to RX number 3 to 5 and then finaly set RX number to 3 and option to 3 to contol the 4 bricks with CH1 to CH16.
Telemetry: RSSI is a dummy value. A1 voltage is dummy but used for crash detection. In case of a crash event A1>0V, you can assign a sound to be played on the TX in that case (siren on the original transmitter).
Telemetry: RSSI is equal to TX_LQI which indicates how well the TX receives the RX (0-100%). A1 (with a ratio of 25.5) voltage should indicate the numbers of life remaining 0.2->0.1->0.0(not tested). A2 (with a ratio of 25.5) is giving the model status: 12.8=flying, 0.8=taking off, 0.4=landing, 0=landed/crashed
Takeoff/Land/Emerg: momentary switch -100%->+100%, same switch for all 3 functions. For Takeoff throttle must be centered before actionning the momentary switch. For Emergency stop hold the momentary switch for a few sec.
Unlock the motors is achieved like on the original radio by putting sticks in the bottom corners (position depends on your mode 1,2,3,4) and throttle has to be raised to center before recentering the sticks for the motors to keep spinning. Takeoff happens as soon as the throttle goes above center.
Rate: -100%=Low, +100%=High
HeadLess: -100%=Off, +100%=On
Photo: momentary switch -100%->+100% (short press on the original remote)
Video: -100%=Off, +100%=On (long press on the original remote)
This is a reservation for OpenLRSng which is using Multi's serial protocol for their modules: On the Multi side there is no protocol affected on 27 so it's just ignored.