2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
---- #########################################################################
---- # #
---- # Copyright (C) OpenTX #
-----# #
---- # License GPLv2: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html #
---- # #
---- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
---- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as #
---- # published by the Free Software Foundation. #
---- # #
---- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful #
---- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
---- # GNU General Public License for more details. #
---- # #
---- #########################################################################
-- This script library is a rewrite of the original DSM forward programming Lua
-- Script. The goal is to make it easier to understand, mantain, and to
-- separate the GUI from the DSM Forward programming engine/logic
-- in this way, GUIs can evolve independent. OpenTX Gui, EdgeTx GUI, Small Radios, etc.
-- Code is based on the code/work by: Pascal Langer (Author of the Multi-Module)
-- Rewrite/Enhancements By: Francisco Arzu
-- Multi buffer for DSM description
-- Multi_Buffer[0..2]=="DSM" -> Lua script is running
-- Multi_Buffer[3]==0x70+len -> TX to RX data ready to be sent
-- Multi_Buffer[4..9]=6 bytes of TX to RX data
-- Multi_Buffer[10..25]=16 bytes of RX to TX data
-- To start operation:
-- Write 0x00 at address 3
-- Write 0x00 at address 10
-- Write "DSM" at address 0..2
local DEBUG_ON = ... -- Get Debug_ON from parameters. -- 0=NO DEBUG, 1=HIGH LEVEL 2=MORE DETAILS
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
local LIB_VERSION = " 0.54 "
local LANGUAGE = " en "
local LOG_FILE = " /LOGS/dsm_log.txt "
local MSG_FILE = " /SCRIPTS/TOOLS/DSMLIB/msg_fwdp_ " .. LANGUAGE .. " .txt "
2022-12-20 03:12:34 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local Lib = { Init_Text = function ( rxId ) end }
2022-11-29 00:46:40 -06:00
--RX IDs--
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local RX = {
2022-11-29 16:23:10 -06:00
AR636B = 0x0001 ,
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
SPM4651T = 0x0014 ,
2022-11-29 16:23:10 -06:00
AR637T = 0x0015 ,
AR637TA = 0x0016 ,
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
FC6250HX = 0x0018 ,
2022-11-29 16:23:10 -06:00
AR630 = 0x0019 ,
AR8360T = 0x001A ,
AR10360T = 0x001C ,
AR631 = 0x001E
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local PHASE = {
WAIT_CMD = 1 ,
2022-12-01 01:57:33 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
EXIT = 9 , EXIT_DONE = 10
local LINE_TYPE = {
MENU = 0x1C ,
2022-11-29 00:46:40 -06:00
LIST_MENU = 0x0C , -- List: TODO: Investigate why the Min/Max on some lines comes with a wide range (0..244) when non-contiguos values. example Valid (3,176,177)
LIST_MENU_NC = 0x6C , -- List: No Incremental Change
LIST_MENU_TOG = 0x4C , -- List: Seems like a bolean/Toggle menu, just 2 values 0->1 (off/on, ihn/Act)
VALUE_NUM_I8_NC = 0x60 , -- 8 bit number, no incremental change
VALUE_PERCENT = 0xC0 , -- 8 bit number, Signed, percent
VALUE_DEGREES = 0xE0 , -- 8 bit number, Signed, Degress
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
VALUE_NUM_I8 = 0x40 , -- 8 bit number
VALUE_NUM_I16 = 0x41 , -- 16 Bit number
2022-11-29 00:46:40 -06:00
VALUE_NUM_SI16 = 0xC1 , -- 16 bit number, Signed
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
LT_EMPTY = 0x00
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
--Channel Types --
local CH_TYPE = {
NONE = 0x00 ,
AIL = 0x01 ,
ELE = 0x02 ,
RUD = 0x04 ,
REVERSE = 0x20 ,
THR = 0x40 ,
SLAVE = 0x80 ,
local CH_MIX_TYPE = {
2022-12-20 03:12:34 -06:00
NORMAL = 0x00 ,
MIX_AIL_B = 0x10 , -- Traileron B
MIX_ELE_A = 0x20 , -- For VTIAL and Delta-ELEVON A
MIX_ELE_B_REV = 0x30 , -- For VTIAL and Delta-ELEVON B
MIX_ELE_B = 0x40 , -- For VTIAL and Delta-ELEVON B
MIX_ELE_A_REV = 0x50 , -- For VTIAL and Delta-ELEVON A
MIX_AIL_B_REV = 0x60 , -- Traileron B Rev
NORM_REV = 0x70
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
-- Bug in Lua compiler, confusing with global BOLD and RIGHT
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local DISP_ATTR = {
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
_BOLD = 0x01 , _RIGHT = 0x02 , _CENTER = 0x04 , PERCENT = 0x10 , DEGREES = 0x20 , FORCED_MENU = 0x40
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local DSM_Context = {
Menu = { MenuId = 0 , Text = " " , TextId = 0 , PrevId = 0 , NextId = 0 , BackId = 0 } ,
MenuLines = { } ,
RX = { Id = 0 , Name = " " , Version = " " } ,
Refresh_Display = true ,
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
SelLine = 0 , -- Current Selected Line
EditLine = nil , -- Current Editing Line
CurLine = - 1 , -- Current Line Requested/Parsed via h message protocol
isReset = false -- false when starting from scracts, true when starting from Reset
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
-- MODEL information from ETX/OTX
local MODEL = {
modelName = " " , -- The name of the model comming from OTX/ETX
modelOutputChannel = { } , -- Output information from OTX/ETX
2022-12-20 15:58:38 -06:00
TX_CH_TEXT = { } ,
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
PORT_TEXT = { } ,
DSM_ChannelInfo = { } -- Data Created by DSM Configuration Script
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local MAX_MENU_LINES = 6
local BACK_BUTTON = - 1 -- Tread it as a display line #-1
local NEXT_BUTTON = MAX_MENU_LINES + 1 -- Tread it as a display line #7
local PREV_BUTTON = MAX_MENU_LINES + 2 -- Tread it as a display line #7
local SEND_TIMEOUT = 2000 / 10 -- Home many 10ms intervals to wait on sending data to tx to keep connection open (2s)
local InactivityTime = 0 -- Next time to do heartbeat after inactivity
local StartTime = 0 -- Start time since the start of the script
local Waiting_RX = 0 -- 1 if Waiting for an RX response, 0 if transmiting
local Value_Change_Step = 0 -- 2 Steps to update. 0=Send update value, 1=Send Verificatin request
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
local TxInfo_Type = 0
local TxInfo_Step = 0
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Text Arrays for Display Text and Debuging
local PhaseText = { }
local LineTypeText = { }
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
local Text = { } -- Text for Menu and Menu Lines (Headers only)
local List_Text = { } -- Messages for List Options (values only)
local List_Text_Img = { } -- If the Text has Attached Images
local List_Values = { } -- Additiona restrictions on List Values when non contiguos (L_M1 lines has this problem)
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
local RxName = { }
local Flight_Mode = { [ 0 ] = " Flight Mode " }
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local logFile = nil
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
function DSM_Context . isEditing ( ) return DSM_Context.EditLine ~= nil end
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
---- DSM_ChannelInfo ---------------------------------
-- First byte describe Special Mixing (Vtail/Elevon = 0x20)
--(0x00 0x06) CH_TYPE.ELE+CH_TYPE.RUD (0x02+0x04 = 0x06)
--(0x20 0x86) CH_TYPE.ELE+CH_TYPE.RUD+CH_TYPE.SLAVE (0x02+0x04+0x80 = 0x86)
-- The 2nd byte describes the functionality of the port
-- Single Example: CH_TYPE.AIL (0x01) Aileron
-- Reverse Example: CH_TYPE.AIL+CH_TYPE.REVERSE (0x01+0x20=0x21) Reverse Aileron
-- Slave Example: CH_TYPE.AIL+CH_TYPE.SLAVE (0x01+0x80) -- 2nd servo Aileron
-- Elevon Example: CH_TYPE.AIL+CH_TYPE.ELE (0x01+0x02 = 0x03) -- Elevon
-- Elevon Example: CH_TYPE.AIL+CH_TYPE.ELE+CH_TYPE.SLAVE (0x01+0x02+0x80 = 0x83) -- Slave Elevon
-- RudElv (VTail) Example: CH_TYPE.ELE+CH_TYPE.RUD (0x02+0x04 = 0x06) -- Rudevator
-- RudElv (VTail) Example: CH_TYPE.ELE+CH_TYPE.RUD+CH_TYPE.SLAVE (0x02+0x04+0x80 = 0x86) -- Rudevator Slave
-- DEFAULT Simple Plane Port configuration (The Configuration tool will overrride this)
MODEL.DSM_ChannelInfo = { [ 0 ] = -- Start array at position 0
{ [ 0 ] = CH_MIX_TYPE.NONE , CH_TYPE.THR } , -- Ch1 Thr (0x40)
{ [ 0 ] = CH_MIX_TYPE.NONE , CH_TYPE.AIL } , -- Ch2 Ail (0x01)
{ [ 0 ] = CH_MIX_TYPE.NONE , CH_TYPE.ELE } , -- Ch2 ElE (0x02)
{ [ 0 ] = CH_MIX_TYPE.NONE , CH_TYPE.RUD } , -- Ch4 Rud (0x04)
{ [ 0 ] = CH_MIX_TYPE.NONE , CH_TYPE.NONE } , -- Ch5 Gear (0x00)
{ [ 0 ] = CH_MIX_TYPE.NONE , CH_TYPE.NONE } , -- Ch6 Aux1 (0x00)
{ [ 0 ] = CH_MIX_TYPE.NONE , CH_TYPE.NONE } , -- Ch7 Aux2 (0x00)
{ [ 0 ] = CH_MIX_TYPE.NONE , CH_TYPE.NONE } , -- Ch8 Aux3 (0x00)
{ [ 0 ] = CH_MIX_TYPE.NONE , CH_TYPE.NONE } , -- Ch9 Aux4 (0x00)
{ [ 0 ] = CH_MIX_TYPE.NONE , CH_TYPE.NONE } -- Ch10 Aux5 (0x00)
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local logCount = 0
local function LOG_open ( )
logFile = io.open ( LOG_FILE , " w " ) -- Truncate Log File
local function LOG_write ( ... )
if ( logFile == nil ) then LOG_open ( ) end
local str = string.format ( ... )
io.write ( logFile , str )
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
str = string.gsub ( str , " \n " , " " ) -- Elimitate return from line, since print will do it
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
print ( str )
if ( logCount > 10 ) then -- Close an re-open the file
io.close ( logFile )
logFile = io.open ( LOG_FILE , " a " )
logCount = 0
local function LOG_close ( )
if ( logFile ~= nil ) then io.close ( logFile ) end
-- Get Elapsed Time since we started running the Script. Return a float in format: Seconds.Milliseconds
local function getElapsedTime ( )
local t = getTime ( )
if ( StartTime == 0 ) then StartTime = t end
return ( ( t - StartTime ) * 10 ) / 1000
------------- Line Type helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
-- Check if the text are Flight modes, who will be treated different for Display
local function isFlightModeLine ( line )
return ( line.TextId >= 0x8000 and line.TextId <= 0x8003 )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local function isSelectableLine ( line ) -- is the display line Selectable??
-- values who are not selectable
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
if ( line.Type == 0 ) then return false end -- Empty Line
if ( line.Type == LINE_TYPE.MENU and line.ValId == line.MenuId and bit32.band ( line.TextAttr , DISP_ATTR.FORCED_MENU ) == 0 ) then return false end -- Menu that navigates to Itself?
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
if ( line.Min == 0 and line.Max == 0 and line.Def == 0 ) then return false end -- Values with no Range are only for display
2022-11-29 00:46:40 -06:00
if ( line.Type == LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_I8_NC and isFlightModeLine ( line ) ) then return false end -- Flight mode is not Selectable
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
return true
local function isEditableLine ( line ) -- is the display line editable??
-- values who are not editable
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
if ( line.Type == 0 or line.Type == LINE_TYPE.MENU ) then return false end -- Menus are not editable
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
if ( line.Min == 0 and line.Max == 0 and line.Def == 0 ) then return false end -- Values with no Range are only for display
2022-11-29 00:46:40 -06:00
if ( line.Type == LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_I8_NC and isFlightModeLine ( line ) ) then return false end -- Flight mode is not Editable
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- any other is Editable
return true
local function isListLine ( line ) -- is it a List of options??
2022-11-29 00:46:40 -06:00
if ( line.Type == LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU_NC or line.Type == LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU or line.Type == LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU_TOG ) then return true end
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
return false
local function isPercentValueLineByMinMax ( line )
( line.Min == 0 and line.Max == 100 ) or ( line.Min == - 100 and line.Max == 100 ) or
( line.Min == 0 and line.Max == 150 ) or ( line.Min == - 150 and line.Max == 150 )
local function isPercentValueLine ( line ) -- is it a Percent value??
if ( line.Type == LINE_TYPE.VALUE_PERCENT ) then return true end
return false
local function isNumberValueLine ( line ) -- is it a number ??
if ( isListLine ( line ) or line.Type == LINE_TYPE.MENU or line.Type == 0 ) then return false
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
else return true end
local function isIncrementalValueUpdate ( line )
2022-11-29 00:46:40 -06:00
if ( line.Type == LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU_NC or line.Type == LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_I8_NC or line.Type == LINE_TYPE.VALUE_DEGREES ) then return false end
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
return true
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local function Get_Text ( index )
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
local out = Text [ index ] -- Find in regular header first
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
if ( index >= 0x8000 ) then
out = Flight_Mode [ 0 ]
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
if out == nil then
out = List_Text [ index ] -- Try list values, don't think is necesary, but just playing Safe
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
if out == nil then -- unknown...
out = " Unknown_ " .. string.format ( " %X " , index )
return out
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
local function Get_List_Text ( index )
local out = List_Text [ index ] -- Try to find the message in List_Text
if out == nil then
out = Text [ index ] -- Try list headers, don't think is necesary, but just playing Safe
if out == nil then -- unknown...
out = " UnknownLT_ " .. string.format ( " %X " , index )
return out
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
local function Get_List_Text_Img ( index )
local out = List_Text_Img [ index ]
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
return out
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
local function Get_List_Values ( index )
local out = List_Values [ index ]
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
return out
local function Get_RxName ( index )
local out = RxName [ index ]
return out or ( " Unknown_ " .. string.format ( " %X " , index ) )
----------- Debugging 2-String functions -------------------------------------------------------------------
local function phase2String ( index )
local out = PhaseText [ index ]
return out or ( " Phase_ " .. string.format ( " %X " , index ) )
local function lineType2String ( index )
local out = LineTypeText [ index ]
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
return out or ( " LT_ " .. string.format ( " %X " , index or 0xFF ) )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local function lineValue2String ( l )
if ( DEBUG_ON == 0 ) then
return " "
if ( l ~= nil and l.Val ~= nil ) then
local value = l.Val
if isListLine ( l ) then
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
value = value .. " | \" " .. Get_List_Text ( l.Val + l.TextStart ) .. " \" "
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
value = value .. ( l.Format or " " )
return value
return " nil "
local function menu2String ( m )
local txt = " Menu[] "
if ( m ~= nil ) then
txt = string.format ( " M[Id=0x%X P=0x%X N=0x%X B=0x%X Text= \" %s \" [0x%X]] " ,
m.MenuId , m.PrevId , m.NextId , m.BackId , m.Text , m.TextId )
return txt
local function menuLine2String ( l )
local txt = " Line[] "
if ( l ~= nil ) then
local value = " "
local range = " "
if l.Type ~= LINE_TYPE.MENU then
value = " Val= " .. lineValue2String ( l )
if isListLine ( l ) then
range = string.format ( " NL=(%s->%s,%s,S=%s) " , l.Min , l.Max , l.Def , l.TextStart )
range = range .. ( l.MinMaxOrig or " " )
range = string.format ( " [%s->%s,%s] " , l.Min , l.Max , l.Def )
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
txt = string.format ( " L[#%s T=%s VId=0x%X Text= \" %s \" [0x%X] %s %s MId=0x%X A=0x%X] " ,
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
l.lineNum , lineType2String ( l.Type ) , l.ValId ,
l.Text , l.TextId ,
value ,
range ,
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
l.MenuId ,
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
return txt
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
local function channelType2String ( byte1 , byte2 )
local s = " "
2022-12-20 03:12:34 -06:00
if ( byte2 == 0 ) then return s end ;
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
if ( bit32.band ( byte2 , CH_TYPE.AIL ) > 0 ) then s = s .. " AIL " end
if ( bit32.band ( byte2 , CH_TYPE.ELE ) > 0 ) then s = s .. " ELE " end
if ( bit32.band ( byte2 , CH_TYPE.RUD ) > 0 ) then s = s .. " RUD " end
if ( bit32.band ( byte2 , CH_TYPE.THR ) > 0 ) then s = s .. " THR " end
if ( bit32.band ( byte2 , CH_TYPE.SLAVE ) > 0 ) then s = s .. " SLAVE " end
if ( bit32.band ( byte2 , CH_TYPE.REVERSE ) > 0 ) then s = s .. " REVERSE " end
2022-12-20 03:12:34 -06:00
if ( byte1 == CH_MIX_TYPE.NORMAL ) then s = s .. " MIX_NOR "
elseif ( byte1 == CH_MIX_TYPE.MIX_AIL_B ) then s = s .. " MIX_AIL_B "
elseif ( byte1 == CH_MIX_TYPE.MIX_ELE_A ) then s = s .. " MIX_ELE_A "
elseif ( byte1 == CH_MIX_TYPE.MIX_ELE_B_REV ) then s = s .. " MIX_ELE_B_Rev "
elseif ( byte1 == CH_MIX_TYPE.MIX_ELE_B ) then s = s .. " MIX_ELE_B "
elseif ( byte1 == CH_MIX_TYPE.MIX_ELE_A_REV ) then s = s .. " MIX_ELE_A_Rev "
elseif ( byte1 == CH_MIX_TYPE.MIX_AIL_B_REV ) then s = s .. " MIX_AIL_B_Rev "
elseif ( byte1 == CH_MIX_TYPE.NORM_REV ) then s = s .. " MIX_NOR_Rev "
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
return s ;
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local function multiBuffer2String ( ) -- used for debug
local i
local rxAnswer = " RX: "
for i = 10 , 25 do
rxAnswer = rxAnswer .. string.format ( " %02X " , multiBuffer ( i ) )
return rxAnswer
---------------- DSM Values <-> Int16 Manipulation --------------------------------------------------------
local function int16_LSB ( number ) -- Less Significat byte
local r , x = bit32.band ( number , 0xFF )
return r
local function int16_MSB ( number ) -- Most signifcant byte
return bit32.rshift ( number , 8 )
local function Dsm_to_Int16 ( lsb , msb ) -- Componse an Int16 value
return bit32.lshift ( msb , 8 ) + lsb
local function Dsm_to_SInt16 ( lsb , msb ) -- Componse a SIGNED Int16 value
local value = bit32.lshift ( msb , 8 ) + lsb
if value >= 0x8000 then -- Negative value??
return value - 0x10000
return value
local function sInt16ToDsm ( value ) -- Convent to SIGNED DSM Value
if value < 0 then
value = 0x10000 + value
return value
-- Post Procssing Line from Raw values receive by RX or Simulation
local function isDisplayAttr ( attr , bit )
return ( bit32.band ( attr , bit ) > 0 )
local function ExtractDisplayAttr ( text1 , attr )
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
local text = text1 , pos ;
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
for i = 1 , 2 do
text , pos = string.gsub ( text , " /c$ " , " " )
if ( pos > 0 ) then -- CENTER
attr = bit32.bor ( attr , DISP_ATTR._CENTER )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
text , pos = string.gsub ( text , " /r$ " , " " )
if ( pos > 0 ) then -- RIGHT
attr = bit32.bor ( attr , DISP_ATTR._RIGHT )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
text , pos = string.gsub ( text , " /p$ " , " " )
if ( pos > 0 ) then -- Percent TEXT
attr = bit32.bor ( attr , DISP_ATTR.PERCENT )
text , pos = string.gsub ( text , " /b$ " , " " )
if ( pos > 0 ) then -- BOLD TEXT
attr = bit32.bor ( attr , DISP_ATTR._BOLD )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
text , pos = string.gsub ( text , " /m$ " , " " )
if ( pos > 0 ) then -- FORCED MENU Button
attr = bit32.bor ( attr , DISP_ATTR.FORCED_MENU )
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
return text , attr
local function DSM_MenuPostProcessing ( menu )
menu.Text , menu.TextAttr = ExtractDisplayAttr ( menu.Text , menu.TextAttr or 0 )
local function DSM_MenuLinePostProcessing ( line )
if ( line.Text == nil ) then
line.Text = Get_Text ( line.TextId ) -- Get Textual Line headeing text
-- Text formatting options
line.Text , line.TextAttr = ExtractDisplayAttr ( line.Text , line.TextAttr or 0 )
if line.Type == LINE_TYPE.MENU then
-- nothing to do on menu entries
line.Val = nil
elseif isListLine ( line ) then
-- Original Range for Debugging
line.MinMaxOrig = " [ " .. line.Min .. " -> " .. line.Max .. " , " .. line.Def .. " ] "
-- Normalize Min/Max to be relative to Zero
line.TextStart = line.Min
line.Def = line.Def - line.Min -- normalize default value
line.Max = line.Max - line.Min -- normalize max index
line.Min = 0 -- min index
else -- default to numerical value
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
if isPercentValueLine ( line ) or isPercentValueLineByMinMax ( line ) then
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- either explicit Percent or NO-Change value, but range is %Percent
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
line.Format = " % "
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
line.TextAttr = bit32.bor ( line.TextAttr , DISP_ATTR.PERCENT )
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
elseif ( line.Type == LINE_TYPE.VALUE_DEGREES ) then
line.Format = " o "
line.TextAttr = bit32.bor ( line.TextAttr , DISP_ATTR.DEGREES )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
line.MinMaxDebug = lineType2String ( line.Type ) .. " " .. ( line.MinMaxOrig or " " )
local function DSM_send ( ... )
local arg = { ... }
for i = 1 , # arg do
multiBuffer ( 3 + i , arg [ i ] )
multiBuffer ( 3 , 0x70 + # arg )
if ( DEBUG_ON > 1 ) then
local str = " "
for i = 1 , # arg do
str = str .. string.format ( " %02X " , arg [ i ] )
LOG_write ( " DSM_SEND: [%s] \n " , str )
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
-- Read the model information from OTX/ETX
2022-12-20 03:12:34 -06:00
local function getModuleChannelOrder ( num )
--Determine fist 4 channels order
local channel_names = { }
local stick_names = { [ 0 ] = " R " , " E " , " T " , " A " }
local ch_order = num
if ( ch_order == - 1 ) then
channel_names [ 0 ] = stick_names [ 3 ]
channel_names [ 1 ] = stick_names [ 1 ]
channel_names [ 2 ] = stick_names [ 2 ]
channel_names [ 3 ] = stick_names [ 0 ]
channel_names [ bit32.band ( ch_order , 3 ) ] = stick_names [ 3 ]
ch_order = math.floor ( ch_order / 4 )
channel_names [ bit32.band ( ch_order , 3 ) ] = stick_names [ 1 ]
ch_order = math.floor ( ch_order / 4 )
channel_names [ bit32.band ( ch_order , 3 ) ] = stick_names [ 2 ]
ch_order = math.floor ( ch_order / 4 )
channel_names [ bit32.band ( ch_order , 3 ) ] = stick_names [ 0 ]
local s = " "
for i = 0 , 3 do
s = s .. channel_names [ i ]
return s
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
local function DSM_ReadTxModelData ( )
2022-12-20 03:12:34 -06:00
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
local table = model.getInfo ( ) -- Get the model name
MODEL.modelName = table.name
local module = model.getModule ( 0 ) -- Internal
if ( module == nil ) then module = model.getModule ( 1 ) end -- External
if ( module ~= nil ) then
if ( module.Type == 6 ) then -- MULTI-MODULE
local chOrder = module.channelsOrder
2022-12-20 03:12:34 -06:00
local s = getModuleChannelOrder ( chOrder )
LOG_write ( " MultiChannel Ch Order: [%s] %s \n " , chOrder , s )
if ( s == " AETR " ) then TRANSLATE_AETR_TO_TAER = true
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
LOG_write ( " MODEL NAME = %s \n " , MODEL.modelName )
-- Read Ch1 to Ch10
local i = 0
2022-12-20 15:58:38 -06:00
for i = 0 , 12 do
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
local ch = model.getOutput ( i ) -- Zero base
if ( ch ~= nil ) then
MODEL.modelOutputChannel [ i ] = ch
if ( string.len ( ch.name ) == 0 ) then
2022-12-20 15:58:38 -06:00
ch.formatCh = string.format ( " TX:Ch%i " , i + 1 )
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
2022-12-20 15:58:38 -06:00
ch.formatCh = string.format ( " TX:Ch%i/%s " , i + 1 , ch.name or " -- " )
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
-- Translate AETR to TAER
-- TODO: Check if there is a way to know how to the TX is configured, since if it is
-- already TAER, is not needed
LOG_write ( " Applying AETR -> TAER translation \n " )
local ail = MODEL.modelOutputChannel [ 0 ]
local elv = MODEL.modelOutputChannel [ 1 ]
local thr = MODEL.modelOutputChannel [ 2 ]
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
MODEL.modelOutputChannel [ 0 ] = thr
MODEL.modelOutputChannel [ 1 ] = ail
MODEL.modelOutputChannel [ 2 ] = elv
-- Create the Port Text to be used
LOG_write ( " Ports/Channels: \n " )
for i = 0 , 9 do
local ch = MODEL.modelOutputChannel [ i ]
if ( ch ~= nil ) then
2022-12-20 15:58:38 -06:00
MODEL.TX_CH_TEXT [ i ] = ch.formatCh
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
if LCD_W <= 128 then -- SMALLER SCREENS
MODEL.PORT_TEXT [ i ] = string.format ( " P%i (%s) " , i + 1 , MODEL.TX_CH_TEXT [ i ] )
MODEL.PORT_TEXT [ i ] = string.format ( " Port%i (%s) " , i + 1 , MODEL.TX_CH_TEXT [ i ] )
2022-12-20 15:58:38 -06:00
LOG_write ( " Port%d %s [%d,%d] Rev=%d, Off=%d, ppmC=%d, syn=%d \n " , i + 1 , MODEL.TX_CH_TEXT [ i ] , math.floor ( ch.min / 10 ) , math.floor ( ch.max / 10 ) , ch.revert , ch.offset , ch.ppmCenter , ch.symetrical )
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
local function DSM_SetDSMChannelInfo ( channelInfo , description )
MODEL.DSM_ChannelInfo = channelInfo
LOG_write ( " Current Model Generated Port Configuration \n " )
LOG_write ( " Description:%s \n " , description )
for i = 0 , 9 do
local b1 , b2 = channelInfo [ i ] [ 0 ] , channelInfo [ i ] [ 1 ]
LOG_write ( " %s (0x%02X, 0x%02X) = %s \n " , MODEL.PORT_TEXT [ i ] , b1 , b2 , channelType2String ( b1 , b2 ) )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local function DSM_StartConnection ( )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " DSM_StartConnection() \n " ) end
--Set protocol to talk to
multiBuffer ( 0 , string.byte ( ' D ' ) )
--test if value has been written
if multiBuffer ( 0 ) ~= string.byte ( ' D ' ) then
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " Not Enouth memory \n " ) end
error ( " Not enough memory! " )
return 2
--Init TX buffer
multiBuffer ( 3 , 0x00 )
--Init RX buffer
multiBuffer ( 10 , 0x00 )
--Init telemetry
multiBuffer ( 0 , string.byte ( ' D ' ) )
multiBuffer ( 1 , string.byte ( ' S ' ) )
multiBuffer ( 2 , string.byte ( ' M ' ) )
return 0
local function DSM_ReleaseConnection ( )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " DSM_ReleaseConnection() \n " ) end
multiBuffer ( 0 , 0 )
local function DSM_ChangePhase ( newPhase )
DSM_Context.Phase = newPhase
Waiting_RX = 0
local function DSM_Value_Add ( line , inc )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " %3.3f %s: DSM_Value_Add(%s,%s) \n " , getElapsedTime ( ) , phase2String ( DSM_Context.Phase ) , inc , menuLine2String ( line ) ) end
local skipIncrement = false
local values = nil
local origVal = line.Val
-- Use local validation for LIST_MENU1 when the range is wide open
-- Also use if for some LIST_MENU0 that the Range seems incorrect
if ( isListLine ( line ) ) then -- and line.Type==LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU1 and line.Min==0 and line.Max==244) then
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
values = Get_List_Values ( line.TextId )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
if ( values ~= nil ) then -- Inc/Dec based on a list of predefined Values Local to Script (values not contiguous),
-- locate current value in values array
-- Values are Zero normalized to the Start of the List (line.TextStart)
for i = 1 , # values do
if ( ( values [ i ] - line.TextStart ) == origVal ) then
skipIncrement = true
if ( inc ==- 1 and i > 1 ) then -- PREV
line.Val = values [ i - 1 ] - line.TextStart
elseif ( inc == 1 and i < # values ) then -- NEXT
line.Val = values [ i + 1 ] - line.TextStart
if not skipIncrement then
-- Do it Sequentially
line.Val = line.Val + inc
if line.Val > line.Max then
line.Val = line.Max
elseif line.Val < line.Min then
line.Val = line.Min
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
if ( origVal ~= line.Val and isIncrementalValueUpdate ( line ) ) then
-- Update RX value on every change
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local function DSM_Value_Default ( line )
local origVal = line.Val
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " %3.3f %s: DSM_Value_Default(%s) \n " , getElapsedTime ( ) , phase2String ( DSM_Context.Phase ) , menuLine2String ( line ) ) end
line.Val = line.Def
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
if ( origVal ~= line.Val and isIncrementalValueUpdate ( line ) ) then
-- Update RX value on every change
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
local function DSM_Value_Write_Validate ( line )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " %3.3f %s: DSM_Value_Write_Validate(%s) \n " , getElapsedTime ( ) , phase2String ( DSM_Context.Phase ) , menuLine2String ( line ) ) end
DSM_ChangePhase ( PHASE.VALUE_CHANGE_END ) -- Update + Validate value in RX
DSM_Context.EditLine = nil -- Exit Edit Mode (By clearing the line editing)
2022-11-18 03:41:59 -06:00
local function DSM_GotoMenu ( menuId , lastSelectedLine )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " %3.3f %s: DSM_GotoMenu(0x%X,LastSelectedLine=%d) \n " , getElapsedTime ( ) , phase2String ( DSM_Context.Phase ) , menuId , lastSelectedLine ) end
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
DSM_Context.Menu . MenuId = menuId
2022-11-18 03:41:59 -06:00
DSM_Context.SelLine = lastSelectedLine
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Request to load the menu Again
local function DSM_MoveSelectionLine ( dir )
local ctx = DSM_Context
local menu = ctx.Menu
local menuLines = ctx.MenuLines
if ( dir == 1 ) then -- NEXT
if ctx.SelLine <= MAX_MENU_LINES then
local num = ctx.SelLine
for i = ctx.SelLine + 1 , MAX_MENU_LINES , 1 do
if isSelectableLine ( menuLines [ i ] ) then
ctx.SelLine = i
if num == ctx.SelLine then
if menu.NextId ~= 0 then -- Next
ctx.SelLine = NEXT_BUTTON
elseif menu.PrevId ~= 0 then -- Prev
ctx.SelLine = PREV_BUTTON
elseif menu.PrevId ~= 0 then -- Prev
ctx.SelLine = PREV_BUTTON
if ( dir == - 1 ) then -- PREV
if ctx.SelLine == PREV_BUTTON and menu.NextId ~= 0 then
ctx.SelLine = NEXT_BUTTON
elseif ctx.SelLine > 0 then
if ctx.SelLine > MAX_MENU_LINES then
ctx.SelLine = NEXT_BUTTON
local num = ctx.SelLine
for i = ctx.SelLine - 1 , 0 , - 1 do
if isSelectableLine ( menuLines [ i ] ) then
ctx.SelLine = i
if num == ctx.SelLine then -- can't find previous selectable line, then SELECT Back
if ( menu.BackId ~= 0 ) then ctx.SelLine = BACK_BUTTON end
if ( menu.BackId ~= 0 ) then ctx.SelLine = BACK_BUTTON end -- Back
-- REEQUEST Messages to RX
local function DSM_sendHeartbeat ( )
-- keep connection open
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " SEND DSM_sendHeartbeat() \n " ) end
DSM_send ( 0x00 , 0x04 , 0x00 , 0x00 )
local function DSM_getRxVerson ( )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " SEND DSM_getRxVersion() \n " ) end
DSM_send ( 0x11 , 0x06 , 0x00 , 0x14 , 0x00 , 0x00 )
local function DSM_getMainMenu ( )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " SEND DSM_getMainMenu() \n " ) end
DSM_send ( 0x12 , 0x06 , 0x00 , 0x14 , 0x00 , 0x00 ) -- first menu only
2022-11-18 03:41:59 -06:00
local function DSM_getMenu ( menuId , latSelLine )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " SEND DSM_getMenu(MenuId=0x%X LastSelectedLine=%s) \n " , menuId , latSelLine ) end
DSM_send ( 0x16 , 0x06 , int16_MSB ( menuId ) , int16_LSB ( menuId ) , 0x00 , latSelLine )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local function DSM_getFirstMenuLine ( menuId )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " SEND DSM_getFirstMenuLine(MenuId=0x%X) \n " , menuId ) end
DSM_send ( 0x13 , 0x04 , int16_MSB ( menuId ) , int16_LSB ( menuId ) ) -- line 0
local function DSM_getNextMenuLine ( menuId , curLine )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " SEND DSM_getNextLine(MenuId=0x%X,LastLine=%s) \n " , menuId , curLine ) end
DSM_send ( 0x14 , 0x06 , int16_MSB ( menuId ) , int16_LSB ( menuId ) , 0x00 , curLine ) -- line X
local function DSM_getNextMenuValue ( menuId , valId , text )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " SEND DSM_getNextMenuValue(MenuId=0x%X, LastValueId=0x%X) Extra: Text= \" %s \" \n " , menuId , valId ,
text )
DSM_send ( 0x15 , 0x06 , int16_MSB ( menuId ) , int16_LSB ( menuId ) , int16_MSB ( valId ) , int16_LSB ( valId ) ) -- line X
local function DSM_updateMenuValue ( valId , val , text , line )
local value = sInt16ToDsm ( val )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " SEND DSM_updateMenuValue(ValueId=0x%X,val=%d) Extra: Text= \" %s \" Value=%s \n " , valId , val , text , lineValue2String ( line ) ) end
DSM_send ( 0x18 , 0x06 , int16_MSB ( valId ) , int16_LSB ( valId ) , int16_MSB ( value ) , int16_LSB ( value ) ) -- send current value
local function DSM_validateMenuValue ( valId , text , line )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " SEND DSM_validateMenuValue(ValueId=0x%X) Extra: Text= \" %s \" Value=%s \n " , valId , text , lineValue2String ( line ) ) end
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
DSM_send ( 0x19 , 0x04 , int16_MSB ( valId ) , int16_LSB ( valId ) )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
local function DSM_menuValueChangingWait ( lineNum , text , line )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " SEND DSM_menuValueChangingWait(lineNo=0x%X) Extra: Text= \" %s \" Val=%s \n " , lineNum , text , lineValue2String ( line ) ) end
DSM_send ( 0x1A , 0x04 , int16_MSB ( lineNum ) , int16_LSB ( lineNum ) )
local function DSM_menuValueChangingWaitEnd ( lineNum , text , line )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " SEND DSM_menuValueChangingEnd(lineNo=0x%X) Extra: Text= \" %s \" Value=%s \n " , lineNum , text , lineValue2String ( line ) ) end
DSM_send ( 0x1B , 0x04 , int16_MSB ( lineNum ) , int16_LSB ( lineNum ) )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
-- Send the functionality of the RX channel Port (channel)
local function DSM_sendTxChInfo_20 ( portNo )
local b1 , b2 = MODEL.DSM_ChannelInfo [ portNo ] [ 0 ] , MODEL.DSM_ChannelInfo [ portNo ] [ 1 ]
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " CALL DSM_TxChInfo_20(#%d %s DATA= %02X %02X %02X %02X) CONTEXT: %s \n " , portNo , MODEL.PORT_TEXT [ portNo ] ,
portNo , portNo , b1 , b2 , channelType2String ( b1 , b2 ) ) -- DATA part
DSM_send ( 0x20 , 0x06 , portNo , portNo , b1 , b2 )
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
local function DSM_sendTxSubtrim_21 ( portNo )
--SubTrim is encoded as an offset of the pulse width.
2022-11-29 16:23:10 -06:00
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
local data = { [ 0 ] = -- Start at 0
{ [ 0 ] = 0x0 , 0x00 , 0x07 , 0xFF } , -- Ch1 Thr: 0 00 07 FF Subtrim ??
{ [ 0 ] = 0x0 , 0x8E , 0x07 , 0x72 } , -- Ch2 Ail: 0 8E 07 72 Subtrim 0
{ [ 0 ] = 0x0 , 0x8E , 0x07 , 0x72 } , -- Ch3 Elev: 0 8E 07 72 Subtrim 0
{ [ 0 ] = 0x0 , 0x8E , 0x07 , 0x72 } , -- Ch4 Rud: 0 8E 07 72 Subtrim 0
{ [ 0 ] = 0x0 , 0x8E , 0x07 , 0x72 } , -- Ch5 Gear: 0 8E 07 72 Subtrim 0
{ [ 0 ] = 0x0 , 0x8E , 0x07 , 0x72 } , -- Ch6 Aux1: 0 8E 07 72 Subtrim 0
{ [ 0 ] = 0x0 , 0x8E , 0x07 , 0x72 } , -- Ch7 Aux2: 0 8E 07 72 Subtrim 0
{ [ 0 ] = 0x0 , 0x8E , 0x07 , 0x72 } , -- Ch8 Aux3: 0 8E 07 72 Subtrim 0
{ [ 0 ] = 0x0 , 0x8E , 0x07 , 0x72 } , -- Ch9 Aux4: 0 8E 07 72 Subtrim 0
{ [ 0 ] = 0x0 , 0x8E , 0x07 , 0x72 } , -- Ch10 Aux5: 0 8E 07 72 Subtrim 0
local b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 = data [ portNo ] [ 0 ] , data [ portNo ] [ 1 ] , data [ portNo ] [ 2 ] , data [ portNo ] [ 3 ]
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " CALL DSM_TxSubtrim_21(#%d %s DATA=%02X %02X %02X %02X) \n " , portNo , MODEL.PORT_TEXT [ portNo ] ,
b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 ) -- DATA part
DSM_send ( 0x21 , 0x06 , b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 ) -- Port is not send anywhere, since the previous 0x20 type message have it.
local function DSM_sendTxServoTravel_23 ( portNo )
local leftTravel = math.abs ( math.floor ( MODEL.modelOutputChannel [ portNo ] . min / 10 ) )
local rightTravel = math.abs ( math.floor ( MODEL.modelOutputChannel [ portNo ] . max / 10 ) )
local debugInfo = string.format ( " Travel L/R (%d - %d) " , leftTravel , rightTravel )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " CALL DSM_TxServoTravel_23(#%d %s DATA= %02X %02X %02X %02X) CONTEXT: %s \n " , portNo , MODEL.PORT_TEXT [ portNo ] ,
0x00 , leftTravel , 0x00 , rightTravel , debugInfo ) -- DATA part
DSM_send ( 0x23 , 0x06 , 0x00 , leftTravel , 0x00 , rightTravel )
local function DSM_sentTxInfo ( menuId , portNo )
-- TxInfo_Type=0 : AR636B Main Menu (Send port/Channel info + SubTrim + Travel)
-- TxInfo_Type=1 : AR630-637 Famly Main Menu (Only Send Port/Channel usage Msg 0x20)
-- TxInfo_Type=1F : AR630-637 Initial Setup/Relearn Servo Settings (Send port/Channel info + SubTrim + Travel +0x24/Unknown)
if ( TxInfo_Step == 0 ) then
-- AR630 family: Both TxInfo_Type (ManinMenu=0x1, Other First Time Configuration = 0x1F)
DSM_sendTxChInfo_20 ( portNo )
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
if ( TxInfo_Type == 0x1F ) then
Waiting_RX = 0 -- keep Transmitig
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
TxInfo_Step = 1
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
if ( TxInfo_Type == 0x00 ) then
Waiting_RX = 0 -- keep Transmitig
TxInfo_Step = 2
elseif ( TxInfo_Step == 1 ) then
DSM_sendTxServoTravel_23 ( portNo )
TxInfo_Step = 2
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
Waiting_RX = 0 -- keep Transmitig
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
elseif ( TxInfo_Step == 2 ) then
DSM_sendTxSubtrim_21 ( portNo )
Waiting_RX = 0 -- keep Transmitig
if ( TxInfo_Type == 0x00 ) then
TxInfo_Step = 5 -- End Step
TxInfo_Step = 3
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
elseif ( TxInfo_Step == 3 ) then
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
-- 24,6: 0 83 5A B5
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " CALL DSM_TxInfo_24(#%d DATA=0x24 0x06 %02X %02X %02X %02X) \n " , portNo ,
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
0x00 , 0x83 , 0x5A , 0xB5 ) -- DATA part
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
DSM_send ( 0x24 , 0x06 , 0x00 , 0x83 , 0x5A , 0xB5 ) -- Still Uknown
TxInfo_Step = 4
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
Waiting_RX = 0 -- keep Transmitig
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
elseif ( TxInfo_Step == 4 ) then
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
-- 24,6: 6 80 25 4B
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " CALL DSM_TxInfo_24(#%d DATA=0x24 0x06 %02X %02X %02X %02X) \n " , portNo ,
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
0x06 , 0x80 , 0x25 , 0x4B ) -- DATA part
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
DSM_send ( 0x24 , 0x06 , 0x06 , 0x80 , 0x25 , 0x4B ) -- Still Uknown
TxInfo_Step = 5
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
Waiting_RX = 0 -- keep Transmitig
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
elseif ( TxInfo_Step == 5 ) then
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
-- 22,4: 0 0
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " CALL DSM_TxInfo_End_22(#%d DATA=%02X %02X) \n " , portNo ,
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
0x00 , 0x00 ) -- DATA part
DSM_send ( 0x22 , 0x04 , 0x00 , 0x00 )
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
TxInfo_Step = 6
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local function DSM_sendRequest ( )
-- Send the proper Request message depending on the Phase
local ctx = DSM_Context
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " %3.3f %s: " , getElapsedTime ( ) , phase2String ( ctx.Phase ) ) end
if ctx.Phase == PHASE.RX_VERSION then -- request RX version
DSM_getRxVerson ( )
elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.WAIT_CMD then -- keep connection open
DSM_sendHeartbeat ( )
elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.MENU_TITLE then -- request menu title
if ctx.Menu . MenuId == 0 then -- First time loading a menu ?
DSM_getMainMenu ( )
2022-11-18 03:41:59 -06:00
DSM_getMenu ( ctx.Menu . MenuId , ctx.SelLine )
if ( ctx.Menu . MenuId == 0x0001 ) then -- Executed the Reset Menu??
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " RX Reset!!! \n " ) end
-- Start again retriving RX info
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
ctx.Menu . MenuId = 0
ctx.isReset = true
2022-11-18 03:41:59 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-12-01 01:57:33 -06:00
elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.MENU_REQ_TX_INFO then
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
DSM_sentTxInfo ( ctx.Menu . MenuId , ctx.CurLine )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.MENU_LINES then -- request next menu lines
if ctx.CurLine == - 1 then -- No previous menu line loaded ?
DSM_getFirstMenuLine ( ctx.Menu . MenuId )
DSM_getNextMenuLine ( ctx.Menu . MenuId , ctx.CurLine )
elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.MENU_VALUES then -- request menu values
local line = ctx.MenuLines [ ctx.CurLine ]
DSM_getNextMenuValue ( ctx.Menu . MenuId , line.ValId , line.Text )
elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING then -- send value
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
local line = ctx.MenuLines [ ctx.SelLine ] -- Updated Value of SELECTED line
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
DSM_updateMenuValue ( line.ValId , line.Val , line.Text , line )
elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING_WAIT then
local line = ctx.MenuLines [ ctx.SelLine ]
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
DSM_menuValueChangingWait ( line.lineNum , line.Text , line )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.VALUE_CHANGE_END then -- send value
-- This is a 2 step operation.. Send the value first, then send the Verification.. Value_Changed_Step used for that
-- on the validation, the RX will set a valid value if the value is invalid. A Menu_Value Message will come from the RX
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
local line = ctx.MenuLines [ ctx.SelLine ] -- Update Value of SELECTED line
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
if Value_Change_Step == 0 then
DSM_updateMenuValue ( line.ValId , line.Val , line.Text , line )
Value_Change_Step = 1
Waiting_RX = 0 -- Keep on Transmitin State, since we want to send a ValidateMenuValue inmediatly after
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
elseif Value_Change_Step == 1 then -- Validate the value
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
DSM_validateMenuValue ( line.ValId , line.Text , line )
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
Value_Change_Step = 2
Waiting_RX = 0 -- Keep on Transmitin State, since we want to send a ValidateMenuValue inmediatly after
else -- No more waiting for changes
DSM_menuValueChangingWaitEnd ( line.lineNum , line.Text , line )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
Value_Change_Step = 0
elseif ctx.Phase == PHASE.EXIT then
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " CALL DSM_exitRequest() \n " ) end
DSM_send ( 0x1F , 0x02 , 0xAA )
-- Parsing Responses
local function DSM_parseRxVersion ( )
--ex: 0x09 0x01 0x00 0x15 0x02 0x22 0x01 0x00 0x14 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
local rxId = multiBuffer ( 13 )
DSM_Context.RX . Id = rxId
DSM_Context.RX . Name = Get_RxName ( rxId )
DSM_Context.RX . Version = multiBuffer ( 14 ) .. " . " .. multiBuffer ( 15 ) .. " . " .. multiBuffer ( 16 )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " RESPONSE Receiver=%s Version %s \n " , DSM_Context.RX . Name , DSM_Context.RX . Version ) end
local function DSM_parseMenu ( )
--ex: 0x09 0x02 0x4F 0x10 0xA5 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x50 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
-- MenuID TextID PrevID NextID BackID
local ctx = DSM_Context
local menu = ctx.Menu
menu.MenuId = Dsm_to_Int16 ( multiBuffer ( 12 ) , multiBuffer ( 13 ) )
menu.TextId = Dsm_to_Int16 ( multiBuffer ( 14 ) , multiBuffer ( 15 ) )
menu.Text = Get_Text ( menu.TextId )
menu.PrevId = Dsm_to_Int16 ( multiBuffer ( 16 ) , multiBuffer ( 17 ) )
menu.NextId = Dsm_to_Int16 ( multiBuffer ( 18 ) , multiBuffer ( 19 ) )
menu.BackId = Dsm_to_Int16 ( multiBuffer ( 20 ) , multiBuffer ( 21 ) )
for i = 0 , MAX_MENU_LINES do -- clear menu
ctx.MenuLines [ i ] = { MenuId = 0 , lineNum = 0 , Type = 0 , Text = " " , TextId = 0 , ValId = 0 , Min = 0 , Max = 0 , Def = 0 , Val = nil }
ctx.CurLine = - 1
DSM_MenuPostProcessing ( menu )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " RESPONSE Menu: %s \n " , menu2String ( menu ) ) end
return menu
local function DSM_parseMenuLine ( )
--ex: 0x09 0x03 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x1C 0xF9 0x00 0x10 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x03 0x00
--ex: 0x09 0x03 0x61 0x10 0x00 0x6C 0x50 0x00 0x00 0x10 0x36 0x00 0x49 0x00 0x36 0x00
--ex: 0x09 0x03 0x65 0x10 0x00 0x0C 0x51 0x00 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x00 0xF4 0x00 0x2E 0x00
-- MenuLSB MenuMSB line Type TextID NextLSB NextMSB Val_Min Val_Max Val_Def
local ctx = DSM_Context
local i = multiBuffer ( 14 )
local type = multiBuffer ( 15 )
local line = ctx.MenuLines [ i ]
-- are we trying to override existing line
if ( line.Type > 0 and type == 0 ) then
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " RESPONSE MenuLine: ERROR. Trying to Override: %s \n " , menuLine2String ( line ) ) end
return line
ctx.CurLine = i
line.lineNum = i
line.MenuId = Dsm_to_Int16 ( multiBuffer ( 12 ) , multiBuffer ( 13 ) )
line.Type = type
line.TextId = Dsm_to_Int16 ( multiBuffer ( 16 ) , multiBuffer ( 17 ) )
line.Text = nil -- Fill at Post processing
line.ValId = Dsm_to_Int16 ( multiBuffer ( 18 ) , multiBuffer ( 19 ) )
-- Singed int values
line.Min = Dsm_to_SInt16 ( multiBuffer ( 20 ) , multiBuffer ( 21 ) )
line.Max = Dsm_to_SInt16 ( multiBuffer ( 22 ) , multiBuffer ( 23 ) )
line.Def = Dsm_to_SInt16 ( multiBuffer ( 24 ) , multiBuffer ( 25 ) )
DSM_MenuLinePostProcessing ( line )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " RESPONSE MenuLine: %s \n " , menuLine2String ( line ) ) end
return line
local function DSM_parseMenuValue ( )
--ex: 0x09 0x04 0x53 0x10 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
--ex: 0x09 0x04 0x61 0x10 0x02 0x10 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
-- Identify the line and update the value
local ctx = DSM_Context
local valId = Dsm_to_Int16 ( multiBuffer ( 14 ) , multiBuffer ( 15 ) )
local value = Dsm_to_SInt16 ( multiBuffer ( 16 ) , multiBuffer ( 17 ) ) --Signed int
local updatedLine = nil
for i = 0 , MAX_MENU_LINES do -- Find the menu line for this value
local line = ctx.MenuLines [ i ]
if line ~= nil and line.Type ~= 0 then
if line.Type ~= LINE_TYPE.MENU and line.ValId == valId then -- identifier of ValueId stored in the line
line.Val = value
ctx.CurLine = i
updatedLine = line
if ( updatedLine == nil ) then
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " ERROR, Cant find Menu Line with ValID=%X to update \n " , valId ) end
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " RESPONSE MenuValue: UPDATED: %s \n " , menuLine2String ( updatedLine ) )
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
local function DSM_parseReqTxInfo ( )
-- unknown... I think is trying to request info about TX (Wing type, etc)
-- 0x09 0x05 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x07 Menu: MAIN MENU
-- 0x09 0x05 0x01 0x1F 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x07 Menu: First Time Setup
-- Line ?? ????
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
local portNo = multiBuffer ( 12 )
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
TxInfo_Type = multiBuffer ( 13 )
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " RESPONSE ReqTXChannelInfo(#%d DataType=0x%0X DATA=%s) \n " , portNo , TxInfo_Type , multiBuffer2String ( ) ) end
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
TxInfo_Step = 0
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
return portNo
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Creates a fake line do display an error in the GUI
local function DSM_Add_Error_Menu_Line ( i , text )
local ctx = DSM_Context
local line = ctx.MenuLines [ i ]
ctx.CurLine = i
line.lineNum = i
line.MenuId = ctx.Menu . MenuId
line.Type = LINE_TYPE.MENU
line.TextId = 0
line.Text = text
line.ValId = ctx.Menu . MenuId
-- Singed int values
line.Min = 0
line.Max = 0
line.Def = 0
line.MinMaxOrig = " "
line.Val = nil
2022-11-18 03:41:59 -06:00
DSM_MenuLinePostProcessing ( line )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local function DSM_processResponse ( )
local ctx = DSM_Context
local cmd = multiBuffer ( 11 ) -- Response Command
if ( DEBUG_ON > 1 ) then LOG_write ( " %s: RESPONSE %s \n " , phase2String ( ctx.Phase ) , multiBuffer2String ( ) ) end
if ( DEBUG_ON and cmd > 0x00 ) then LOG_write ( " %3.3f %s: " , getElapsedTime ( ) , phase2String ( ctx.Phase ) ) end
if cmd == 0x01 then -- read version
DSM_parseRxVersion ( )
Lib.Init_Text ( DSM_Context.RX . Id )
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
ctx.isReset = false -- no longer resetting
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
elseif cmd == 0x02 then -- read menu title
local menu = DSM_parseMenu ( )
-- Update Selected Line navigation
if menu.NextId ~= 0 then
ctx.SelLine = NEXT_BUTTON -- highlight Next
ctx.SelLine = BACK_BUTTON -- highlight Back
2022-11-18 03:41:59 -06:00
if ( ctx.Menu . MenuId == 0x0001 ) then -- Still in RESETTING MENU???
-- Star from Start
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " RX Reset: Still not done, restart again!!! \n " ) end
ctx.Menu . MenuId = 0
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
elseif cmd == 0x03 then -- menu lines
local line = DSM_parseMenuLine ( )
-- Update Selected line navigation
if ( ctx.SelLine == BACK_BUTTON or ctx.SelLine == NEXT_BUTTON or ctx.SelLine == PREV_BUTTON )
and isSelectableLine ( line ) then -- Auto select the current line
ctx.SelLine = line.lineNum
elseif cmd == 0x04 then -- read menu values
DSM_parseMenuValue ( )
2022-12-02 01:53:13 -06:00
elseif cmd == 0x05 then -- Request TX Info
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
local portNo = DSM_parseReqTxInfo ( )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
if ( portNo == ctx.CurLine ) then
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-11-18 03:41:59 -06:00
-- We got the same line we already got. thi will continue
-- on a loop and disconnect RX
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
DSM_Add_Error_Menu_Line ( 0 , " \b Error: Cannot Load Menu Lines from RX " )
2022-11-18 03:41:59 -06:00
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " ERROR: Received Same menu line \n " ) end
end -- Got the next line.. keep requesting more
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
ctx.CurLine = portNo
2022-12-01 01:57:33 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
elseif cmd == 0xA7 then -- answer to EXIT command
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " RESPONSE Exit Confirm \n " ) end
DSM_ReleaseConnection ( )
elseif cmd == 0x00 then -- NULL response (or RX heartbeat)
if ( ctx.Phase == PHASE.WAIT_CMD ) then -- Dont show null while waiting for command to no fill the logs
if ( DEBUG_ON > 1 ) then LOG_write ( " %3.3f %s: RESPONSE NULL \n " , getElapsedTime ( ) , phase2String ( ctx.Phase ) ) end
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " %3.3f %s: RESPONSE NULL \n " , getElapsedTime ( ) , phase2String ( ctx.Phase ) ) end
if ( ctx.Phase == PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING ) then
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " RESPONSE Unknown Command (0x%X) DATA=%s \n " , cmd , multiBuffer2String ( ) ) end
return cmd
local function DSM_Send_Receive ( )
local context = DSM_Context
if Waiting_RX == 0 then -- Need to send a request
Waiting_RX = 1
DSM_sendRequest ( )
multiBuffer ( 10 , 0x00 ) -- Clear Response Buffer
InactivityTime = getTime ( ) + SEND_TIMEOUT -- Reset Inactivity timeout
elseif multiBuffer ( 10 ) == 0x09 then -- RX data available
local cmd = DSM_processResponse ( )
multiBuffer ( 10 , 0x00 ) -- Clear Response Buffer to know that we are done with the response
if ( cmd > 0x00 ) then -- Any non NULL response
-- Only change to SEND mode if we received a valid response (Ignore NULL Responses, that are really heartbeat i most cases)
Waiting_RX = 0
InactivityTime = getTime ( ) + SEND_TIMEOUT -- Reset Inactivity timeout
context.Refresh_Display = true
-- Check if enouth time has passed from last transmit/receive activity
if getTime ( ) > InactivityTime then
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then LOG_write ( " %3.3f %s: INACTIVITY TIMEOUT \n " , getElapsedTime ( ) , phase2String ( context.Phase ) ) end
InactivityTime = getTime ( ) + SEND_TIMEOUT
Waiting_RX = 0 -- Switch to Send mode to send heartbeat
if context.Phase == PHASE.EXIT then -- Did not receive response to Exit_Request
DSM_ReleaseConnection ( )
if context.Phase ~= PHASE.RX_VERSION and context.Phase ~= PHASE.VALUE_CHANGING_WAIT and
context.Phase ~= PHASE.WAIT_CMD then
-- Only change to WAIT_CMD if we are NOT already waiting for Data
context.Phase = PHASE.WAIT_CMD
context.Refresh_Display = true
if context.Phase == PHASE.RX_VERSION then
-- Refresh screen again
context.Refresh_Display = true
2022-11-18 03:41:59 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
local function load_msg_from_file ( fileName , mem , Text , List_Text , List_Text_Img , RxName , Flight_Mode )
local function rtrim ( s )
local n = string.len ( s )
while n > 0 and string.find ( s , " ^%s " , n ) do n = n - 1 end
return string.sub ( s , 1 , n )
--print(string.format("Loading messages from [%s]",fileName))
local dataFile = io.open ( fileName , " r " ) -- read File
-- cannot read file???
assert ( dataFile , " Cannot load Message file: " .. fileName )
local data = io.read ( dataFile , mem * 1024 ) -- read up to 10k characters (newline char also counts!)
io.close ( dataFile )
collectgarbage ( " collect " )
local lineNo = 0
for line in string.gmatch ( data , " [^ \r \n ]+ " ) do
lineNo = lineNo + 1
--print(string.format("Line [%d]: %s",lineNo,line))
-- Remove Comments
local s = string.find ( line , " -- " , 1 , true )
if ( s ~= nil ) then
line = string.sub ( line , 1 , s - 1 )
line = rtrim ( line )
if ( string.len ( line ) > 0 ) then
local a , b , c = string.match ( line , " %s*(%a*)%s*|%s*(%w*)%s*|(.*)%s* " )
--print(string.format("[%s] [%s] [%s]",a,b,c))
if ( a ~= nil ) then
local index = tonumber ( b )
if ( index == nil ) then
assert ( false , string.format ( " %s:%d: Invalid Hex num [%s] " , fileName , lineNo , b ) )
elseif ( a == " T " ) then
Text [ index ] = c
elseif ( a == " LT " ) then
List_Text [ index ] = c
elseif ( a == " LI " ) then
List_Text_Img [ index ] = c
elseif ( a == " FM " ) then
Flight_Mode [ 0 ] = c
elseif ( a == " RX " ) then
RxName [ index ] = c
assert ( false , string.format ( " %s:%d: Invalid Line Type [%s] " , fileName , lineNo , a ) )
if ( lineNo % 50 == 0 ) then
collectgarbage ( " collect " )
end -- For
--print(string.format("Loaded [%d] messages",lineNo))
data = nil
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Init
local function DSM_Init ( toolName )
local dateTime = getDateTime ( )
local dateStr = dateTime.year .. " - " .. dateTime.mon .. " - " .. dateTime.day .. " " .. dateTime.hour .. " : " .. dateTime.min
local ver , radio , maj , minor , rev , osname = getVersion ( )
if ( DEBUG_ON ) then
LOG_write ( " ---------------DSM New Session %s ---------------- \n " , toolName , dateStr )
LOG_write ( " Radio Info: %s \n " , radio .. " " .. ( osname or " OpenTx " ) .. " " .. ver )
LOG_write ( " Date : %s \n " , dateStr )
LOG_write ( " DsmLib Version : %s \n " , LIB_VERSION )
-- Phase Names
PhaseText [ PHASE.WAIT_CMD ] = " WAIT_CMD "
2022-12-01 01:57:33 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
PhaseText [ PHASE.EXIT ] = " EXIT "
2022-11-18 03:41:59 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Line Types
2022-11-29 00:46:40 -06:00
LineTypeText [ LINE_TYPE.MENU ] = " M "
LineTypeText [ LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU_NC ] = " LM_nc "
LineTypeText [ LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU ] = " LM "
LineTypeText [ LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU_TOG ] = " LM_tog "
LineTypeText [ LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_I8_NC ] = " V_nc "
LineTypeText [ LINE_TYPE.VALUE_PERCENT ] = " V_% "
LineTypeText [ LINE_TYPE.VALUE_DEGREES ] = " V_de "
LineTypeText [ LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_I8 ] = " V_i8 "
LineTypeText [ LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_I16 ] = " V_i16 "
LineTypeText [ LINE_TYPE.VALUE_NUM_SI16 ] = " V_s16 "
LineTypeText [ LINE_TYPE.LT_EMPTY ] = " Z "
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
DSM_ReadTxModelData ( )
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
-- Load messages from external file (/DSMLIB/msg_en.txt)
load_msg_from_file ( MSG_FILE , 10 , Text , List_Text , List_Text_Img , RxName , Flight_Mode )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local function DSM_Init_Text ( rxId )
--Text to be displayed
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
-- For menu lines who are not navigation to other menus (SubHeders or Plain text)
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
-- you can use some formatting options AT THE END OF THE STRING :
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Text allightment: /c = CENTER, /r = RIGHT
-- Text effects: /b = BOLD
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
-- Text formatting: /p = PERCENT numbers (forced if not in Line Type=PERCENT)
2022-12-20 16:48:23 -06:00
-- Navigaton: /m = Force to be a Menu button, when a menu navigates to itself,
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
-- is usually a message line.. but sometimes, we want to navigate to the same page to refresh values
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
-- array List_Values:
2023-01-15 04:27:34 -06:00
-- For some Menu LIST VALUES, special Lines of type:LIST_MENU1, the valur options seems not
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- to be contiguos, the array "Menu_List_Values" can help narrow down the
-- valid menu options. I think this should come from the RX, but cant find where.
-- Most of the times, Limes of type LIST_MENU1 comes with a 0->244 value range that is not correct
-- usually is Ihnibit + range of contiguos values, but cant seems to find in the RX data receive the values
-- to do it automatically
2022-12-20 15:58:38 -06:00
local function getTxChText ( ch )
return " ( " .. ( MODEL.TX_CH_TEXT [ ch ] or " -- " ) .. " ) "
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
-- OVERRIDES for list of valid VALUES and channel names
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Channel selection for SAFE MODE and GAINS on FC6250HX
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
-- List_Text[0x000C] = "Inhibit?" --?
2022-12-20 15:58:38 -06:00
for i = 0 , 7 do List_Text [ 0x000D + i ] = " Ch " .. ( i + 5 ) .. getTxChText ( i + 4 ) end -- Aux channels (Ch5 and Greater)
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Servo Output values..
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
local servoOutputValues = { 0x0003 , 0x002D , 0x002E , 0x002F } --Inh (GAP), 5.5ms, 11ms, 22ms. Fixing L_m1 with 0..244 range!
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
--List_Text[0x002D] = "5.5ms"
--List_Text[0x002E] = "11ms"
--List_Text[0x002F] = "22ms"
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Gain Values
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
local gainValues = { 0x0032 , 0x0033 , 0x0034 } -- 1X, 2X, 4X -- Fixing L_m1 with 0..244 range!
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
--List_Text[0x0032] = "1 X"
--List_Text[0x0033] = "2 X"
--List_Text[0x0034] = "4 X"
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
-- List of Channels for Safe, Gains, Panic, except FC6250HX that uses other range (0x00C..0x015)
-- the valid range Starts with GEAR if enabled (Thr,Ail,Ele,Rud are not valid, the RX reject them )
-- Valid Values: Inhibit? (GAP), Gear,Aux1..Aux7,X-Plus-1..XPlus-8
local channelValues = { 0x0035 , 0x003A , 0x003B , 0x003C , 0x003D , 0x003E , 0x003F , 0x0040 , 0x0041 , 0x0042 , 0x0043 , 0x0044 , 0x0045 , 0x0046 , 0x0047 , 0x0048 , 0x0049 }
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
--List_Text[0x0035] = "Inhibit?"
2022-12-20 15:58:38 -06:00
for i = 0 , 11 do List_Text [ 0x0036 + i ] = " Ch " .. ( i + 1 ) .. getTxChText ( i ) end -- Channels on AR637T
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-12-01 01:57:33 -06:00
for i = 1 , 8 do -- 41..49
2022-12-20 15:58:38 -06:00
List_Text [ 0x0041 + i ] = " Ch " .. ( i + 13 )
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
-- ****No longer overrides of previous XPlus values, since using different array
-- for List_Text values
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
if ( rxId ~= RX.FC6250HX ) then -- Restrictions for non FC6250HX
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
List_Values [ 0x0051 ] = servoOutputValues
List_Values [ 0x0052 ] = servoOutputValues
List_Values [ 0x0053 ] = servoOutputValues
List_Values [ 0x0054 ] = servoOutputValues
List_Values [ 0x0055 ] = servoOutputValues
List_Values [ 0x0056 ] = servoOutputValues
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Flight mode channel selection
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
--Text[0x0078] = "FM Channel"
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
if ( rxId ~= RX.FC6250HX ) then List_Values [ 0x0078 ] = channelValues end --FC6250HX uses other range
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Gain channel selection
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
--Text[0x0089] = "Gain Channel"
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
if ( rxId ~= RX.FC6250HX ) then List_Values [ 0x0089 ] = channelValues end --FC6250HX uses other range
2022-12-01 01:57:33 -06:00
-- Gain Sensitivity selection
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
--Text[0x008A] = "Gain Sensitivity/r";
List_Values [ 0x008A ] = gainValues -- Right Alight, (L_M1 was wide open range 0->244)
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-12-01 01:57:33 -06:00
-- Safe mode options, Ihnibit + this values
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
local safeModeOptions = { 0x0003 , 0x00B0 , 0x00B1 } -- inh (gap), "Self-Level/Angle Dem, Envelope
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
--List_Text[0x00B0] = "Self-Level/Angle Dem"
--List_Text[0x00B1] = "Envelope"
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
--Text[0x00D2] = "Panic Channel"
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
if ( rxId ~= RX.FC6250HX ) then List_Values [ 0x00D2 ] = channelValues end --FC6250HX uses other range
2022-12-01 01:57:33 -06:00
--Inh, Self-Level/Angle Dem, Envelope -- (L_M was wide open range 0->244)
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
--Text[0x01F8] = "Safe Mode";
List_Values [ 0x01F8 ] = safeModeOptions
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
2022-12-01 01:57:33 -06:00
-- Adjust the displayed value for Flight mode line as needed
2022-11-29 16:23:10 -06:00
local function GetFlightModeValue ( line )
2022-12-01 01:57:33 -06:00
local value = line.Val or 0 -- protect when in the middle of changing FM can be nil
2022-11-29 16:23:10 -06:00
local textId = line.TextId
local header = line.Text
2022-12-01 01:57:33 -06:00
local out = value .. " "
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
2022-11-29 16:23:10 -06:00
if ( textId == 0x8000 ) then -- FC6250HX
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
if ( DSM_Context.RX . Id == RX.FC6250HX ) then
-- Helicopter Flights modes
2022-12-01 01:57:33 -06:00
if ( value == 0 ) then out = header .. " 1 / Normal 1 "
elseif ( value == 1 ) then out = header .. " 2 / Normal 2 "
elseif ( value == 2 ) then out = header .. " 3 / Stunt 1 "
elseif ( value == 3 ) then out = header .. " 4 / Stunt 2 "
elseif ( value == 4 ) then out = header .. " 5 / Hold "
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
out = header .. " " .. value
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
-- No adjustment needed
2022-12-20 15:58:38 -06:00
out = header .. " " .. ( value + 1 )
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
2022-12-01 01:57:33 -06:00
elseif ( textId == 0x8001 ) then -- AR630-637, AR8360T, AR10360T
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
-- Seems that we really have to add +1 to the value, so Flight Mode 0 is Really Flight Mode 1
out = header .. " " .. ( value + 1 )
-- Default, return the value as we Have it
2022-12-20 15:58:38 -06:00
out = header .. " " .. ( value + 1 )
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
return out
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Export Constants
Lib.RX = RX
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Export Shared Context Variables
Lib.DSM_Context = DSM_Context
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
-- Export Functions
Lib.LOG_write = LOG_write
Lib.LOG_close = LOG_close
Lib.getElapsedTime = getElapsedTime
Lib.Get_Text = Get_Text
2022-11-20 11:01:16 -06:00
Lib.Get_List_Text = Get_List_Text
Lib.Get_List_Text_Img = Get_List_Text_Img
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
Lib.phase2String = phase2String
Lib.lineValue2String = lineValue2String
Lib.menu2String = menu2String
Lib.menuLine2String = menuLine2String
2022-12-18 12:45:50 -06:00
Lib.channelType2String = channelType2String
2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
Lib.isSelectableLine = isSelectableLine
Lib.isEditableLine = isEditableLine
Lib.isListLine = isListLine
Lib.isPercentValueLine = isPercentValueLine
Lib.isPercentValueLineByMinMax = isPercentValueLineByMinMax
Lib.isNumberValueLine = isNumberValueLine
Lib.isDisplayAttr = isDisplayAttr
2022-11-28 13:00:16 -06:00
Lib.isFlightModeLine = isFlightModeLine
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Lib.GetFlightModeValue = GetFlightModeValue
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Lib.StartConnection = DSM_StartConnection
Lib.ReleaseConnection = DSM_ReleaseConnection
Lib.ChangePhase = DSM_ChangePhase
Lib.MenuPostProcessing = DSM_MenuPostProcessing
Lib.MenuLinePostProcessing = DSM_MenuLinePostProcessing
Lib.Value_Add = DSM_Value_Add
Lib.Value_Default = DSM_Value_Default
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Lib.Value_Write_Validate = DSM_Value_Write_Validate
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Lib.GotoMenu = DSM_GotoMenu
Lib.MoveSelectionLine = DSM_MoveSelectionLine
Lib.Send_Receive = DSM_Send_Receive
Lib.Init = DSM_Init
Lib.Init_Text = DSM_Init_Text
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Lib.SetDSMChannelInfo = DSM_SetDSMChannelInfo
2023-04-16 14:42:31 -05:00
Lib.Get_RxName = Get_RxName
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2022-11-17 02:42:04 -06:00
return Lib