This script library enhances the original DSM Forward Programming tool. DSM Forward Programming is needed to setup many of the new Spektrum Receivers with Gyro AS3X/SAFE features. For the Gyro (/Safe) to correct the plane in flight, it needs to move the right surfaces therefore the RX needs to know the configuration of the plane (Wing Type, Tail Type, Mixers, Servo Assignments, Servo Reverse). That info tells the RX where the aileron(s) are (one or two), where the elevator(s) are (one or two), V-Tail, Delta Wing, etc.
Since EdgeTx/OpenTx doesn’t have an equivalent setup that is stored in the radio, we have to create our own version. This info is stored inside the `/MODELS/DSMDATA` directory/folder (which needs to be created by manually).
During `"Gyro Settings->initial setup"`, the RX asks the TX for model information behind the scenes. After setup, `"Gyro Settings->System Tools-> Relearn Servo Settings"` requests the TX configuration and stores it in the RX.
When upgrading from a previous version of this tool, delete your /SCRIPTS/TOOLS/DSMLIB before copying the new one (if you customized your images, inside "DSMLIB/img" do a backup first)
1.`RX not accepting channels higher than Ch6 for Flight-mode o Gains:`
V0.53 improve this.. you can select any channel now. Additionally, if you already mapped the Switch to the channel, togling once the switch will select the channel on the menu field.
<s>V0.52 and prior: The RX corrects your channel to ch5 or ch6. This means that the RX is not
detecting the upper channels from the TX. You need to exercise (move the switch) so that the RX detects it. Put the Channel Field on edit (changing) mode, change it to Ch7 (or any other), flip the switch for Ch7 3 times, now confirm the edit. The RX now will not reject it. All Spektrum RX are 20 channels internally, even if it only has 6 external Ch/Ports to connect servos. </s>
Radios with Multi-Module are usually configured to work the standard AETR convention. Spektrum uses TAER. The multi-module does the conversion when transmitting the signals. So `Spektrum Ch1 (Throttle)` really comes from the `TX Ch3`. We show both information (+name from the TX output). If your multi-module/radio is setup as TAER, the script will not do the re-arrangement.
3.`If i change the model name, the original model settings are lost.` This is correct, the model name is used to generate the file name (inside /MODEL/DSMDATA) who stores the model configuration. Currently EdgeTx and OpenTX has differt features where i could get either the Model Name or the YAML file where the EdgeTX model configuration is stored.. to keep the code compatible, the model name is used.
4.`Reversing a channel in my TX do not reverse the AS3X/SAFE reaction.` Correct, the chanel stick direction and the Gyro direction are two separate things.
4.1: First, you have setup your model so that the sticks and switches moves the surfaces in the right direction.
4.2: Go to the script, `Model Setup` and setup your wing type, tail type, and select the channel assigment for each surface. Leave the servo settings the same as the values in the TX to start.
4.3: AR63X family: Go to `Forward programming->Gyro Setting->Initial Setup` (New/factory reset), or `Forward programming->Gyro Setting->System Setup->Relearn Servo Settings` (not new). This will load your urrent Gyro servo settings into the plane's RX.
4.4: Verify that the AS3X and SAFE reacts in the proper direction. You can use the Flight mode confugured as "Safe Mode: Auto-Level" to see if it moves the surfaces in the right direction.
4.5: If a surface don't move in the right direction, go to the `Model Setup->Gyro Channel Reverse` to reverse the Gyro on the channels needed, and do again the `Forward programming->Gyro Setting->System Setup->Relearn Servo Settings` to tranfer the new settings to the RX.
4.6: Specktrum TX always passes the TX servo reverse as the Gyro Reverse, but on many OpenTX/EdgeTX radios, the Rud/Ail are usually reversed by default compared to Specktrum. So far i don't think that i can use this as a rule, that is why the `Gyro Channel Reverse` page exist.
1. Improved channel selection (Flight mode, Panic Channel, Gains Channel). Now during editing a channel, you can select any channel (>Ch4). Also, of you toggle the switch/channel it will populate the screen.
2. Support for smaller screens (128x64) in B&W. The problem with this older radios is memory. In some, it does not have enouth memory to load the additional DSMLIB libraries.
3. Fix formatting problem with some TX channel names who could affect the screen.. for example, rud channel should show "Ch4/rud", but shows "Ch4ud" because /r is for right justify formatting on messages. Now the formatting is only if it appears at the end of the message.
Please report if you have tested it with other receivers to allow us to update the documentation. Code should work up to 10 channels for the main surfaces (Ail/Ele/etc). All Spektrum RX are internally 20 channels, so you can use Ch7 for Flight Mode even if your RX is only 6 channels (See common Questions)
Fixed in version 0.53. no longer a tick to select it.
<s>I ran into a case where trying to set Aux2 or Aux3 for flight mode, but the RX was correcting it to Aux1.. the RX only was allowing Gear or Aux1 (AR631/AR637).
This is because the RX doesn’t know that we are using more than 6 channels. To make the RX aware that there are other channels, while editing the channel, you have to toggle the switch to exercise the channel (3 times), and now the RX will recognize it.</s>
If in a screen you get text that looks like `Unknown_XX` (ex: Unknown_D3), that message has not been setup in the script in english. If you can determine what the proper message is, you can send us a message to be added to the library.
If you want to fix it in your local copy, all messages are towards the end in the file `SCRIPT\TOOS\DSMLIB\DsmFwPrgLib.lua`. Messages for Headers are stored in `Text` and messages for Options are stored in `List_Text`. Lua scripts are text files, and can be edited with Notepad or equivalent.
The log file of the last use of the script is located at `/LOGS/dsm_log.txt`. **It is overridden on every start to avoid filling up the SD card**. So if you want to keep it, copy or rename it before starting the script again. (it can be renamed in the TX by browsing the SD card)
The log is human readable. The first number is the number of seconds since the start, and then what is the current state of the Library, and what has been sent and received. The info in the log can be easily used to create a new simulation for that RX in the future.
For example, I ran into a case where trying to set Aux2 or Aux3 for flight mode, but the RX was correcting it back to Aux1.. the RX only was allowing Gear or Aux1 (AR631/AR637).. in this case, toggle the Switch while editing it on the screen.
- RX simulation for GUI development: turn on `SIMULATION_ON=true` in the beginning of the lua file
- Test it on AR631, AR637xx, FC6250HX (Helicopter)
### Some settings that can change (top of Lua file):
SIMULATION_ON = false -- FALSE: use real communication to DSM RX (DEFAULT), TRUE: use a simulated version of RX
DEBUG_ON = 1 -- 0=NO DEBUG, 1=HIGH LEVEL 2=LOW LEVEL (Debug logged into the /LOGS/dsm_log.txt)
DEBUG_ON_LCD = false -- Interactive Information on LCD of Menu data from RX
USE_SPECKTRUM_COLORS = true -- true: Use spectrum colors, false: use theme colors (default on OpenTX, OpenTX handle colors different)
### Known Problems:
1.**Incorrect List Value Options:** Some Menu List line (`LINE_TYPE.LIST_MENU1` or `L_m1` in logs), the range (min/max) of valid values seems to be incorrect, but cannot see in the data how to fix it.
Some of the valid values are not even sequential, very spread apart. There has to be a list of valid options somewhere. Currently fixed some by overriding the valid values in the script code (config for each field).